# # Can be included into Controllers in your project to allow them to act as though they are CMS pages. # This means they can be: # # 1. Marked as having requiring permission as though they were in a particular section. # 2. Handle errors thrown from within the methods in the same way that CMS Pages do. # 3. Use CMS page templates as layouts (like TemplateSupport) # # This is intend to replace and deprecate TemplateSupport (which will be supported for a while for backwards compatibility) # # Minor Issue: # Error handling for Page not found behaves slightly differently than ContentController currently. If the user is logged # in as an editor, they will get a 500 page rather than 404. This would require reworking how the error processing # works in Cms::ContentRenderingSupport. module Cms module Acts # Override some of the behavior defined in Cms::PageHelper so templates display correctly Rails Controllers module PageHelper # Do not show the toolbar on Acts::As::ContentPages def cms_toolbar "" end # If we are showing an error page, use that. Otherwise, just a blank page object that has a default title. def current_page super ? super : OpenStruct.new(page_title: controller.class.name.gsub("Controller", "")) end end module ContentPage def self.included(base) base.send :include, Cms::ContentRenderingSupport base.send :include, Cms::Authentication::Controller base.extend ClassMethods base.helper Cms::PageHelper base.helper Cms::RenderingHelper base.helper Cms::MenuHelper base.helper Cms::Acts::PageHelper base.helper Cms::UiElementsHelper base.helper Cms::PathHelper base.send :include, Cms::NavMenuHelper end # Allows a Controller method to set a page title for an action. def page_title=(title) @page_title = title end # Before filter that determines if the current user can access a specific section. def check_access_to_section user = current_user logger.warn "Checking that current_user '#{user.login}' has access to view section with path '#{self.class.in_section}'." unless user.able_to_view?(self.class.in_section) store_location raise Cms::Errors::AccessDenied end end module ClassMethods # Requires that some or all of the actions on this controller require the same permissions as a specific section of the website. # Note that section paths aren't currently unique so the 'first' section found will be looked at. # # Params: # path - Should match the 'path' attribute for a given section. # options - Hash of options that will be passed to the before_filter call. See before_filter for valid options. # # Example: # MyController < ApplicationController # include Cms::Acts::ContentPage # requires_permission_for_section "/somepath", :except=>"action_name" # ... # def requires_permission_for_section(path, options={}) logger.warn "Setting path #{path}" @section_path = path before_filter :check_access_to_section, options end def in_section @section_path end end end end end