# CouchRest Model Change History ## 2.0.0 - 2013-10-04 * Added design doc migration support, including for proxied models * Rake tasks available for migrations * Rails config option now available: `config.couchrest_model.auto_update_design_docs = false` * Skipping 1.2 version due to design doc API changes * Added 'couchrest_typecast' class method support for typecasting with special classes. * Added :allow_blank option to properties so that empty strings are forced to nil. * Modified associations to use allow_blank property * Incorported Rails 3.2 support changes (Thanks @jodosha) * Kaminari support upgraded to use 0.14.0 API (Thanks @amatsuda) * JSON Oj support, fixed some Time handling issues * Simplifying number typecasting to always provide a number, or nil. * Reduce option in views now accepts symbols: `:sum` to `'_sum'` * Dirty tracking now supports CastedArray#insert method. * Support for Rails 4.0. * Removing support for <= Ruby 1.9.2. * Fixing model translation support. * Fixing `belongs_to` setting foreign key cache issue. * Support typecasting `Symbol` * Added `:array` option to properties * Typecasting Dates, Times, and Booleans, with invalid values returns nil * API Breaking Changes * Properties with blocks are now singular unless the `array: true` option is passed. ## 1.2.0.beta - 2012-06-08 * Completely refactored Design Document handling. * Removed old `view` and `view_by` methods. * CouchRest::Model::Base.respond_to_missing? and respond_to? (Kim Burgestrand) (later removed) * Time#as_json now insists on using xmlschema with 3 fraction digits by default. * Added time_fraction_digits configuration object ## 1.1.2 - 2011-07-23 * Minor fixes * Upgrade to couchrest 1.1.2 * Override as_couch_json to ensure nil values not stored * Removing restriction that prohibited objects that cast as an array to be loaded. ## 1.1.1 - 2011-07-04 * Minor fix * Bumping CouchRest version dependency for important initialize method fix. * Ensuring super on Embeddable#initialize can be called. ## 1.1.0 - 2011-06-25 * Major Alterations * CastedModel no longer requires a Hash. Automatically includes all required methods. * CastedModel module renamed to Embeddable (old still works!) * Minor Fixes * Validation callbacks now support context (thanks kostia) * Document comparisons now performed using database and document ID (pointer by neocsr) * Automatic config generation now supported (thanks lucasrenan) * Comparing documents resorts to Hash comparison if both IDs are nil. (pointer by kostia) ## 1.1.0.rc1 - 2011-06-08 * New Features * Properties with a nil value are now no longer sent to the database. * Now possible to build new objects via CastedArray#build * Implement #get! and #find! class methods * Now is possible delete particular elements in casted array(Kostiantyn Kahanskyi) * Minor fixes * #as_json now correctly uses ActiveSupports methods. * Rails 3.1 support (Peter Williams) * Initialization blocks when creating new models (Peter Williams) * Removed railties dependency (DAddYE) * DesignDoc cache refreshed if a database is deleted. * Fixing dirty tracking on collection_of association. * Uniqueness Validation views created on initialization, not on demand! * #destroy freezes object instead of removing _id and _rev, better for callbacks (pointer by karmi) * #destroyed? method now available * #reload no longer uses Hash#merge! which was causing issues with dirty tracking on casted models. (pointer by kostia) * Non-property mass assignment on #new no longer possible without :directly_set_attributes option. * Using CouchRest 1.1.0.pre3. (No more Hashes!) * Fixing problem assigning a CastedHash to a property declared as a Hash (Kostiantyn Kahanskyi, gfmtim) ## 1.1.0.beta5 - 2011-04-30 * Major changes: * Database auto configuration, with connection options! * Changed default CouchRest Model type to 'type' to be more consistent with ActiveRecord's reserverd words we're all used to (sorry for the change again!!) * Minor changes * Added filter option to designs (Used with CouchDB _changes feeds) ## 1.1.0.beta4 * Major changes: * Fast Dirty Tracking! Many thanks to @sobakasu (Andrew Williams) * Default CouchRest Model type field now set to 'model' instead of 'couchrest-type'. * Minor enhancements: * Adding "couchrest-hash" to Design Docs with aim to improve view update handling. * Major changes to the way design document updates are handled internally. * Added "auto_update_design_doc" configuration option. * Using #descending on View object will automatically swap startkey with endkey. ## 1.1.0.beta3 * Removed ## 1.1.0.beta2 * Minor enhancements: * Time handling improved in accordance with CouchRest 1.1.0. Always set to UTC. * Refinements to associations and uniqueness validation for proxy (based on issue found by Gleb Kanterov) * Added :allow_nil and :allow_blank options when creating a new view * Unique Validation now supports scopes! * Added support for #keys with list on Design View. ## 1.1.0.beta * Epic enhancements: * Added "View" object for dynamic view queries * Added easy to use proxy_for and proxied_by class methods for proxying data * Minor enhancements: * A yield parameter in an anonymous casted model property block is no longer required (@samlown) * Narrow the rescued exception to avoid catching class evaluation errors that has nothing to to with the association (thanks Simone Carletti) * Fix validate uniqueness test that was never executed (thanks Simone Carletti) * Adds a #reload method to reload document attributes (thanks Simone Carletti) * Numeric types can be casted from strings with leading or trailing whitespace (thanks chrisdurtschi) * CollectionProxy no longer provided by default with simple views (pending deprication) ## CouchRest Model 1.0.0 * Major enhancements * Support for configuration module and "model_type_key" option for overriding model's type key * Added "mass_assign_any_attribute" configuration option to allow setting anything via the attribute= method. * Minor enhancements * Fixing find("") issue (thanks epochwolf) * Altered protected attributes so that hash provided to #attributes= is not modified * Altering typecasting for floats to better handle commas and points * Fixing the lame pagination bug where database url (and pass!!) were included in view requests (Thanks James Hayton) Notes: * 2010-10-22 @samlown: * ActiveModel Attribute support was added but has now been removed due to major performance issues. Until these have been resolved (if possible?!) they should not be included. See the 'active_model_attrs' if you'd like to test. ## CouchRest Model 1.0.0.beta8 * Major enhancements * Added model generator * Minor enhancements * Raise error on adding objects to "collection_of" without an id * Allow mixing of protected and accessible properties. Any unspecified properties are now assumed to be protected by default * Parsing times without zone * Using latest rspec (2.0.0.beta.19) ## CouchRest Model 1.0.0.beta7 * Major enhancements * Renamed ExtendedDocument to CouchRest::Model * Added initial support for simple belongs_to associations * Added support for basic collection_of association (unique to document databases!) * Moved Validation to ActiveModel * Moved Callbacks to ActiveModel * Removed support for properties defined using a string for the type instead of a class * Validation always included * Uniqueness validation now available * Minor enhancements * Removed support for auto_validate! and :length on properties ## 1.0.0.beta6 * Major enhancements * Added support for anonymous CastedModels defined in Documents * Minor enhancements * Added 'find_by_*' alias for finding first item in view with matching key. * Fixed issue with active_support in Rails3 and text in README for JSON. * Refactoring of properties, added read_attribute and write_attribute methods. * Now possible to send anything to update_attribtues method. Invalid or readonly attributes will be ignored. * Attributes with arrays are *always* instantiated as a CastedArray. * Setting a property of type Array (or keyed hash) must be an array or an error will be raised. * Now possible to set Array attribute from hash where keys determine order. ## 1.0.0.beta5 * Minor enhancements * Added 'find' alias for 'get' for easier rails transition ## 1.0.0.beta3 * Minor enhancements * Removed Validation by default, requires too many structure changes (FAIL) * Added support for instantiation of documents read from database as couchrest-type provided (Sam Lown) * Improved attachment handling for detecting file type (Sam Lown) * Removing some monkey patches and relying on active_support for constantize and humanize (Sam Lown) * Added support for setting type directly on property (Sam Lown) ## 1.0.0.beta2 * Minor enhancements * Enable Validation by default and refactored location (Sam Lown) ## 1.0.0.beta * Major enhancements * Separated ExtendedDocument from main CouchRest gem (Sam Lown) * Minor enhancements * active_support included by default ## 0.37 * Minor enhancements * Added gemspec (needed for Bundler install) (Tapajós) ## 0.36 * Major enhancements * Adds support for continuous replication (sauy7) * Automatic Type Casting (Alexander Uvarov, Sam Lown, Tim Heighes, Will Leinweber) * Added a search method to CouchRest:Database to search the documents in a given database. (Dave Farkas, Arnaud Berthomier, John Wood) * Minor enhancements * Provide a description of the timeout error (John Wood) ## 0.35 * Major enhancements * CouchRest::ExtendedDocument allow chaining the inherit class callback (Kenneth Kalmer) - http://github.com/couchrest/couchrest/issues#issue/8 * Minor enhancements * Fix attachment bug (Johannes Jörg Schmidt) * Fix create database exception bug (Damien Mathieu) * Compatible with restclient >= 1.4.0 new responses (Julien Kirch) * Bug fix: Attribute protection no longer strips attributes coming from the database (Will Leinweber) * Bug fix: Remove double CGI escape when PUTting an attachment (nzoschke) * Bug fix: Changing Class proxy to set database on result sets (Peter Gumeson) * Bug fix: Updated time regexp (Nolan Darilek) * Added an update_doc method to database to handle conflicts during atomic updates. (Pierre Larochelle) * Bug fix: http://github.com/couchrest/couchrest/issues/#issue/2 (Luke Burton) ## 0.34 * Major enhancements * Added support for https database URIs. (Mathias Meyer) * Changing some validations to be compatible with activemodel. (Marcos Tapajós) * Adds attribute protection to properties. (Will Leinweber) * Improved CouchRest::Database#save_doc, added "batch" mode to significantly speed up saves at cost of lower durability gurantees. (Igal Koshevoy) * Added CouchRest::Database#bulk_save_doc and #batch_save_doc as human-friendlier wrappers around #save_doc. (Igal Koshevoy) * Minor enhancements * Fix content_type handling for attachments * Fixed a bug in the pagination code that caused it to paginate over records outside of the scope of the view parameters.(John Wood) * Removed amount_pages calculation for the pagination collection, since it cannot be reliably calculated without a view.(John Wood) * Bug fix: http://github.com/couchrest/couchrest/issues/#issue/2 (Luke Burton) * Bug fix: http://github.com/couchrest/couchrest/issues/#issue/1 (Marcos Tapajós) * Removed the Database class deprecation notices (Matt Aimonetti) * Adding support to :cast_as => 'Date'. (Marcos Tapajós) * Improve documentation (Marcos Tapajós) * Streamer fixes (Julien Sanchez) * Fix Save on Document & ExtendedDocument crashed if bulk (Julien Sanchez) * Fix Initialization of ExtendentDocument model shouldn't failed on a nil value in argument (deepj) * Change to use Jeweler and Gemcutter (Marcos Tapajós) ## 0.33 * Major enhancements * Added a new Rack logger middleware letting you log/save requests/queries (Matt Aimonetti) * Minor enhancements * Added #amount_pages to a paginated result array (Matt Aimonetti) * Ruby 1.9.2 compatible (Matt Aimonetti) * Added a property? method for property cast as :boolean (John Wood) * Added an option to force the deletion of a attachments (bypass 409s) (Matt Aimonetti) * Created a new abstraction layer for the REST API (Matt Aimonetti) * Bug fix: made ExtendedDocument#all compatible with Couch 0.10 (tc) ## 0.32 * Major enhancements * ExtendedDocument.get doesn't raise an exception anymore. If no documents are found nil is returned. * ExtendedDocument.get! works the say #get used to work and will raise an exception if a document isn't found. * Minor enhancements * Bug fix: Model.all(:keys => [1,2]) was not working (Matt Aimonetti) * Added ValidationErrors#count in order to play nicely with Rails (Peter Wagenet) * Bug fix: class proxy design doc refresh (Daniel Kirsh) * Bug fix: the count method on the proxy collection was missing (Daniel Kirsch) * Added #amount_pages to a paginated collection. (Matt Aimonetti) ## 0.31 * Major enhancements * Created an abstraction HTTP layer to support different http adapters (Matt Aimonetti) * Added ExtendedDocument.create({}) and #create!({}) so you don't have to do Model.new.create (Matt Aimonetti) * Minor enhancements * Added an init.rb file for easy usage as a Rails plugin (Aaron Quint) * Bug fix: pagination shouldn't die on empty results (Arnaud Berthomier) * Optimized ExtendedDocument.count to run about 3x faster (Matt Aimonetti) * Added Float casting (Ryan Felton & Matt Aimonetti) ## 0.30 * Major enhancements * Added support for pagination (John Wood) * Improved performance when initializing documents with timestamps (Matt Aimonetti) * Minor enhancements * Extended the API to retrieve an attachment URI (Matt Aimonetti) * Bug fix: default value should be able to be set as false (Alexander Uvarov) * Bug fix: validates_is_numeric should be able to properly validate a Float instance (Rob Kaufman) * Bug fix: fixed the Timeout implementation (Seth Falcon) --- Unfortunately, before 0.30 we did not keep a track of the modifications made to CouchRest. You can see the full commit history on GitHub: http://github.com/couchrest/couchrest/commits/master/