module SimpleService class Organizer include ServiceBase::InstanceMethods extend ServiceBase::ClassMethods attr_accessor :context def initialize(context = {}) @context = context symbolize_context_keys setup_call_chain define_getters_and_setters end def self.commands(*args) @commands = args end def commands self.class.instance_variable_get('@commands') end def call # underscores used to disambiguate local vars from methods with the same name with_validation do |_commands| _commands.each do |command| # halt further command calls if success has been set to false # in a previously called command break if context[:success] == false # if command class defines "expects" then only feed the command # those keys, otherwise just give it the entire context _context = if command.get_expects.any? {}.tap do |c| command.get_expects.each {|key| c[key] = context[key] } end else context end # instantiate and call the command new_context = # update the master context with the results of the command @context.merge!(new_context) end end end # allow execution of the service from the class level for those # that prefer that style def = {}) end private def with_validation # don't mess with the context if we are doing internal validation add_validation_keys_to_context unless skip_validation # ensure that the organizer and commands are setup correctly # by injecting an internal service organizer into the stack of # commands to be executed. Only include this if skip_validation is # not set. Since both user defined and internal services use this code # the skip_validation avoids an infinite loop _commands = skip_validation ? commands : [EnsureOrganizerIsValid] + commands yield(_commands) # cleanup context keys that are used by the validation so the final # return is clean even if the user does not define "returns" in their # organizer remove_validation_keys_from_context unless skip_validation end def add_validation_keys_to_context context.merge!(validation_hash) end def remove_validation_keys_from_context validation_hash.keys.each do |key| context.delete(key) end end def validation_hash @validation_hash ||= { provided_keys: context.keys, expected_keys: expects, provided_commands: commands } end end end