module Madmin class ResourceBuilder attr_reader :model def initialize(model) @model = model end def associations model.reflections.reject { |name, association| # Hide these special associations name.starts_with?("rich_text") || name.ends_with?("_attachment") || name.ends_with?("_attachments") || name.ends_with?("_blob") || name.ends_with?("_blobs") }.keys end def attributes model.attribute_names + virtual_attributes - redundant_attributes end def store_accessors model.stored_attributes.values.flatten end def virtual_attributes virtual = [] # has_secure_password columns password_attributes = { |k| k.ends_with?("_digest") }.map { |k| k.delete_suffix("_digest") } virtual += { |attr| [attr, "#{attr}_confirmation"] }.flatten # ActiveRecord Store columns virtual += # Add virtual attributes for ActionText and ActiveStorage model.reflections.each do |name, association| if name.starts_with?("rich_text") virtual << name.split("rich_text_").last elsif name.ends_with?("_attachment") virtual << name.split("_attachment").first elsif name.ends_with?("_attachments") virtual << name.split("_attachments").first end end virtual end def redundant_attributes redundant = [] # has_secure_password columns redundant += { |k| k.ends_with?("_digest") } # ActiveRecord Store columns store_columns = model.stored_attributes.keys redundant += model.reflections.each do |name, association| if association.has_one? next elsif association.collection? next elsif association.polymorphic? redundant << "#{name}_id" redundant << "#{name}_type" elsif name.starts_with?("rich_text") redundant << name else # belongs to redundant << "#{name}_id" end end redundant end end end