module Api module V2 class ForeignInputSetsController < ::Api::V2::BaseController include ::Api::Version2 include ::Foreman::Renderer include ::Foreman::Controller::Parameters::ForeignInputSet before_action :find_required_nested_object before_action :find_resource, :only => %w{show update destroy} api :GET, '/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets', N_('List foreign input sets') param :template_id, :identifier, :required => true param_group :search_and_pagination, ::Api::V2::BaseController def index @foreign_input_sets = nested_obj.foreign_input_sets.search_for(*search_options).paginate(paginate_options) end api :GET, '/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id', N_('Show foreign input set details') param :template_id, :identifier, :required => true param :id, :identifier, :required => true def show end def_param_group :foreign_input_set do param :foreign_input_set, Hash, :required => true, :action_aware => true do param :target_template_id, :identifier, :required => true, :desc => N_('Target template ID') param :include_all, :bool, :desc => N_('Include all inputs from the foreign template') param :include, String, :desc => N_('A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template.') param :exclude, String, :desc => N_('A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template.') param :description, String, :required => false, :desc => N_('Input set description') end end api :POST, '/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/', N_('Create a foreign input set') param :template_id, :identifier, :required => true param_group :foreign_input_set, :as => :create def create @foreign_input_set = => process_response end api :DELETE, '/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id', N_('Delete a foreign input set') param :template_id, :identifier, :required => true param :id, :identifier, :required => true def destroy process_response @foreign_input_set.destroy end api :PUT, '/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id', N_('Update a foreign input set') param :template_id, :identifier, :required => true param :id, :identifier, :required => true param_group :foreign_input_set def update process_response @foreign_input_set.update(foreign_input_set_params) end def resource_name(nested_resource = nil) nested_resource || 'foreign_input_set' end def controller_permission 'templates' end def action_permission case params[:action] when :create, :edit, :destroy 'edit' else super end end private def resource_class ForeignInputSet end end end end