module Solr # :nodoc:all class SchemaGenerator attr_reader :types # Takes an array of index type configs. # def initialize configuration @types = configuration.types end # # def generate generate_schema_for bound_field_names end # Returns a binding with the values needed for the schema xml. # def bound_field_names field_names = combine_field_names binding end # TODO # def combine_field_names field_names = [] types.each do |type| field_names += end field_names.uniq! field_names end # # def generate_schema_for binding template_text = read_template result = evaluate_erb template_text, binding write result end # # def evaluate_erb text, binding require 'erb' template = text template.result binding end # # def read_template template_path = File.join PICKY_ROOT, 'solr', 'conf', 'schema.xml.erb' schema = '', 'r') do |file| schema = end schema end # # def write result schema_path = File.join PICKY_ROOT, 'solr', 'conf', 'schema.xml', 'w') do |file| file << result end end end end