module Gem class Specification alias_method :__licenses, :licenses LICENSE_REFERENCES = [ /released under the (?[\s\w]*) license/i, /same license as (?[\s\w]*)/i, /^(?[\s\w]*) License, see/i, /^(?[\w]*) license$/i, /\(the (?[\s\w]*) license\)/i, /^license: (?[\s\w]*)/i, /^released under the (?[\s\w]*) license/i, /license: (?[\s\w]*)$/i, /^same as (?[\s\w]*)/i, /license of (?[\s\w]*)/i ] def licenses ary = (__licenses || []).keep_if { |l| l.length > 0 } ary.length == 0 ? guess_licenses : ary end def guess_licenses licenses = [] Dir.foreach(full_gem_path) do |filename| case File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename)).downcase when /license/ parts = filename.split('-') return [parts[0].upcase] if parts.length >= 2 licenses = guess_licenses_from_file File.join(full_gem_path, filename) when /copying|readme/ licenses = guess_licenses_from_file File.join(full_gem_path, filename) end break if licenses.length > 0 end licenses << 'unknown' if licenses.length == 0 licenses rescue Errno::ENOENT # TODO: warning [] end def self.common_licenses @common_licenses ||= Hash[ Dir.glob(File.expand_path('../../../common_licenses/*', __FILE__)).map do |f| [File.basename(f), normalize_text(] end ] end def self.normalize_text(text) text.downcase.to_s.gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, ' ').gsub(/[[:punct:]]/, '').strip rescue ArgumentError nil end private def guess_licenses_from_file(path) licenses = guess_licenses_from_reference(path) return licenses if licenses.any? guess_licenses_from_contents(path) end def guess_licenses_from_reference(path) file_handle =, 'r') begin while (line = file_handle.gets) line = line.strip # positive matches LICENSE_REFERENCES.each do |r| res = r.match(line) return [res['l']] if res end end rescue # TODO: warning ensure file_handle.close end [] end def guess_licenses_from_contents(path), 'r') do |file| contents = match, _ = self.class.common_licenses.detect do |_key, lic| normalized = self.class.normalize_text(contents) normalized.include?(lic) if normalized end return [match].compact end end end end