#import "YapDatabaseFullTextSearchTransaction.h" #import "YapDatabaseFullTextSearchPrivate.h" #import "YapDatabaseExtensionPrivate.h" #import "YapDatabasePrivate.h" #import "YapDatabaseString.h" #import "YapDatabaseLogging.h" #if ! __has_feature(objc_arc) #warning This file must be compiled with ARC. Use -fobjc-arc flag (or convert project to ARC). #endif /** * Define log level for this file: OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, VERBOSE * See YapDatabaseLogging.h for more information. **/ #if DEBUG static const int ydbLogLevel = YDB_LOG_LEVEL_WARN; #else static const int ydbLogLevel = YDB_LOG_LEVEL_WARN; #endif /** * This version number is stored in the yap2 table. * If there is a major re-write to this class, then the version number will be incremented, * and the class can automatically rebuild the tables as needed. **/ #define YAP_DATABASE_FTS_CLASS_VERSION 1 @implementation YapDatabaseFullTextSearchTransaction - (id)initWithFTSConnection:(YapDatabaseFullTextSearchConnection *)inFTSConnection databaseTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)inDatabaseTransaction { if ((self = [super init])) { ftsConnection = inFTSConnection; databaseTransaction = inDatabaseTransaction; } return self; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Extension Lifecycle //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Required override method from YapDatabaseExtensionTransaction. * * This method is called to create any necessary tables (if needed), * as well as populate the view (if needed) by enumerating over the existing rows in the database. **/ - (BOOL)createIfNeeded { int oldClassVersion = [self intValueForExtensionKey:@"classVersion"]; int classVersion = YAP_DATABASE_FTS_CLASS_VERSION; if (oldClassVersion != classVersion) { // First time registration [self upgradeFromForOldClassVersion:oldClassVersion]; if (![self createTable]) return NO; if (![self populate]) return NO; [self setIntValue:classVersion forExtensionKey:@"classVersion"]; int userSuppliedConfigVersion = ftsConnection->fts->version; [self setIntValue:userSuppliedConfigVersion forExtensionKey:@"version"]; } else { // Check user-supplied config version. // We may need to re-populate the database if the groupingBlock or sortingBlock changed. int oldVersion = [self intValueForExtensionKey:@"version"]; int newVersion = ftsConnection->fts->version; if (oldVersion != newVersion) { if (![self dropTable]) return NO; if (![self createTable]) return NO; if (![self populate]) return NO; [self setIntValue:newVersion forExtensionKey:@"version"]; } } return YES; } /** * Required override method from YapDatabaseExtensionTransaction. * * This method is called to prepare the transaction for use. * * Remember, an extension transaction is a very short lived object. * Thus it stores the majority of its state within the extension connection (the parent). * * Return YES if completed successfully, or if already prepared. * Return NO if some kind of error occured. **/ - (BOOL)prepareIfNeeded { return YES; } /** * Internal method. * * This method is used to handle the upgrade process from earlier architectures of this class. **/ - (void)upgradeFromForOldClassVersion:(int)oldClassVersion { // Reserved for future use... } /** * Internal method. * * This method is called, if needed, to drop the old table. **/ - (BOOL)dropTable { sqlite3 *db = databaseTransaction->connection->db; NSString *tableName = [self tableName]; NSString *dropTable = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"%@\";", tableName]; int status = sqlite3_exec(db, [dropTable UTF8String], NULL, NULL, NULL); if (status != SQLITE_OK) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - Failed dropping FTS table (%@): %d %s", THIS_METHOD, dropTable, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return NO; } return YES; } /** * Internal method. * * This method is called, if needed, to create the tables for the view. **/ - (BOOL)createTable { sqlite3 *db = databaseTransaction->connection->db; NSString *tableName = [self tableName]; YDBLogVerbose(@"Creating FTS table for registeredName(%@): %@", [self registeredName], tableName); // CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pages USING fts4(column1, column2, column3); NSMutableString *createTable = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:100]; [createTable appendFormat:@"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"%@\" USING fts4(", tableName]; __block NSUInteger i = 0; NSOrderedSet *columnNames = ftsConnection->fts->columnNames; for (NSString *columnName in columnNames) { if (i == 0) [createTable appendFormat:@"\"%@\"", columnName]; else [createTable appendFormat:@", \"%@\"", columnName]; i++; } NSDictionary *options = ftsConnection->fts->options; [options enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) { NSString *option = (NSString *)key; NSString *value = (NSString *)obj; if (i == 0) [createTable appendFormat:@"%@=%@", option, value]; else [createTable appendFormat:@", %@=%@", option, value]; i++; }]; [createTable appendString:@");"]; int status = sqlite3_exec(db, [createTable UTF8String], NULL, NULL, NULL); if (status != SQLITE_OK) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - Failed creating FTS table (%@): %d %s", THIS_METHOD, tableName, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return NO; } return YES; } /** * Internal method. * * This method is called, if needed, to populate the FTS indexes. * It does so by enumerating the rows in the database, and invoking the usual blocks and insertion methods. **/ - (BOOL)populate { // Remove everything from the database [self removeAllRowids]; // Enumerate the existing rows in the database and populate the indexes __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearch *fts = ftsConnection->fts; BOOL needsObject = fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithObject || fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithRow; BOOL needsMetadata = fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithMetadata || fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithRow; if (needsObject && needsMetadata) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithRowBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithRowBlock)fts->block; [databaseTransaction _enumerateRowsInAllCollectionsUsingBlock: ^(int64_t rowid, NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, id metadata, BOOL *stop) { block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, object, metadata); if ([ftsConnection->blockDict count] > 0) { [self addRowid:rowid isNew:YES]; [ftsConnection->blockDict removeAllObjects]; } }]; } else if (needsObject && !needsMetadata) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithObjectBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithObjectBlock)fts->block; [databaseTransaction _enumerateKeysAndObjectsInAllCollectionsUsingBlock: ^(int64_t rowid, NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, BOOL *stop) { block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, object); if ([ftsConnection->blockDict count] > 0) { [self addRowid:rowid isNew:YES]; [ftsConnection->blockDict removeAllObjects]; } }]; } else if (!needsObject && needsMetadata) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithMetadataBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithMetadataBlock)fts->block; [databaseTransaction _enumerateKeysAndMetadataInAllCollectionsUsingBlock: ^(int64_t rowid, NSString *collection, NSString *key, id metadata, BOOL *stop) { block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, metadata); if ([ftsConnection->blockDict count] > 0) { [self addRowid:rowid isNew:YES]; [ftsConnection->blockDict removeAllObjects]; } }]; } else // if (!needsObject && !needsMetadata) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithKeyBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithKeyBlock)fts->block; [databaseTransaction _enumerateKeysInAllCollectionsUsingBlock: ^(int64_t rowid, NSString *collection, NSString *key, BOOL *stop) { block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key); if ([ftsConnection->blockDict count] > 0) { [self addRowid:rowid isNew:YES]; [ftsConnection->blockDict removeAllObjects]; } }]; } return YES; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Accessors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Required override method from YapDatabaseExtensionTransaction. **/ - (YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)databaseTransaction { return databaseTransaction; } /** * Required override method from YapDatabaseExtensionTransaction. **/ - (YapDatabaseExtensionConnection *)extensionConnection { return ftsConnection; } - (NSString *)registeredName { return [ftsConnection->fts registeredName]; } - (NSString *)tableName { return [ftsConnection->fts tableName]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Logic //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - (void)addRowid:(int64_t)rowid isNew:(BOOL)isNew { YDBLogAutoTrace(); sqlite3_stmt *statement = NULL; if (isNew) statement = [ftsConnection insertRowidStatement]; else statement = [ftsConnection setRowidStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; // isNew : INSERT INTO "tableName" ("rowid", "column1", "column2", ...) VALUES (?, ?, ? ...) // !isNew : INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "tableName" ("rowid", "column1", "column2", ...) VALUES (?, ?, ? ...) sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 1, rowid); int i = 2; for (NSString *columnName in ftsConnection->fts->columnNames) { NSString *columnValue = [ftsConnection->blockDict objectForKey:columnName]; if (columnValue) { sqlite3_bind_text(statement, i, [columnValue UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } i++; } int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status != SQLITE_DONE) { YDBLogError(@"Error executing '%s': %d %s", isNew ? "insertRowidStatement" : "setRowidStatement", status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); isMutated = YES; } - (void)removeRowid:(int64_t)rowid { YDBLogAutoTrace(); sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection removeRowidStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; // DELETE FROM "tableName" WHERE "rowid" = ?; sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 1, rowid); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status != SQLITE_DONE) { YDBLogError(@"Error executing 'removeRowidStatement': %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); isMutated = YES; } - (void)removeRowids:(NSArray *)rowids { YDBLogAutoTrace(); NSUInteger count = [rowids count]; if (count == 0) return; if (count == 1) { int64_t rowid = [[rowids objectAtIndex:0] longLongValue]; [self removeRowid:rowid]; return; } // DELETE FROM "tableName" WHERE "rowid" in (?, ?, ...); // // Note: We don't have to worry sqlite's max number of host parameters. // YapDatabase gives us the rowids in batches where each batch is already capped at this number. NSUInteger capacity = 50 + (count * 3); NSMutableString *query = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:capacity]; [query appendFormat:@"DELETE FROM \"%@\" WHERE \"rowid\" IN (", [self tableName]]; NSUInteger i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i == 0) [query appendFormat:@"?"]; else [query appendFormat:@", ?"]; } [query appendString:@");"]; sqlite3_stmt *statement; int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(databaseTransaction->connection->db, [query UTF8String], -1, &statement, NULL); if (status != SQLITE_OK) { YDBLogError(@"Error creating 'removeRowids' statement: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); return; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { int64_t rowid = [[rowids objectAtIndex:i] longLongValue]; sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, (int)(i + 1), rowid); } status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status != SQLITE_DONE) { YDBLogError(@"Error executing 'removeRowids' statement: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_finalize(statement); isMutated = YES; } - (void)removeAllRowids { YDBLogAutoTrace(); sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection removeAllStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; int status; // DELETE FROM "tableName"; YDBLogVerbose(@"DELETE FROM '%@';", [self tableName]); status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status != SQLITE_DONE) { YDBLogError(@"%@ (%@): Error in removeAllStatement: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, [self registeredName], status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_reset(statement); isMutated = YES; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Cleanup & Commit //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Required override method from YapDatabaseExtension **/ - (void)commitTransaction { // An extensionTransaction is only valid within the scope of its encompassing databaseTransaction. // I imagine this may occasionally be misunderstood, and developers may attempt to store the extension in an ivar, // and then use it outside the context of the database transaction block. // Thus, this code is here as a safety net to ensure that such accidental misuse doesn't do any damage. ftsConnection = nil; // Do not remove ! databaseTransaction = nil; // Do not remove ! } /** * Required override method from YapDatabaseExtension **/ - (void)rollbackTransaction { // An extensionTransaction is only valid within the scope of its encompassing databaseTransaction. // I imagine this may occasionally be misunderstood, and developers may attempt to store the extension in an ivar, // and then use it outside the context of the database transaction block. // Thus, this code is here as a safety net to ensure that such accidental misuse doesn't do any damage. ftsConnection = nil; // Do not remove ! databaseTransaction = nil; // Do not remove ! } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark YapDatabaseExtensionTransaction_Hooks //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * YapDatabase extension hook. * This method is invoked by a YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction as a post-operation-hook. **/ - (void)handleInsertObject:(id)object forKey:(NSString *)key inCollection:(NSString *)collection withMetadata:(id)metadata rowid:(int64_t)rowid { YDBLogAutoTrace(); __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearch *fts = ftsConnection->fts; // Invoke the block to find out if the object should be included in the index. if (fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithKey) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithKeyBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithKeyBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key); } else if (fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithObject) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithObjectBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithObjectBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, object); } else if (fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithMetadata) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithMetadataBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithMetadataBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, metadata); } else { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithRowBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithRowBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, object, metadata); } if ([ftsConnection->blockDict count] == 0) { // This was an insert operation, so we don't have to worry about removing anything. } else { // Add values to index. // This was an insert operation, so we know we can insert rather than update. [self addRowid:rowid isNew:YES]; [ftsConnection->blockDict removeAllObjects]; } } /** * YapDatabase extension hook. * This method is invoked by a YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction as a post-operation-hook. **/ - (void)handleUpdateObject:(id)object forKey:(NSString *)key inCollection:(NSString *)collection withMetadata:(id)metadata rowid:(int64_t)rowid { YDBLogAutoTrace(); __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearch *fts = ftsConnection->fts; // Invoke the block to find out if the object should be included in the index. if (fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithKey) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithKeyBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithKeyBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key); } else if (fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithObject) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithObjectBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithObjectBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, object); } else if (fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithMetadata) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithMetadataBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithMetadataBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, metadata); } else { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithRowBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithRowBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, object, metadata); } if ([ftsConnection->blockDict count] == 0) { // Remove associated values from index (if needed). // This was an update operation, so the rowid may have previously had values in the index. [self removeRowid:rowid]; } else { // Add values to index (or update them). // This was an update operation, so we need to insert or update. [self addRowid:rowid isNew:NO]; [ftsConnection->blockDict removeAllObjects]; } } /** * YapDatabase extension hook. * This method is invoked by a YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction as a post-operation-hook. **/ - (void)handleUpdateMetadata:(id)metadata forKey:(NSString *)key inCollection:(NSString *)collection withRowid:(int64_t)rowid { YDBLogAutoTrace(); __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearch *fts = ftsConnection->fts; // Invoke the block to find out if the object should be included in the index. id object = nil; if (fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithKey || fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithObject) { // Index values are based on the key or object. // Neither have changed, and thus the values haven't changed. return; } else { // Index values are based on metadata or objectAndMetadata. // Invoke block to see what the new values are. if (fts->blockType == YapDatabaseFullTextSearchBlockTypeWithMetadata) { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithMetadataBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithMetadataBlock)fts->block; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, metadata); } else { __unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithRowBlock block = (YapDatabaseFullTextSearchWithRowBlock)fts->block; object = [databaseTransaction objectForKey:key inCollection:collection]; block(ftsConnection->blockDict, collection, key, object, metadata); } if ([ftsConnection->blockDict count] == 0) { // Remove associated values from index (if needed). // This was an update operation, so the rowid may have previously had values in the index. [self removeRowid:rowid]; } else { // Add values to index (or update them). // This was an update operation, so we need to insert or update. [self addRowid:rowid isNew:NO]; [ftsConnection->blockDict removeAllObjects]; } } } /** * YapDatabase extension hook. * This method is invoked by a YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction as a post-operation-hook. **/ - (void)handleTouchObjectForKey:(NSString *)key inCollection:(NSString *)collection withRowid:(int64_t)rowid { // Nothing to do for this extension } /** * YapDatabase extension hook. * This method is invoked by a YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction as a post-operation-hook. **/ - (void)handleTouchMetadataForKey:(NSString *)key inCollection:(NSString *)collection withRowid:(int64_t)rowid { // Nothing to do for this extension } /** * YapDatabase extension hook. * This method is invoked by a YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction as a post-operation-hook. **/ - (void)handleRemoveObjectForKey:(NSString *)key inCollection:(NSString *)collection withRowid:(int64_t)rowid { YDBLogAutoTrace(); [self removeRowid:rowid]; } /** * YapDatabase extension hook. * This method is invoked by a YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction as a post-operation-hook. **/ - (void)handleRemoveObjectsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys inCollection:(NSString *)collection withRowids:(NSArray *)rowids { YDBLogAutoTrace(); [self removeRowids:rowids]; } /** * YapDatabase extension hook. * This method is invoked by a YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction as a post-operation-hook. **/ - (void)handleRemoveAllObjectsInAllCollections { YDBLogAutoTrace(); [self removeAllRowids]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Queries //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - (void)enumerateKeysMatching:(NSString *)query usingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *collection, NSString *key, BOOL *stop))block { if (block == nil) return; if ([query length] == 0) return; sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection queryStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; BOOL stop = NO; isMutated = NO; // mutation during enumeration protection // SELECT "rowid" FROM "tableName" WHERE "tableName" MATCH ?; YapDatabaseString _query; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_query, query); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, _query.str, _query.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status == SQLITE_ROW) { do { int64_t rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); NSString *key = nil; NSString *collection = nil; [databaseTransaction getKey:&key collection:&collection forRowid:rowid]; block(collection, key, &stop); if (stop || isMutated) break; } while ((status = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW); } if ((status != SQLITE_DONE) && !stop && !isMutated) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - sqlite_step error: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_query); if (isMutated && !stop) { @throw [databaseTransaction mutationDuringEnumerationException]; } } - (void)enumerateKeysAndMetadataMatching:(NSString *)query usingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *collection, NSString *key, id metadata, BOOL *stop))block { if (block == nil) return; if ([query length] == 0) return; sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection queryStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; BOOL stop = NO; isMutated = NO; // mutation during enumeration protection // SELECT "rowid" FROM "tableName" WHERE "tableName" MATCH ?; YapDatabaseString _query; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_query, query); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, _query.str, _query.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status == SQLITE_ROW) { do { int64_t rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); NSString *key = nil; NSString *collection = nil; id metadata = nil; [databaseTransaction getKey:&key collection:&collection metadata:&metadata forRowid:rowid]; block(collection, key, metadata, &stop); if (stop || isMutated) break; } while ((status = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW); } if ((status != SQLITE_DONE) && !stop && !isMutated) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - sqlite_step error: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_query); if (isMutated && !stop) { @throw [databaseTransaction mutationDuringEnumerationException]; } } - (void)enumerateKeysAndObjectsMatching:(NSString *)query usingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, BOOL *stop))block { if (block == nil) return; if ([query length] == 0) return; sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection queryStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; BOOL stop = NO; isMutated = NO; // mutation during enumeration protection // SELECT "rowid" FROM "tableName" WHERE "tableName" MATCH ?; YapDatabaseString _query; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_query, query); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, _query.str, _query.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status == SQLITE_ROW) { do { int64_t rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); NSString *key = nil; NSString *collection = nil; id object = nil; [databaseTransaction getKey:&key collection:&collection object:&object forRowid:rowid]; block(collection, key, object, &stop); if (stop || isMutated) break; } while ((status = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW); } if ((status != SQLITE_DONE) && !stop && !isMutated) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - sqlite_step error: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_query); if (isMutated && !stop) { @throw [databaseTransaction mutationDuringEnumerationException]; } } - (void)enumerateRowsMatching:(NSString *)query usingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, id metadata, BOOL *stop))block { if (block == nil) return; if ([query length] == 0) return; sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection queryStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; BOOL stop = NO; isMutated = NO; // mutation during enumeration protection // SELECT "rowid" FROM "tableName" WHERE "tableName" MATCH ?; YapDatabaseString _query; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_query, query); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, _query.str, _query.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status == SQLITE_ROW) { do { int64_t rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); NSString *key = nil; NSString *collection = nil; id object = nil; id metadata = nil; [databaseTransaction getKey:&key collection:&collection object:&object metadata:&metadata forRowid:rowid]; block(collection, key, object, metadata, &stop); if (stop || isMutated) break; } while ((status = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW); } if ((status != SQLITE_DONE) && !stop && !isMutated) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - sqlite_step error: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_query); if (isMutated && !stop) { @throw [databaseTransaction mutationDuringEnumerationException]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark Queries with Snippets //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - (void)enumerateKeysMatching:(NSString *)query withSnippetOptions:(YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions *)inOptions usingBlock: (void (^)(NSString *snippet, NSString *collection, NSString *key, BOOL *stop))block { if (block == nil) return; if ([query length] == 0) return; sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection querySnippetStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions *options; if (inOptions) options = [inOptions copy]; else options = [[YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions alloc] init]; // default snippet options BOOL stop = NO; isMutated = NO; // mutation during enumeration protection // SELECT "rowid", snippet("tableName", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) FROM "tableName" WHERE "tableName" MATCH ?; YapDatabaseString _startMatchText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_startMatchText, options.startMatchText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, _startMatchText.str, _startMatchText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); YapDatabaseString _endMatchText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_endMatchText, options.endMatchText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, _endMatchText.str, _endMatchText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); YapDatabaseString _ellipsesText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_ellipsesText, options.ellipsesText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 3, _ellipsesText.str, _ellipsesText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int columnIndex = -1; if (options.columnName) { NSUInteger index = [ftsConnection->fts->columnNames indexOfObject:options.columnName]; if (index == NSNotFound) { YDBLogWarn(@"Invalid snippet option: columnName(%@) not found", options.columnName); } else { columnIndex = (int)index; } } sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 4, columnIndex); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 5, options.numberOfTokens); YapDatabaseString _query; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_query, query); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 6, _query.str, _query.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status == SQLITE_ROW) { do { int64_t rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); const unsigned char *text = sqlite3_column_text(statement, 1); int textSize = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, 1); NSString *snippet = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:text length:textSize encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *key = nil; NSString *collection = nil; [databaseTransaction getKey:&key collection:&collection forRowid:rowid]; block(snippet, collection, key, &stop); if (stop || isMutated) break; } while ((status = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW); } if ((status != SQLITE_DONE) && !stop && !isMutated) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - sqlite_step error: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_startMatchText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_endMatchText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_ellipsesText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_query); if (isMutated && !stop) { @throw [databaseTransaction mutationDuringEnumerationException]; } } - (void)enumerateKeysAndMetadataMatching:(NSString *)query withSnippetOptions:(YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions *)inOptions usingBlock: (void (^)(NSString *snippet, NSString *collection, NSString *key, id metadata, BOOL *stop))block { if (block == nil) return; if ([query length] == 0) return; sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection querySnippetStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions *options; if (inOptions) options = [inOptions copy]; else options = [[YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions alloc] init]; // default snippet options BOOL stop = NO; isMutated = NO; // mutation during enumeration protection // SELECT "rowid", snippet("tableName", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) FROM "tableName" WHERE "tableName" MATCH ?; YapDatabaseString _startMatchText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_startMatchText, options.startMatchText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, _startMatchText.str, _startMatchText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); YapDatabaseString _endMatchText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_endMatchText, options.endMatchText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, _endMatchText.str, _endMatchText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); YapDatabaseString _ellipsesText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_ellipsesText, options.ellipsesText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 3, _ellipsesText.str, _ellipsesText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int columnIndex = -1; if (options.columnName) { NSUInteger index = [ftsConnection->fts->columnNames indexOfObject:options.columnName]; if (index == NSNotFound) { YDBLogWarn(@"Invalid snippet option: columnName(%@) not found", options.columnName); } else { columnIndex = (int)index; } } sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 4, columnIndex); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 5, options.numberOfTokens); YapDatabaseString _query; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_query, query); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 6, _query.str, _query.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status == SQLITE_ROW) { do { int64_t rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); const unsigned char *text = sqlite3_column_text(statement, 1); int textSize = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, 1); NSString *snippet = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:text length:textSize encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *key = nil; NSString *collection = nil; id metadata = nil; [databaseTransaction getKey:&key collection:&collection metadata:&metadata forRowid:rowid]; block(snippet, collection, key, metadata, &stop); if (stop || isMutated) break; } while ((status = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW); } if ((status != SQLITE_DONE) && !stop && !isMutated) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - sqlite_step error: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_startMatchText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_endMatchText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_ellipsesText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_query); if (isMutated && !stop) { @throw [databaseTransaction mutationDuringEnumerationException]; } } - (void)enumerateKeysAndObjectsMatching:(NSString *)query withSnippetOptions:(YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions *)inOptions usingBlock: (void (^)(NSString *snippet, NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, BOOL *stop))block { if (block == nil) return; if ([query length] == 0) return; sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection querySnippetStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions *options; if (inOptions) options = [inOptions copy]; else options = [[YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions alloc] init]; // default snippet options BOOL stop = NO; isMutated = NO; // mutation during enumeration protection // SELECT "rowid", snippet("tableName", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) FROM "tableName" WHERE "tableName" MATCH ?; YapDatabaseString _startMatchText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_startMatchText, options.startMatchText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, _startMatchText.str, _startMatchText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); YapDatabaseString _endMatchText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_endMatchText, options.endMatchText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, _endMatchText.str, _endMatchText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); YapDatabaseString _ellipsesText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_ellipsesText, options.ellipsesText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 3, _ellipsesText.str, _ellipsesText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int columnIndex = -1; if (options.columnName) { NSUInteger index = [ftsConnection->fts->columnNames indexOfObject:options.columnName]; if (index == NSNotFound) { YDBLogWarn(@"Invalid snippet option: columnName(%@) not found", options.columnName); } else { columnIndex = (int)index; } } sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 4, columnIndex); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 5, options.numberOfTokens); YapDatabaseString _query; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_query, query); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 6, _query.str, _query.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status == SQLITE_ROW) { do { int64_t rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); const unsigned char *text = sqlite3_column_text(statement, 1); int textSize = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, 1); NSString *snippet = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:text length:textSize encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *key = nil; NSString *collection = nil; id object = nil; [databaseTransaction getKey:&key collection:&collection object:&object forRowid:rowid]; block(snippet, collection, key, object, &stop); if (stop || isMutated) break; } while ((status = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW); } if ((status != SQLITE_DONE) && !stop && !isMutated) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - sqlite_step error: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_startMatchText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_endMatchText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_ellipsesText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_query); if (isMutated && !stop) { @throw [databaseTransaction mutationDuringEnumerationException]; } } - (void)enumerateRowsMatching:(NSString *)query withSnippetOptions:(YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions *)inOptions usingBlock: (void (^)(NSString *snippet, NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, id metadata, BOOL *stop))block { if (block == nil) return; if ([query length] == 0) return; sqlite3_stmt *statement = [ftsConnection querySnippetStatement]; if (statement == NULL) return; YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions *options; if (inOptions) options = [inOptions copy]; else options = [[YapDatabaseFullTextSearchSnippetOptions alloc] init]; // default snippet options BOOL stop = NO; isMutated = NO; // mutation during enumeration protection // SELECT "rowid", snippet("tableName", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) FROM "tableName" WHERE "tableName" MATCH ?; YapDatabaseString _startMatchText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_startMatchText, options.startMatchText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, _startMatchText.str, _startMatchText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); YapDatabaseString _endMatchText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_endMatchText, options.endMatchText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, _endMatchText.str, _endMatchText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); YapDatabaseString _ellipsesText; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_ellipsesText, options.ellipsesText); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 3, _ellipsesText.str, _ellipsesText.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int columnIndex = -1; if (options.columnName) { NSUInteger index = [ftsConnection->fts->columnNames indexOfObject:options.columnName]; if (index == NSNotFound) { YDBLogWarn(@"Invalid snippet option: columnName(%@) not found", options.columnName); } else { columnIndex = (int)index; } } sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 4, columnIndex); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 5, options.numberOfTokens); YapDatabaseString _query; MakeYapDatabaseString(&_query, query); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 6, _query.str, _query.length, SQLITE_STATIC); int status = sqlite3_step(statement); if (status == SQLITE_ROW) { do { int64_t rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); const unsigned char *text = sqlite3_column_text(statement, 1); int textSize = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, 1); NSString *snippet = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:text length:textSize encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *key = nil; NSString *collection = nil; id object = nil; id metadata = nil; [databaseTransaction getKey:&key collection:&collection object:&object metadata:&metadata forRowid:rowid]; block(snippet, collection, key, object, metadata, &stop); if (stop || isMutated) break; } while ((status = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW); } if ((status != SQLITE_DONE) && !stop && !isMutated) { YDBLogError(@"%@ - sqlite_step error: %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(databaseTransaction->connection->db)); } sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_reset(statement); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_startMatchText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_endMatchText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_ellipsesText); FreeYapDatabaseString(&_query); if (isMutated && !stop) { @throw [databaseTransaction mutationDuringEnumerationException]; } } @end