# encoding: utf-8 # Dataset is a collection of labeled state records. # class YPetri::Net::DataSet < Hash class << self alias __new__ new def new type: nil __new__ do |hsh, missing| case missing when Float then nil else hsh[ missing.to_f ] end end.tap { |inst| inst.instance_variable_set :@type, type } end private :__new__ delegate :net, to: :features delegate :State, to: :net delegate :Marking, :Firing, :Flux, :Gradient, :Delta, to: "State()" end alias events keys alias records values delegate :features, :net, :State, :Marking, :Firing, :Flux, :Gradient, :Delta, to: "self.class" attr_reader :type # more like event_type, idea not matured yet # Type of the dataset. # def timed? type == :timed end # Returns the Record instance corresponding to the given recorded event. # def record( event ) features.load( fetch event ) end # Returns the nearest event smaller or equal to the supplied event-type # argument. The second optional ordered argument, true by default, controls # whether equality is accepted. If set to false, then the nearest _smaller_ # event is sought. # def floor( event, equal_ok=true ) e = events.ascending_floor( event, equal_ok ) e.nil? ? nil : e end # Returns the nearest event greater or equal to the supplied event-type # argument. The second optional ordered argument, true by default, controls # whether equality is accepted. If set to false, then the nearest _greater_ # event is sought. # def ceiling( event, equal_ok=true ) e = events.ascending_ceiling( event, equal_ok ) e.nil? ? nil : e end # Revives records from values. # def records values.map { |value| features.Record.new( value ) } end # Recreates the simulation at a given event label. # def reconstruct event: (fail "No event given!"), **settings # settings include marking clamps rec = interpolate( event ) if timed? then rec.reconstruct time: event, **settings else rec.reconstruct **settings end end # Interpolates the recording an the given point (event). Return value is the # Record class instance. # def interpolate( event ) begin record( event ) rescue KeyError => msg timed? or raise TypeError, "Event #{event} not recorded! (%s)" % "simulation type: #{type.nil? ? 'nil' : type}" # (Remark: #floor, #ceiling supported by timed datasets only) fe = floor( event ) fail "Event #{event} has no floor!" if fe.nil? f = Matrix.column_vector record( fe ) ce = ceiling( event ) fail "Event #{event} has no ceiling!" if ce.nil? c = Matrix.column_vector record( ce ) rslt = f + ( c - f ) / ( ce - fe ) * ( event - fe ) features.load( rslt.column_to_a ) end end # Resamples the recording. # def resample **nn time_range = nn.may_have( :time_range, syn!: :time ) || events.first .. events.last sampling = nn.must_have :sampling t0, target_time = time_range.begin, time_range.end t = t0 o = self.class.new type: type loop do o.update t => interpolate( t ) t += sampling return o if t > target_time end end # Computes the distance to another dataset. # def distance( other ) sum_of_sq = events .map { |e| [ e, other.interpolate( e ) ] } .map { |rec1, rec2| rec1.euclidean_distance rec2 } .map { |dist| dist * dist } .reduce( :+ ) sum_of_sq ** 0.5 end # Returns the data series for the specified features. # def series arg=nil return records.transpose if arg.nil? reduce_features( State().features( arg ) ).series end # Expects a hash of features (:marking (alias :state) of places, :firing # of tS transitions, :delta of places and/or transitions) and returns the # corresponding mapping of the recording. # def reduce_features *args Δt = if args.last.is_a? Hash then args.last.may_have( :delta_time, syn!: :Δt ) args.last.delete( :delta_time ) .tap { args.delete_at( -1 ) if args.last.empty? } end reduced_features = net.State.features *args rf_Record = reduced_features.Record reduced_features.new_dataset( type: type ).tap { |dataset| ( events >> records ).each_pair { |event, record| absent_features = reduced_features - features() if absent_features.empty? then # it is a subset line = reduced_features.map { |feature| record.fetch feature } else # it will require simulation reconstruction sim = reconstruct event: event if absent_features.any? { |f| f.timed? rescue false } then fail ArgumentError, "Reconstruction of timed features requires " + "the named arg :delta_time to be given!" unless Δt line = reduced_features.map do |feature| if absent_features.include? feature then if ( feature.timed? rescue false ) then feature.extract_from( sim ).( Δt ) else feature.extract_from( sim ) end else record.fetch feature end end else line = reduced_features.map do |feature| if absent_features.include? feature then feature.extract_from( sim ) else record.fetch feature end end end end dataset.update event => rf_Record.load( line ) } } end # Returns a subset of this dataset with only the specified marking features # identified by the arguments retained. If no arguments are given, all the # marking features from the receiver dataset are selected. # def marking ids=nil return reduce_features net.State.marking if ids.nil? reduce_features marking: ids end # Returns a subset of this dataset with only the specified firing features # identified by the arguments retained. If no arguments are given, all the # firing features from the receiver dataset are selected. # def firing *args Δt = if args.last.is_a? Hash then args.last.may_have( :delta_time, syn!: :Δt ) args.last.delete( :delta_time ) .tap { args.delete_at( -1 ) if args.last.empty? } end if Δt then return reduce_features net.State.firing, delta_time: Δt if args.empty? reduce_features firing: args.first, delta_time: Δt else return reduce_features net.State.firing if args.empty? reduce_features firing: args.first end end # Returns a subset of this dataset with only the specified flux features # identified by the arguments retained. If no arguments are given, all the # flux features from the receiver dataset are selected. # def flux ids=nil return reduce_features net.State.flux if ids.nil? reduce_features flux: ids end # Returns a subset of this dataset with only the specified gradient features # identified by the arguments retained. If no arguments are given, all the # gradient features from the receiver dataset are selected. # def gradient *args return reduce_features net.State.gradient if args.empty? reduce_features gradient: args end # Returns a subset of this dataset with only the specified delta features # identified by the arguments retained. If no arguments are given, all the # delta features from the receiver dataset are selected. # def delta *args Δt = if args.last.is_a? Hash then args.last.may_have( :delta_time, syn!: :Δt ) args.last.delete( :delta_time ) .tap { args.delete_at( -1 ) if args.last.empty? } end if Δt then return reduce_features net.State.delta, delta_time: Δt if args.empty? reduce_features delta: args, delta_time: Δt else return reduce_features net.State.delta if args.empty? reduce_features delta: args end end # Outputs the current recording in CSV format. # def to_csv map { |lbl, rec| [ lbl, *rec ].join ',' }.join "\n" end # Plots the dataset. Takes several optional arguments: The list of features # to plot as the first ordered argument, # def plot( feature_ids=nil, time: nil, except: [], **nn ) time = nn.may_have :time, syn!: :time_range events = events() ff = feature_ids.nil? ? features : net.state.features( feature_ids ) ff -= net.state.features( except ) data_ss = series( ff ) x_range = if time.nil? then from = events.first || 0 to = events.last && events.last > from ? events.last : events.first + 1 "[#{from}:#{to}]" elsif time.is_a? Range then "[#{time.begin}:#{time.end}]" else "[-0:#{SY::Time.magnitude( time ).amount rescue time}]" end Gnuplot.open do |gp| Gnuplot::Plot.new gp do |plot| plot.xrange x_range plot.title nn[:title] || "#{net} plot" plot.ylabel nn[:ylabel] || "Values" plot.xlabel nn[:xlabel] || "Time [s]" ff.labels.zip( data_ss ).each do |label, data_array| plot.data << Gnuplot::DataSet.new( [ events, data_array ] ) { |ds| ds.with = "linespoints" ds.title = label } end end end end # Returns a string briefly discribing the dataset. # def to_s "#" end # Inspect string of the instance. # def inspect to_s end # Pretty print the dataset. Takes +:precision+ and +:distance+ named arguments, # that control the shape of the printed table. # def print precision: 4, distance: precision + 4 features.labels.print_as_line precision: precision, distance: distance puts '-' * features.size * distance records.each { |record| record.print_as_line precision: precision, distance: distance } return nil end end # YPetri::Net::Dataset