############################################################################# # test_win32_file_link.rb # # Test case for the link related methods of win32-file. You should run this # test via the 'rake test' or 'rake test:link' task. ############################################################################# require 'test-unit' require 'win32/security' require 'win32/file' class TC_Win32_File_Link < Test::Unit::TestCase def self.startup Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) @@file = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'link_test.txt') File.open(@@file, 'w'){ |fh| fh.puts "This is a link test." } end def setup @link = "this_is_a_symlink" @file = "link_test.txt" @admin = Win32::Security.elevated_security? end test "symlink basic functionality" do assert_respond_to(File, :symlink) end test "symlink to a file works as expected" do omit_unless(@admin) assert_nothing_raised{ File.symlink(@@file, @link) } assert_true(File.exist?(@link)) assert_true(File.symlink?(@link)) end test "symlink method returns zero" do omit_unless(@admin) assert_equal(0, File.symlink(@@file, @link)) end test "symlink requires two arguments" do assert_raise(ArgumentError){ File.symlink } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ File.symlink(@link) } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ File.symlink(@@file, @link, @link) } end test "symlink fails if link already exists" do omit_unless(@admin) File.symlink(@@file, @link) assert_raise(SystemCallError){ File.symlink(@@file, @link) } end test "symlink does not fail if target does not exist" do omit_unless(@admin) assert_nothing_raised{ File.symlink('bogus.txt', @link) } end test "symlink? basic functionality" do assert_respond_to(File, :symlink?) assert_boolean(File.symlink?(@@file)) end test "symlink? returns expected result" do omit_unless(@admin) File.symlink(@@file, @link) assert_true(File.symlink?(@link)) assert_false(File.symlink?(@file)) end test "symlink? requires one argument only" do assert_raise(ArgumentError){ File.symlink? } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ File.symlink?(@@file, @@file) } end test "readlink basic functionality" do assert_respond_to(File, :readlink) end test "readlink returns the expected value when reading a symlink" do omit_unless(@admin) File.symlink(@file, @link) expected = File.expand_path(@file).tr("/", "\\") assert_equal(expected, File.readlink(@link)) end test "readlink raises an error when reading a regular file" do assert_raise(Errno::EINVAL){ File.readlink(@@file) } end test "readlink requires one argument only" do assert_raise(ArgumentError){ File.readlink } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ File.readlink(@link, @link) } end test "readlink raises an error if the file is not found" do assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT){ File.readlink('bogus.txt') } end test "realdirpath basic functionality" do assert_respond_to(File, :realdirpath) end test "realdirpath returns the expected value for a regular file" do assert_equal(Dir.pwd, File.realdirpath(Dir.pwd)) assert_equal(@@file, File.realdirpath(@@file).tr("/", "\\")) end test "realdirpath returns the expected value for a symlink" do omit_unless(@admin) File.symlink(@@file, @link) expected = File.expand_path(@file).tr("/", "\\") assert_equal(expected, File.realdirpath(@link)) end test "realpath basic functionality" do assert_respond_to(File, :realpath) end test "realpath returns the expected value for a regular file" do assert_equal(Dir.pwd, File.realpath(Dir.pwd)) assert_equal(@@file, File.realpath(@@file).tr("/", "\\")) end test "realpath returns the expected value for a symlink" do omit_unless(@admin) File.symlink(@@file, @link) expected = File.expand_path(@file).tr("/", "\\") assert_equal(expected, File.realpath(@link)) end def teardown File.delete(@link) rescue nil # Necessary for dangling links @link = nil @admin = nil @file = nil end def self.shutdown File.delete(@@file) if File.exist?(@@file) @@file = nil end end