module Chargify class Base include HTTParty parser Chargify::Parser headers 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' headers 'User-Agent' => 'Chargify Ruby Client' class << self def api_request(type, path, options={}) self.base_uri "https://#{Chargify::Config.subdomain}" # This is to allow bang methods raise_errors = options.delete(:raise_errors) # Build options hash for HTTParty options[:body] = options[:body].to_json if options[:body] options[:basic_auth] = {:username => Chargify::Config.api_key, :password => 'x'} Chargify::Config.logger.debug("[CHARGIFY] Sending #{self.base_uri}#{path} a payload of #{options[:body]}") if Chargify::Config.debug begin response = self.send(type.to_s, path, options) rescue SocketError raise(, "Failed to connect to payment gateway.") end case response.code.to_i when 401 raise(, response.body) when 403 raise(, response.body) when 422 raise(, response.body) when 404 raise(, response.body) when 500 raise(, response.body) when 504 raise(, response.body) end Chargify::Config.logger.debug("[CHARGIFY] Response from #{self.base_uri}#{path} was #{response.code}: #{response.body}") if Chargify::Config.debug response end end attr_reader :errors def initialize(options={}) Chargify::Config.api_key = options[:api_key] if options[:api_key] Chargify::Config.subdomain = options[:subdomain] if options[:subdomain] @errors = [] self.attributes = attrs end def attributes=(attrs) attrs.each do |k, v| self.send(:"#{k}=", v) if self.respond_to?(:"#{k}=") end end def api_request(type, path, options={}) @errors = [] begin self.class.api_request(type, path, options) rescue Chargify::Error::Base => e if e.response.is_a?(Hash) if e.response.has_key?("errors") @errors = [*e.response["errors"]["error"]] else @errors = [e.response.body] end else @errors = [e.message] end raise end end end end