/** * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's * accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology * such as {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader | screen readers} or * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access | switches}. * * @remarks * * Accessibility is a very platform-specific thing. On different platforms, * there are different screen readers that might have wildly different output. * * Blink - Chrome's rendering engine - has a concept of "accessibility tree", * which is then translated into different platform-specific APIs. Accessibility * namespace gives users access to the Blink Accessibility Tree. * * Most of the accessibility tree gets filtered out when converting from Blink * AX Tree to Platform-specific AX-Tree or by assistive technologies themselves. * By default, Puppeteer tries to approximate this filtering, exposing only * the "interesting" nodes of the tree. * * @public */ export class Accessibility { /** * @internal */ constructor(client) { this._client = client; } /** * Captures the current state of the accessibility tree. * The returned object represents the root accessible node of the page. * * @remarks * * **NOTE** The Chromium accessibility tree contains nodes that go unused on * most platforms and by most screen readers. Puppeteer will discard them as * well for an easier to process tree, unless `interestingOnly` is set to * `false`. * * @example * An example of dumping the entire accessibility tree: * ```js * const snapshot = await page.accessibility.snapshot(); * console.log(snapshot); * ``` * * @example * An example of logging the focused node's name: * ```js * const snapshot = await page.accessibility.snapshot(); * const node = findFocusedNode(snapshot); * console.log(node && node.name); * * function findFocusedNode(node) { * if (node.focused) * return node; * for (const child of node.children || []) { * const foundNode = findFocusedNode(child); * return foundNode; * } * return null; * } * ``` * * @returns An AXNode object representing the snapshot. * */ async snapshot(options = {}) { const { interestingOnly = true, root = null } = options; const { nodes } = await this._client.send('Accessibility.getFullAXTree'); let backendNodeId = null; if (root) { const { node } = await this._client.send('DOM.describeNode', { objectId: root._remoteObject.objectId, }); backendNodeId = node.backendNodeId; } const defaultRoot = AXNode.createTree(nodes); let needle = defaultRoot; if (backendNodeId) { needle = defaultRoot.find((node) => node.payload.backendDOMNodeId === backendNodeId); if (!needle) return null; } if (!interestingOnly) return this.serializeTree(needle)[0]; const interestingNodes = new Set(); this.collectInterestingNodes(interestingNodes, defaultRoot, false); if (!interestingNodes.has(needle)) return null; return this.serializeTree(needle, interestingNodes)[0]; } serializeTree(node, interestingNodes) { const children = []; for (const child of node.children) children.push(...this.serializeTree(child, interestingNodes)); if (interestingNodes && !interestingNodes.has(node)) return children; const serializedNode = node.serialize(); if (children.length) serializedNode.children = children; return [serializedNode]; } collectInterestingNodes(collection, node, insideControl) { if (node.isInteresting(insideControl)) collection.add(node); if (node.isLeafNode()) return; insideControl = insideControl || node.isControl(); for (const child of node.children) this.collectInterestingNodes(collection, child, insideControl); } } class AXNode { constructor(payload) { this.children = []; this._richlyEditable = false; this._editable = false; this._focusable = false; this._hidden = false; this.payload = payload; this._name = this.payload.name ? this.payload.name.value : ''; this._role = this.payload.role ? this.payload.role.value : 'Unknown'; this._ignored = this.payload.ignored; for (const property of this.payload.properties || []) { if (property.name === 'editable') { this._richlyEditable = property.value.value === 'richtext'; this._editable = true; } if (property.name === 'focusable') this._focusable = property.value.value; if (property.name === 'hidden') this._hidden = property.value.value; } } _isPlainTextField() { if (this._richlyEditable) return false; if (this._editable) return true; return this._role === 'textbox' || this._role === 'searchbox'; } _isTextOnlyObject() { const role = this._role; return role === 'LineBreak' || role === 'text' || role === 'InlineTextBox'; } _hasFocusableChild() { if (this._cachedHasFocusableChild === undefined) { this._cachedHasFocusableChild = false; for (const child of this.children) { if (child._focusable || child._hasFocusableChild()) { this._cachedHasFocusableChild = true; break; } } } return this._cachedHasFocusableChild; } find(predicate) { if (predicate(this)) return this; for (const child of this.children) { const result = child.find(predicate); if (result) return result; } return null; } isLeafNode() { if (!this.children.length) return true; // These types of objects may have children that we use as internal // implementation details, but we want to expose them as leaves to platform // accessibility APIs because screen readers might be confused if they find // any children. if (this._isPlainTextField() || this._isTextOnlyObject()) return true; // Roles whose children are only presentational according to the ARIA and // HTML5 Specs should be hidden from screen readers. // (Note that whilst ARIA buttons can have only presentational children, HTML5 // buttons are allowed to have content.) switch (this._role) { case 'doc-cover': case 'graphics-symbol': case 'img': case 'Meter': case 'scrollbar': case 'slider': case 'separator': case 'progressbar': return true; default: break; } // Here and below: Android heuristics if (this._hasFocusableChild()) return false; if (this._focusable && this._name) return true; if (this._role === 'heading' && this._name) return true; return false; } isControl() { switch (this._role) { case 'button': case 'checkbox': case 'ColorWell': case 'combobox': case 'DisclosureTriangle': case 'listbox': case 'menu': case 'menubar': case 'menuitem': case 'menuitemcheckbox': case 'menuitemradio': case 'radio': case 'scrollbar': case 'searchbox': case 'slider': case 'spinbutton': case 'switch': case 'tab': case 'textbox': case 'tree': case 'treeitem': return true; default: return false; } } isInteresting(insideControl) { const role = this._role; if (role === 'Ignored' || this._hidden || this._ignored) return false; if (this._focusable || this._richlyEditable) return true; // If it's not focusable but has a control role, then it's interesting. if (this.isControl()) return true; // A non focusable child of a control is not interesting if (insideControl) return false; return this.isLeafNode() && !!this._name; } serialize() { const properties = new Map(); for (const property of this.payload.properties || []) properties.set(property.name.toLowerCase(), property.value.value); if (this.payload.name) properties.set('name', this.payload.name.value); if (this.payload.value) properties.set('value', this.payload.value.value); if (this.payload.description) properties.set('description', this.payload.description.value); const node = { role: this._role, }; const userStringProperties = [ 'name', 'value', 'description', 'keyshortcuts', 'roledescription', 'valuetext', ]; const getUserStringPropertyValue = (key) => properties.get(key); for (const userStringProperty of userStringProperties) { if (!properties.has(userStringProperty)) continue; node[userStringProperty] = getUserStringPropertyValue(userStringProperty); } const booleanProperties = [ 'disabled', 'expanded', 'focused', 'modal', 'multiline', 'multiselectable', 'readonly', 'required', 'selected', ]; const getBooleanPropertyValue = (key) => properties.get(key); for (const booleanProperty of booleanProperties) { // RootWebArea's treat focus differently than other nodes. They report whether // their frame has focus, not whether focus is specifically on the root // node. if (booleanProperty === 'focused' && this._role === 'RootWebArea') continue; const value = getBooleanPropertyValue(booleanProperty); if (!value) continue; node[booleanProperty] = getBooleanPropertyValue(booleanProperty); } const tristateProperties = ['checked', 'pressed']; for (const tristateProperty of tristateProperties) { if (!properties.has(tristateProperty)) continue; const value = properties.get(tristateProperty); node[tristateProperty] = value === 'mixed' ? 'mixed' : value === 'true' ? true : false; } const numericalProperties = [ 'level', 'valuemax', 'valuemin', ]; const getNumericalPropertyValue = (key) => properties.get(key); for (const numericalProperty of numericalProperties) { if (!properties.has(numericalProperty)) continue; node[numericalProperty] = getNumericalPropertyValue(numericalProperty); } const tokenProperties = [ 'autocomplete', 'haspopup', 'invalid', 'orientation', ]; const getTokenPropertyValue = (key) => properties.get(key); for (const tokenProperty of tokenProperties) { const value = getTokenPropertyValue(tokenProperty); if (!value || value === 'false') continue; node[tokenProperty] = getTokenPropertyValue(tokenProperty); } return node; } static createTree(payloads) { const nodeById = new Map(); for (const payload of payloads) nodeById.set(payload.nodeId, new AXNode(payload)); for (const node of nodeById.values()) { for (const childId of node.payload.childIds || []) node.children.push(nodeById.get(childId)); } return nodeById.values().next().value; } } //# sourceMappingURL=Accessibility.js.map