require "guard/compat/test/helper" require "launchy" require "guard/rspec/runner" RSpec.describe Guard::RSpec::Runner do let(:options) { { cmd: "rspec" } } let(:runner) { } let(:inspector) { instance_double(Guard::RSpec::Inspectors::SimpleInspector) } let(:notifier) { instance_double(Guard::RSpec::Notifier) } let(:results) { instance_double(Guard::RSpec::Results) } let(:process) { instance_double(Guard::RSpec::RSpecProcess) } before do allow(Guard::Compat::UI).to receive(:info) allow(Guard::Compat::UI).to receive(:error) allow(Guard::RSpec::Inspectors::Factory).to receive(:create) { inspector } allow(Guard::RSpec::Notifier).to receive(:new) { notifier } allow(Guard::RSpec::Command).to receive(:new) { "rspec" } allow(notifier).to receive(:notify) allow(notifier).to receive(:notify_failure) allow(results).to receive(:summary).and_return("Summary") allow(results).to receive(:failed_paths).and_return([]) allow(Guard::RSpec::RSpecProcess).to receive(:new).and_return(process) allow(process).to receive(:all_green?).and_return(true) allow(process).to receive(:results).and_return(results) end describe ".initialize" do context "with custom options" do let(:options) { { foo: :bar } } it "instanciates inspector via Inspectors::Factory with custom options" do expect(Guard::RSpec::Inspectors::Factory). to receive(:create).with(foo: :bar) runner end it "instanciates notifier with custom options" do expect(Guard::RSpec::Notifier).to receive(:new).with(foo: :bar) runner end end end describe "#reload" do it 'calls inspector\'s #reload' do expect(inspector).to receive(:reload) runner.reload end end shared_examples "abort" do it "aborts" do expect(Guard::Compat::UI).to_not receive(:info) subject end it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end end describe "#run_all" do let(:options) do { spec_paths: %w(spec1 spec2), cmd: "rspec", run_all: { message: "Custom message" } } end before do allow(inspector).to receive(:failed) end it "builds commands with spec paths" do expect(Guard::RSpec::Command).to receive(:new). with(%w(spec1 spec2), kind_of(Hash)) runner.run_all end it "prints message" do expect(Guard::Compat::UI).to receive(:info). with("Custom message", reset: true) runner.run_all end context "when no paths are given" do subject { runner.run_all } let(:options) do { spec_paths: [], run_all: { message: "Custom message" } } end include_examples "abort" end context "with custom cmd" do before do options[:run_all][:cmd] = "rspec -t ~slow" end it "builds command with custom cmd" do expect(Guard::RSpec::Command).to receive(:new). with(kind_of(Array), hash_including(cmd: "rspec -t ~slow")) runner.run_all end end context "with no cmd" do before do options[:cmd] = nil allow(Guard::RSpec::Command).to receive(:new) allow(Guard::Compat::UI).to receive(:error).with(an_instance_of(String)) allow(notifier).to receive(:notify_failure) runner.run_all end it "does not build" do expect(Guard::RSpec::Command).to_not have_received(:new) end it "issues a warning to the user" do expect(Guard::Compat::UI).to have_received(:error). with(an_instance_of(String)) end it "notifies the notifer of failure" do expect(notifier).to have_received(:notify_failure) end end describe "return value" do subject { runner.run_all } it { be true } context "when process is not all green" do before do allow(process).to receive(:all_green?).and_return(false) end it { be false } end end end describe "#run" do let(:paths) { %w(spec_path1 spec_path2) } before do allow(inspector).to receive(:paths) { paths } allow(inspector).to receive(:failed) end it "prints running message" do expect(Guard::Compat::UI).to receive(:info). with("Running: spec_path1 spec_path2", reset: true) end context "when no paths are given" do subject {[]) } before do allow(inspector).to receive(:paths) { [] } end include_examples "abort" end it "builds commands with spec paths" do expect(Guard::RSpec::Command).to receive(:new). with(%w(spec_path1 spec_path2), kind_of(Hash)) end context "with all_after_pass option" do let(:options) { { cmd: "rspec", all_after_pass: true } } it "re-runs all if run is success" do expect(runner).to receive(:run_all) end end context "with launchy option" do let(:options) { { cmd: "rspec", launchy: "launchy_path" } } before do allow(Pathname).to receive(:new). with("launchy_path") { double(exist?: true) } end it "opens Launchy" do expect(Launchy).to receive(:open).with("launchy_path") end end context "with a custom results file" do let(:options) do { cmd: "rspec", results_file: results_file }.merge(chdir_options) end context "with no chdir option" do let(:chdir_options) { {} } context "when the path is relative" do let(:results_file) { "foobar.txt" } it "uses the given file" do expect(Guard::RSpec::RSpecProcess).to receive(:new). with(anything, results_file).and_return(process) end end context "when the path is absolute" do let(:results_file) { "/foo/foobar.txt" } it "uses the given path" do expect(Guard::RSpec::RSpecProcess).to receive(:new). with(anything, results_file).and_return(process) end end end context "with chdir option" do let(:chdir_options) { { chdir: "moduleA" } } context "when the path is relative" do let(:results_file) { "foobar.txt" } it "uses a path relative to chdir" do expect(Guard::RSpec::RSpecProcess).to receive(:new). with(anything, "moduleA/foobar.txt").and_return(process) end end context "when the path is absolute" do let(:results_file) { "/foo/foobar.txt" } it "uses the full given path anyway" do expect(Guard::RSpec::RSpecProcess).to receive(:new). with(anything, results_file).and_return(process) end end end end context "with no custom results file" do let(:options) { { cmd: "rspec" } } it "uses the default" do expect(Guard::RSpec::RSpecProcess).to receive(:new). with(anything, "tmp/rspec_guard_result").and_return(process) end end it "notifies inspector about failed paths" do expect(inspector).to receive(:failed).with([]) end context "with failed paths" do before do allow(results).to receive(:failed_paths).and_return([ "./failed_spec.rb:123", "./other/failed_spec.rb:77" ]) end it "notifies inspector about failed paths" do expect(inspector).to receive(:failed). with(["./failed_spec.rb:123", "./other/failed_spec.rb:77"]) end end it "notifies success" do expect(notifier).to receive(:notify).with("Summary") end it "notifies failure" do allow(process).to receive(:all_green?). and_raise(Guard::RSpec::RSpecProcess::Failure, /Failed: /) expect(notifier).to receive(:notify_failure) end describe "return value" do subject { } it { be true } context "with all_after_pass option" do let(:options) do { cmd: "rspec", all_after_pass: true, run_all: {}, spec_paths: paths } end it { be true } describe "when all tests fail" do before do allow(process).to receive(:all_green?).and_return(true, false) end it { be false } end end context "when process is not all green" do before do allow(process).to receive(:all_green?).and_return(false) end it { be false } end end end end