# Econfig Econfig is a gem which allows you to easily configure your Ruby applications in a multitude of ways. ## Installation Add this to your Gemfile: ``` ruby gem "econfig" ``` If you're using Rails, you'll want to require the Rails extension: ``` ruby gem "econfig", require: "econfig/rails" ``` ## Accessing config options Extend your main application module with the Econfig shortcut. In Rails, you'll want to add this in `config/application.rb`: ``` ruby module MyApp extend Econfig::Shortcut class Application < Rails::Application … end end ``` Now you can access configuration like this: ``` ruby MyApp.config.aws_access_key_id ``` If the key you accessed is not configured, Econfig will raise an error. To access optional configuration, which can be nil, use brackets: ``` ruby MyApp.config[:aws_access_key_id] ``` ## Configuring options. You can specify configuration through: 1. ENV variables 2. Redis 3. Relational database 4. YAML files 5. OSX Keychain This allows you to set up Econfig on most kinds of hosting solutions (EngineYard, Heroku, etc) without any additional effort, and to switch between them easily. ### ENV variables Just set an environment variable whose name is the name of the option being accessed uppercased. For example: ``` sh AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xyz rails server ``` You can now read it like this: ``` ruby MyApp.config.aws_access_key_id # => "xyz" ``` This is especially convenient for Heroku. ### YAML Add a yaml file to `config/app.yml`. This should have a similar layout to `config/database.yml`: ``` yaml development: aws_access_key_id: "xyz" aws_secret_access_key: "xyz" production: aws_access_key_id: "xyz" aws_secret_access_key: "xyz" ``` Econfig also reads configuration from `config/secret.yml` which is the new standard for secret configuration parameters in Rails 4.1. ### Relational database This needs to be explicitly enabled. In `config/application.rb` add this code: ``` ruby require "econfig/active_record" Econfig.backends.insert_after :env, :db, Econfig::ActiveRecord.new ``` You probably want environment variables to take precendence over configuration from ActiveRecord, hence the `insert_after`. If you'd rather have ActiveRecord configuration take precendence you can use this instead: ``` ruby require "econfig/active_record" Econfig.backends.unshift :db, Econfig::ActiveRecord.new ``` You will also need to create a migration to create the necessary database tables: ``` sh rails generate econfig:migration rake db:migrate ``` ### Redis This needs to be explicitly enabled. In `config/application.rb` add this code: ``` ruby require "econfig/redis" redis = Redis.new(:host => "myredis.com") Econfig.backends.insert_after :env, :redis, Econfig::Redis.new(redis) ``` If you wish to namespace your keys in Redis, you can use [redis namespace](http://rubygems.org/gems/redis-namespace). ### OSX Keychain For the OSX keychain backend, see [econfig-keychain](https://github.com/elabs/econfig-keychain). ## Setting values You can set options by simply assigning them: ``` ruby MyApp.config[:aws_access_key_id] = "xyz" ``` This will set the value in the default write backend, which by default is `:memory`. This means that by default, configuration which is set like this is not persisted in any way. If you always want to assign values to a different backend, for example the database backend, you can set the default write backend like this: ``` ruby Econfig.default_write_backend = :db ``` You can also explicitly supply the backend when setting a configuration value: ``` ruby MyApp.config[:db, :aws_access_key_id] = "xyz" ``` ## License MIT, see separate LICENSE.txt file