#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'rubygems' require 'require_relative' require 'thor' require 'ansi' $APP_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) $LIB_PATH = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname($APP_PATH),'lib')) $LOAD_PATH << $LIB_PATH require 'boot.rb' require 'down.rb' require 'setup.rb' require 'ssh.rb' include Boot include Down include Setup include Ssh require 'forj-config.rb' # Load class ForjConfig require 'forj-account.rb' # Load class ForjAccount require 'log.rb' # Load default loggers require 'connection.rb' # Load class ForjConnection #require 'debugger' # Use to debug with Ruby < 2.0 #require 'byebug' # Use to debug with Ruby >= 2.0 include Logging # Initialize forj paths ensure_forj_dirs_exists() # Initialize global Log object $FORJ_LOGGER=ForjLog.new() class Forj < Thor class_option :debug, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'Set debug mode' class_option :verbose, :aliases => '-v', :desc => 'Set verbose mode' class_option :config, :aliases => '-c', :desc => 'Path to a different forj config file. By default, use ~/.forj/config.yaml' desc "help [action]", "Describe available FORJ actions or one specific action" def help(task = nil, subcommand = false) if task self.class.task_help(shell, task) else puts <<-LONGDESC Quick steps: How to create a forj? ---------------------------------- To test a forj blueprint, you will need an account on a cloud solution. Currently forj cli supports only HPHelion (https://horizon.hp.com) but will be expanded to support most of known clouds supported by FOG. (http://fog.io) 1. Setup your FORJ account. `$ forj setup [AccountName] [--provider Provider]` Ex: `forj setup MyForjAccount`. In this example, you will setup 'MyForjAccount' with your HPHelion account. The first time, this account will become the default one. **IMPORTANT NOTE** By default, forj setup will propose you to create your forge on HPHelion (provider 'hpcloud'). If AccountName is not set, the account name will be proposed to be name 'hpcloud' as well! 2. Create your forge on your default account `$ forj boot ` Ex: `forj boot redstone MyForge`. In this example, forj will create a `redstone` blueprint forge named `MyForge`, using the default `MyForjAccount` forj command line details: -------------------------- LONGDESC self.class.help(shell, subcommand) end end desc 'version', 'get GEM version of forj.' def version() if Gem.loaded_specs['forj'] puts Gem.loaded_specs['forj'].version.to_s end end ################################# BOOT desc 'boot [options]', 'boot a Maestro box and instruct it to provision the blueprint' long_desc <<-LONGDESC This task boot a new forge with the following options \x5- blueprint : Is the name of the blueprint \x5- InstanceName : name of the forge Ex: forj boot redstone maestro_test -a dev When `forj boot` starts, some variables are loaded. If you want to check/updated them, use `forj get [-a account]` LONGDESC method_option :account_name, :aliases => '-a', :desc => "Set the forj account name to use. By default, uses the default account set in your local config file. Following options superseed your Account, config file or forj defaults." method_option :maestro_repo, :aliases => '-m', :desc => "config: maestro_repo : To use a different Maestro repository already cloned. By default, Maestro is systematically cloned to ~/.forj/maestro from github." method_option :infra, :aliases => '-r', :desc => 'config: infra_repo : Defines your Infra directory to use while booting. You can also set FORJ_INFRA_DIR.' method_option :key_name, :aliases => '-k', :desc => "config: keypair_name : Keypair name to use." method_option :key_path, :aliases => '-p', :desc => "config: keypair_path : Private or Public key file to use." method_option :security_group, :aliases => '-s', :desc => "config: security_group: Security group name to use and configure." method_option :image, :aliases => '-i', :desc => "config: image : Image name to use to build Maestro and blueprint nodes." method_option :maestro_flavor, :aliases => '-f', :desc => "config: flavor : Maestro flavor to use." method_option :bp_flavor, :aliases => '-b', :desc => "config: bp_flavor : Blueprint nodes default flavor to use. Build system options:" method_option :boothook, :aliases => '-H', :desc => 'By default, boothook file used is build/bin/build-tools/boothook.sh. Use this option to set another one.' method_option :build, :aliases => '-B', :desc => 'Replace the default build.sh' method_option :branch, :aliases => '-R', :desc => "Branch name to clone for maestro. Maestro/infra bootstrap debugging:" method_option :test_box, :aliases => '-T', :desc => "Identify a path to become your test-box repository. Ex: if your maestro is in ~/src/forj-oss, --test_box ~/src/forj-oss/maestro build.sh and test-box will send your local maestro repo to your box, for boot." def boot(blueprint, on_or_name, old_accountname = nil, as = nil, old_name = nil) Logging.set_level(Logger::INFO) if options[:verbose] Logging.set_level(Logger::DEBUG) if options[:debug] oConfig = ForjConfig.new(options[:config]) # depreciated: on as if old_accountname and as and old_name msg = "The syntax `forj boot '%s' on '%s' as '%s'` is depreciated.\nUse `forj boot '%s' '%s'" % [blueprint, old_accountname, old_name, blueprint, old_name] if oConfig.get('account_name') == old_accountname Logging.warning("%s` instead." % msg) else Logging.warning("%s -a '%s'` instead." % [msg, old_accountname]) end name = old_name oConfig.set(:account_name, old_accountname) else name = on_or_name end Logging.fatal( 1, "instance name '%s' not supported. Support only lower case, numeric and dash caracters." % [name]) if not (/^[\d[[:lower:]]-]+$/ =~ name) # Options are added if they are set. Otherwise, get will retrieve the default value. oConfig.set(:account_name, options[:account_name]) if options[:account_name] oConfig.set(:infra_repo, options[:infra]) oConfig.set(:keypair_name, options[:key_name]) oConfig.set(:keypair_path, options[:key_path]) oConfig.set(:security_group, options[:security_group]) oConfig.set(:image, options[:image]) oConfig.set(:flavor, options[:maestro_flavor]) oConfig.set(:bp_flavor, options[:bp_flavor]) oConfig.set(:maestro_repo , options[:maestro_repo]) oConfig.set(:test_box, File.expand_path(options[:test_box])) if options[:test_box] and File.directory?(File.expand_path(options[:test_box])) if options[:key_path] mFound = options[:key_path].match(/^(.*)(\.pub)?$/) if mFound key_path = File.expand_path(mFound[1]) if mFound[2] and not File.exists?(File.expand_path(mFound[1]+mFound[2])) Logging.fatal(1, "'%s' is not a valid keypair files. At least the public key (.pub) is have to exist.") end oConfig.set(:keypair_path, key_path) else Logging.fatal(1, "'%s' is not a valid keypair files. At least the public key (.pub) is have to exist.") end end Boot.boot(blueprint, name, options[:build],options[:branch], options[:boothook], options[:box_name], oConfig) end ################################# Show defaults desc 'show [name]', 'Show Object (default valuesr, account data, etc...) values.' long_desc <<-LONGDESC This command helps to show values used by 'forj' to boot a blueprint (account data, default values, etc...) queriable Objects: - defaults : Provide the list of predefined values, configured by forj, or by you in your ~/.forj/config.yaml (or another config file with -c) - account [name] : without name, forj will give you the list of account saved. Otherwise print 'name' account data. LONGDESC def show(object, name = nil) case object when 'defaults' oConfig=ForjConfig.new() puts 'List of default values: (local refer to your config file. hash refer to your FORJ account data)' puts oConfig.default_dump().to_yaml puts '---' puts "To change default values, update your ~/.forj/config.yaml and add the key/value entry under 'default' section." when 'account' oConfig=ForjConfig.new() if not name puts "List of FORJ accounts: Use 'forj account YourAccount' to see one account details." oAccounts = ForjAccounts.new() puts oAccounts.dump().to_yaml else oConfig.set(:account_name, name) oAccount = ForjAccount.new(oConfig) oAccount.ac_load() puts "Account value for '%s':" % name puts oAccount.dump().to_yaml puts '---' puts "To change those values, execute 'forj setup -a %s'." % options[:account_name] end else Logging.error("object '%s' unknown." % name) end end ################################# DOWN desc 'down ', 'delete the Maestro box and all systems installed by the blueprint' long_desc <<-LONGDESC This action all servers that has been created under the instance name. Warning! This action don't removed any network/security groups cloud object. LONGDESC def down(name) Logging.set_level(Logger::INFO) if options[:verbose] Logging.set_level(Logger::DEBUG) if options[:debug] oConfig = ForjConfig.new(options[:config]) oConfig.set(:account_name, options[:account_name]) if options[:account_name] Down.down(oConfig, name) end ################################# SET desc 'set [key=value] [options]', 'Set some variables in defaults or account.' long_desc <<-LONGDESC You can set some variables to change 'forj' defaults or specifically for a FORJ account. Ex: By default, forj use ~/.ssh/forj-id_rsa as keypair for all forge instance. During setup, if this keypair doesn't exist, it proposes to create it for you, with ssh-keygen. If you want to use a keypair that already exists, you can set it as your default, with: `forj set keypair_name=~/.ssh/id_rsa` If you want to set this key only for your account 'dev': `forj set keypair_name=~/.ssh/id_rsa -a dev` If you want to get the list of possible key to set: `forj set` If you want to remove the key from dev, and ask for to re-use defaults (from your config or application default) `forj set keypair_name= -a dev` If you want to remove the key from your default, and re-use application default `forj set keypair_name=` LONGDESC method_option :account_name, :aliases => '-a', :desc => "Set the forj account name to use. By default, uses the default account set in your local config file." def set(key_val = nil) Logging.set_level(Logger::INFO) if options[:verbose] Logging.set_level(Logger::DEBUG) if options[:debug] oConfig=ForjConfig.new() if not key_val puts "List of FORJ settings: Use 'forj set KeyName=Value [-a YourAccount]' to set one. Use `forj show defaults` / `account` to check values." hMaps = oConfig.getAppDefault(:account_section_mapping) hMaps.each_key { | key | sDesc = rhGet(hMaps, key, :desc) puts "%-15s : %s" % [key, sDesc] } else mkey_val = key_val.match(/^(.*) *= *(.*)$/) if mkey_val if not options[:account_name] if oConfig.exist?(mkey_val[1]) sBef = "%s: '%s'" % [oConfig.exist?(mkey_val[1]), oConfig.get(mkey_val[1])] else sBef = "unset" end if mkey_val[2] != "" oConfig.LocalSet(mkey_val[1], mkey_val[2]) else oConfig.LocalDel(mkey_val[1]) end oConfig.SaveConfig() if oConfig.exist?(mkey_val[1]) sAft = "%s: '%s'" % [oConfig.exist?(mkey_val[1]), oConfig.get(mkey_val[1])] else sAft = "unset" end puts "Updated:\n%s: %s => %s" % [mkey_val[1], sBef, sAft] else account_name = options[:account_name] oConfig.set(:account_name, account_name) oForjAccount = ForjAccount.new(oConfig) oForjAccount.ac_load() if oForjAccount.exist?(mkey_val[1]) sBef = "%s: '%s'" % [oForjAccount.exist?(mkey_val[1]).sub("hash", account_name), oForjAccount.get(mkey_val[1])] else sBef = "unset" end if mkey_val[2] == "" oForjAccount.del(mkey_val[1]) else oForjAccount.set(mkey_val[1], mkey_val[2]) end oForjAccount.ac_save() if oForjAccount.exist?(mkey_val[1]) sAft = "%s: '%s'" % [oForjAccount.exist?(mkey_val[1]).sub("hash", account_name), oForjAccount.get(mkey_val[1])] else sAft = "unset" end puts "Updated:\n%s: %s => %s" % [mkey_val[1], sBef, sAft] end else Logging.fatal(1 ,"Syntax error. Please set your value like: 'key=value' and retry.") end end end ################################# GET desc 'get', 'Get data from defaults or account values.' long_desc <<-LONGDESC forj cli maintain a list of key/value at 3 Levels: \x5- Application defaults \x5- Local config defaults \x5- Account data This function will help you identify which value has been retrieved from which level. Ex: To get the default keypair_name, from your ~/.forj/config.yaml, or if not found, from application defaults. `forj get keypair_name` Ex: To get the keypair_name defined from the account, or from your ~/.forj/config.yaml, or if not found, from application defaults. `forj get keypair_name -a dev` LONGDESC method_option :account_name, :aliases => '-a', :desc => "Set the forj account name to use. By default, uses the default account set in your local config file." def get(key = nil) Logging.set_level(Logger::INFO) if options[:verbose] Logging.set_level(Logger::DEBUG) if options[:debug] oConfig=ForjConfig.new() if not options[:account_name] if key if oConfig.exist?(key) puts "%s:'%s'" % [oConfig.exist?(key), oConfig.get(key)] else Logging.message("key '%s' not found" % [key]) end else puts "legend: default = Application defaults, local = Local default config\n\n" % [options[:account_name], options[:account_name]] puts "%-15s(%-7s) %-12s:\n--------------------------------------" % ['key', 'origin', 'section name'] hMaps = oConfig.getAppDefault(:account_section_mapping) hMaps.each { |map_key, value| if oConfig.exist?(map_key) puts "%-15s(%-7s) %-12s: '%s'" % [map_key, oConfig.exist?(map_key), value[:section], oConfig.get(map_key)] else puts "%-15s( ) %-12s: unset" % [map_key, value[:section]] end } end puts "\nUse 'forj set =' to update defaults" else oConfig.set(:account_name, options[:account_name]) oForjAccount = ForjAccount.new(oConfig) Logging.fatal(1, "Unable to load account '%s'. Not found." % options[:account_name]) if not oForjAccount.ac_load if key if oForjAccount.exist?(key) puts "%s: '%s'" % [oForjAccount.exist?(key).sub("hash", options[:account_name]), oForjAccount.get(key)] elsif oForjAccount.exist?(key.parameterize.underscore.to_sym) key_symb = key.parameterize.underscore.to_sym puts "%s: '%s'" % [oForjAccount.exist?(key_symb).sub("hash", options[:account_name]), oForjAccount.get(key_symb)] else Logging.message("key '%s' not found"% [key]) end else puts "legend: default = Application defaults, local = Local default config, %s = '%s' account config\n\n" % [options[:account_name], options[:account_name]] puts "%-15s(%-7s) %-12s:\n--------------------------------------" % ['key', 'origin', 'section name'] hMaps = oConfig.getAppDefault(:account_section_mapping) hMaps.each { |map_key, value| if oForjAccount.exist?(map_key) puts "%-15s(%-7s) %-12s: '%s'" % [map_key, oForjAccount.exist?(map_key).sub("hash", options[:account_name]), value[:section], oForjAccount.get(map_key)] else puts "%-15s( ) %12s: unset" % [map_key, value[:section]] end } end puts "\nUse 'forj set = -a %s' to update account data.\nOr 'forj set = -a %s' to restore key default value." % [options[:account_name], options[:account_name]] end end ################################# SSH desc 'ssh [options]', 'connect to your forge thru ssh' long_desc <<-LONGDESC Connect through ssh to a node attached to an instance ex: forj ssh myforge review LONGDESC def ssh(name, server) Logging.set_level(Logger::INFO) if options[:verbose] Logging.set_level(Logger::DEBUG) if options[:debug] oConfig = ForjConfig.new(options[:config]) oConfig.set(:account_name, options[:account_name]) if options[:account_name] Ssh.connect(name, server, oConfig) end ################################# SETUP method_option :keypair_name, :aliases => '-k', :desc => "config keypair_name : Keypair name attached as default to your FORJ account." method_option :keypair_path, :aliases => '-p', :desc => "config keypair_path : SSH key file (private or public) to attach as default to your FORJ account. It will attach any detected private/public key thanks to the file name (without extension/.pem = private, .pub = public)" desc 'setup [AccountName [Provider]] [options]', "Setup FORJ cloud account credentials and information." long_desc <<-LONGDESC This setup will configure a FORJ account used to connect to your cloud system. \x5It will ask for your cloud provider credentials and services. If AccountName is not set, 'hpcloud' will be used for AccountName and provider name, by default. \x5If AccountName is not set without provider, 'hpcloud' provider will be used, by default. WARNING! Currently supports only hpcloud provider. Several data will be requested like: \x5- Cloud provider credentials and services. \x5- user/password (password is encrypted) \x5- DNS settings if you want Maestro to manage it. \x5- domain name to add to each boxes hostname LONGDESC def setup(sAccountName = 'hpcloud', sProvider = "hpcloud") Logging.set_level(Logger::INFO) if options[:verbose] Logging.set_level(Logger::DEBUG) if options[:debug] oConfig=ForjConfig.new(options[:config]) oConfig.set(:provider, sProvider) oConfig.set(:account_name, sAccountName) oConfig.set(:keypair_path, options[:keypair_path]) if options[:keypair_path] oConfig.set(:keypair_name, options[:keypair_name]) if options[:keypair_name] Setup.setup(oConfig) end end Forj.start