require "envoy/activerecord_pg_stuff" Arel::Predications.module_eval do def contains(other)"@>", self, other) end end module DirectoryDiff module Transformer class TempTable attr_reader :current_directory, :operations # @params current_directory a relation that filters out only the records # that represent the current directory. This is # mostly likely an Employee relation. This # relation will be pulled into a temporary table. def initialize(current_directory) @current_directory = current_directory @operations = [] end # @param new_directory a table containing only the new records to compare # against, most likely a temp table. def into(new_directory, options = {}) projection = <<-SQL name, lower(email) email, coalesce(phone_number, '') phone_number, array_remove( regexp_split_to_array( coalesce(assistants, ''), '\s*,\s*' )::varchar[], '' ) assistants SQL do |temp_current_directory| # Remove dupe email rows, keeping the last one latest_unique_sql = <<-SQL SELECT DISTINCT ON (lower(email)) name, lower(email) email, coalesce(phone_number, '') phone_number, array_remove( regexp_split_to_array( coalesce(assistants, ''), '\s*,\s*' )::varchar[], '' ) assistants, extra, ROW_NUMBER () OVER () FROM #{} ORDER BY lower(email), row_number desc SQL'*') .from(Arel.sql("(#{latest_unique_sql}) as t")) .order("row_number").temporary_table do |deduped_csv| # Get Arel tables for referencing fields, table names employees = temp_current_directory.table csv = deduped_csv.table # Reusable Arel predicates csv_employee_join = csv[:email].eq(employees[:email]) attributes_unchanged = employees[:name].eq(csv[:name]) .and(employees[:phone_number].eq(csv[:phone_number])) .and(employees[:assistants].contains(csv[:assistants])) # Creates joins between the temp table and the csv table and # vice versa # Cribbed from csv_to_employees = csv.join(employees, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin) .on(csv_employee_join) .join_sources employees_to_csv = employees.join(csv, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin) .on(csv_employee_join) .join_sources # Representation of the joined csv-employees, with csv on the left csv_records = deduped_csv.joins(csv_to_employees).order('row_number asc') # Representation of the joined employees-csv, with employees on the # left employee_records = temp_current_directory.joins(employees_to_csv) # Cleanup some bad records # 1. Assistant email is set on an employee, but no assistant record # in csv. Remove the assistant email. # 2. Assistant email is employee's own email. Remove the assistant # email. # TODO move this into the temp table creation above # cleanup_sql = <<-SQL with unnested_assistants as ( select email, name, unnest(assistants) assistant from #{} ), own_email_removed as ( select a.* from unnested_assistants a where != a.assistant ), missing_assistants_removed as ( select a.* from own_email_removed a left outer join #{} b on a.assistant = where (a.assistant is null and is null) or (a.assistant is not null and is not null) ), only_valid_assistants as ( select,, array_remove( array_agg(b.assistant), null ) assistants from #{} a left outer join missing_assistants_removed b using (email) group by, ) update #{} set assistants = only_valid_assistants.assistants from only_valid_assistants where #{}.email = SQL deduped_csv.connection.execute(cleanup_sql) # new records are records in the new directory that don't exist in # the current directory new_records ="'insert'::varchar operation, row_number") .select(:name, :email, :phone_number, :assistants, :extra) .where({ => { email: nil } }) # deleted records are records in the current directory that don't # exist in the new directory deleted_records ="'delete'::varchar operation, row_number") .select(:name, :email, :phone_number, :assistants, :extra) .where({ => { email: nil } }) # changed records are records that have difference in name, phone # number and/or assistants changed_records ="'update'::varchar operation, row_number") .select(:name, :email, :phone_number, :assistants, :extra) .where.not(attributes_unchanged) # unchanged records are records that are exactly the same in both # directories (without considering the extra field) unchanged_records ="'noop'::varchar operation, row_number") .select(:name, :email, :phone_number, :assistants, :extra) .where(attributes_unchanged) # create temp table for holding operations operations_temp_table = "temporary_operations_#{self.object_id}" deduped_csv.connection.with_temporary_table operations_temp_table, new_records.to_sql do |name| dec = csv_records.klass, name rel = dec, table: dec.arel_table rel.readonly! rel.connection.execute("insert into #{name}(operation, row_number, name, email, phone_number, assistants, extra) #{deleted_records.to_sql}") rel.connection.execute("insert into #{name}(operation, row_number, name, email, phone_number, assistants, extra) #{changed_records.to_sql}") if options[:skip_noop] != true rel.connection.execute("insert into #{name}(operation, row_number, name, email, phone_number, assistants, extra) #{unchanged_records.to_sql}") end rel.order(:row_number).each do |operation| add_operation(operation) end end end end prioritize_assistants(operations) end private def add_operation(operation) op = [ operation.operation.to_sym,,, operation.phone_number.presence, serialize_pg_array(operation.assistants) ] op << operation.extra unless operation[:extra].nil? operations << op end def serialize_pg_array(pg_array) return if pg_array.nil? pg_array = pg_array[1...-1] # remove the curly braces pg_array.presence end def prioritize_assistants(operations) prioritized_operations = [] operations.each do |operation| process_operation(operation, operations, prioritized_operations, end prioritized_operations end def process_operation(operation, operations, prioritized_operations, tail) (_, _, email, _, assistants) = operation return if prioritized_operations.find { |_, _, e| e == email } (assistants || '').split(',').each do |assistant_email| next if tail.include?(assistant_email) assistant_operation = operations.find { |_, _, email| email == assistant_email } process_operation(assistant_operation, operations, prioritized_operations, tail.add(email)) end prioritized_operations << operation end end end end