require 'mocha/mock'
# Methods added to TestCase allowing creation of mock objects.
# Mocks created this way will have their expectations automatically verified at the end of the test.
# See Mocha::MockMethods for methods on mock objects.
module Mocha
module AutoVerify
def mocks # :nodoc:
@mocks ||= []
def reset_mocks # :nodoc:
@mocks = nil
# :call-seq: mock(name) -> mock object
# mock(expected_methods = {}) -> mock object
# mock(name, expected_methods = {}) -> mock object
# Creates a mock object.
# +name+ is a +String+ identifier for the mock object.
# +expected_methods+ is a +Hash+ with expected method name symbols as keys and corresponding return values as values.
# Note that (contrary to expectations set up by #stub) these expectations must be fulfilled during the test.
# def test_product
# product = mock('ipod_product', :manufacturer => 'ipod', :price => 100)
# assert_equal 'ipod', product.manufacturer
# assert_equal 100, product.price
# # an error will be raised unless both Product#manufacturer and Product#price have been called
# end
def mock(*args)
name, expectations = name_and_expectations_from_args(args)
build_mock_with_expectations(:expects, expectations, name)
# :call-seq: stub(name) -> mock object
# stub(stubbed_methods = {}) -> mock object
# stub(name, stubbed_methods = {}) -> mock object
# Creates a mock object.
# +name+ is a +String+ identifier for the mock object.
# +stubbed_methods+ is a +Hash+ with stubbed method name symbols as keys and corresponding return values as values.
# Note that (contrary to expectations set up by #mock) these expectations need not be fulfilled during the test.
# def test_product
# product = stub('ipod_product', :manufacturer => 'ipod', :price => 100)
# assert_equal 'ipod', product.manufacturer
# assert_equal 100, product.price
# # an error will not be raised even if Product#manufacturer and Product#price have not been called
# end
def stub(*args)
name, expectations = name_and_expectations_from_args(args)
build_mock_with_expectations(:stubs, expectations, name)
# :call-seq: stub_everything(name) -> mock object
# stub_everything(stubbed_methods = {}) -> mock object
# stub_everything(name, stubbed_methods = {}) -> mock object
# Creates a mock object that accepts calls to any method.
# By default it will return +nil+ for any method call.
# +name+ and +stubbed_methods+ work in the same way as for #stub.
# def test_product
# product = stub_everything('ipod_product', :price => 100)
# assert_nil product.manufacturer
# assert_nil product.any_old_method
# assert_equal 100, product.price
# end
def stub_everything(*args)
name, expectations = name_and_expectations_from_args(args)
build_mock_with_expectations(:stub_everything, expectations, name)
def verify_mocks # :nodoc:
mocks.each { |mock| mock.verify { yield if block_given? } }
def teardown_mocks # :nodoc:
def build_mock_with_expectations(expectation_type = :expects, expectations = {}, name = nil) # :nodoc:
stub_everything = (expectation_type == :stub_everything)
expectation_type = :stubs if expectation_type == :stub_everything
mock =, name)
expectations.each do |method, result|
mock.__send__(expectation_type, method).returns(result)
mocks << mock
def name_and_expectations_from_args(args) # :nodoc:
name = args.first.is_a?(String) ? args.delete_at(0) : nil
expectations = args.first || {}
[name, expectations]