#Mapfish print controller with access control and servlet call class PrintController < ApplicationController require 'popen4' begin require 'RMagick' rescue LoadError ActionController::Base.logger.info "Couldn't find RMagick. Image export not supported" end skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, :only => :create # allow /print/create with POST #cache info.json caches_action :info, :cache_path => Proc.new { { :proto => request.protocol } } class JavaError < Exception def initialize(cmd, message) super(cmd+"\n"+message) end end def initialize @configFile = "#{Rails.root}/config/print.yml" end TMP_PREFIX = "#{PRINT_TMP_PATH}/mfPrintTempFile" TMP_SUFFIX = ".pdf" TMP_PURGE_SECONDS = 600 OUTPUT_FORMATS = ["pdf", "png", "jpg", "tif", "gif"] def info #if PRINT_URL.present? #TODO: call_servlet(request) cmd = baseCmd + " --clientConfig" result = "" errors = "" status = POpen4::popen4(cmd) do |stdout, stderr, stdin, pid| result = stdout.readlines.join("\n") errors = stderr.readlines.join("\n") end if status.nil? || status.exitstatus != 0 raise JavaError.new(cmd, errors) else info = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(result) info['createURL'] = url_for(:protocol => request.protocol, :action=>'create') + '.json' # add output formats info['outputFormats'] = [] OUTPUT_FORMATS.each do |output_format| info['outputFormats'] << {:name => output_format} end respond_to do |format| format.json do if params[:var] render :text=>"var "+params[:var]+"="+result+";" else render :json=>info end end end end end def create cleanupTempFiles accessible_topics = Topic.accessible_by(current_ability).collect{ |topic| topic.name } layers_to_delete = [] request.parameters["layers"].each do |layer| if layer["baseURL"] # WMS layers topic_name = File.basename(URI.parse(layer["baseURL"]).path) if accessible_topics.include?(topic_name) # rewrite URL for local WMS, use CGI if layer filter is used use_cgi = !layer["customParams"].nil? && layer["customParams"].any? { |param, value| param =~ LAYER_FILTER_REGEX } layer["baseURL"] = rewrite_wms_uri(layer["baseURL"], use_cgi) if layer["customParams"] #Set map_resolution for mapserver (MapFish print bug?) layer["customParams"].delete("DPI") layer["customParams"]["map_resolution"] = request.parameters["dpi"] end topic = Topic.find_by_name(topic_name) add_sld_body(topic, layer) add_filter(topic_name, layer) # For permission check in WMS controller: pass session as WMS request parameter #layer["customParams"]["session"] = else # collect inaccessible layers for later removal layers_to_delete << layer end end if layer["baseURL"].nil? && layer["styles"] #Vector layers layer["styles"].each_value do |style| #NoMethodError (undefined method `each_value' for [""]:Array): if style["externalGraphic"] style["externalGraphic"].gsub!(LOCAL_GRAPHICS_HOST, '') style["externalGraphic"].gsub!(/^https:/, 'http:') style["externalGraphic"].gsub!(/^\//, '') end end end end # remove inaccessible layers request.parameters["layers"] -= layers_to_delete scales = [] request.parameters["pages"].each do |page| # round center coordinates page["center"].collect! {|coord| (coord * 100.0).round / 100.0 } # round extent coordinates page["extent"].collect! {|coord| (coord * 100.0).round / 100.0 } unless page["extent"].nil? # add blank user strings if missing page["user_title"] = " " if page["user_title"].blank? page["user_comment"] = " " if page["user_comment"].blank? # base url page["base_url"] = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host}" # disclaimer topic = Topic.accessible_by(current_ability).where(:name => page["topic"]).first page["disclaimer"] = topic.nil? ? Topic.default_print_disclaimer : topic.print_disclaimer # scale scales << page["scale"] end outputFormat = request.parameters["outputFormat"] request.parameters["outputFormat"] = 'pdf' logger.info request.parameters.to_yaml if request.parameters["report"] # JasperReport call_report(request) elsif PRINT_URL.present? # MapFish # FIXME: add custom scales to config file call_servlet(request) else # MapFish #print-standalone tempId = SecureRandom.random_number(2**31) # use temp config file with added custom scales print_config = File.read(@configFile) print_config.gsub!(/scales:/, "scales:\n#{ scales.collect {|s| " - #{s.to_s}"}.join("\n") }") config_file = TMP_PREFIX + tempId.to_s + "print.yml" File.open(config_file, "w") { |file| file << print_config } temp = TMP_PREFIX + tempId.to_s + TMP_SUFFIX cmd = baseCmd(config_file) + " --output=" + temp result = "" errors = "" status = POpen4::popen4(cmd) do |stdout, stderr, stdin, pid| stdin.puts request.parameters.to_json #body = request.body #FileUtils.copy_stream(body, stdin) #body.close stdin.close result = stdout.readlines.join("\n") errors = stderr.readlines.join("\n") end if status.nil? || status.exitstatus != 0 raise JavaError.new(cmd, errors) else convert_and_send_link(temp, tempId, request.parameters["dpi"], outputFormat) end end end def show output_format = params[:format] type = nil if OUTPUT_FORMATS.include?(output_format) case output_format when "pdf" type = 'application/x-pdf' when "png" type = 'image/png' when "jpg" type = 'image/jpeg' when "tif" type = 'image/tiff' when "gif" type = 'image/gif' end end is_mapfish_print_id = (params[:id] =~ /^[0-9]+$/) if is_mapfish_print_id temp = TMP_PREFIX + params[:id] + ".#{output_format}" send_file temp, :type => type, :disposition => 'attachment', :filename => params[:id] + ".#{output_format}" else params['report'] = params[:id] result = create_report(request) if result.nil? render :nothing => true, :status => 500 return end if result.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess send_data result.body, :type => type, :disposition => 'attachment', :filename => "#{params[:report]}.pdf" else logger.info "#{result.code}: #{result.body}" render :nothing => true, :status => result.code end end end def add_sld_body(topic, layer) # add SLD for selection unless layer["customParams"]["SELECTION[LAYER]"].blank? sellayer = topic.layers.find_by_name(layer["customParams"]["SELECTION[LAYER]"]) if sellayer.nil? logger.info "Selection layer '#{layer["customParams"]["SELECTION[LAYER]"]}' not found in topic '#{topic.name}'" return end sld_body = Wms.sld_selection(sellayer, layer["customParams"]["SELECTION[PROPERTY]"], layer["customParams"]["SELECTION[VALUES]"].split(',') ) layer["customParams"]["SLD_BODY"] = sld_body # remove non-WMS params layer["customParams"].delete("SELECTION[LAYER]") layer["customParams"].delete("SELECTION[PROPERTY]") layer["customParams"].delete("SELECTION[VALUES]") end end def add_filter(topic_name, layer) filters = Wms.access_filters(current_ability, current_user, topic_name, layer["layers"]) if filters.any? filters.each do |key, value| # remove existing filter layer["customParams"].delete(key) # add serverside filter layer["customParams"][key] = value end end end protected def rewrite_wms_uri(url, use_cgi) #http://wms.zh.ch/basis -> out = url # get topic from layer URL uri = URI.parse(url) localwms = LOCAL_WMS.any? { |ref| uri.host =~ ref } if localwms topic = File.basename(uri.path) localhost = 'localhost' #TODO: site specific configuration out = "http://#{localhost}#{use_cgi ? MAPSERV_CGI_URL : MAPSERV_URL}?MAP=#{MAPPATH}/#{@zone}/#{topic}.map&" #out = "http://#{localhost}:#{request.port}/wms/#{topic}" end out end def baseCmd(config_file = nil) config = config_file || @configFile "java -cp #{GbMapfishPrint::PRINT_JAR} org.mapfish.print.ShellMapPrinter --config=#{config}" end def cleanupTempFiles minTime = Time.now - TMP_PURGE_SECONDS; (OUTPUT_FORMATS + ["yml"]).each do |output_format| Dir.glob(TMP_PREFIX + "*." + output_format).each do |path| if File.mtime(path) < minTime File.delete(path) end end end end def call_servlet(request) url = URI.parse(URI.decode(PRINT_URL)) logger.info "Forward request: #{PRINT_URL}" printspec = request.parameters.to_json response = nil begin http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port) http.start do case request.method.to_s when 'GET' then response = http.get(url.path) #, request.headers #when 'POST' then response = http.post(url.path, printspec) when 'POST' then response = http.get("#{url.path}?spec=#{CGI.escape(printspec)}") #-> GET print.pdf else raise Exception.new("unsupported method `#{request.method}'.") end end rescue => err logger.info("#{err.class}: #{err.message}") render :nothing => true, :status => 500 return end #send_data response.body, :status => response.code, :type=>'application/x-pdf', :disposition=>'attachment', :filename=>'map.pdf' tempId = SecureRandom.random_number(2**31) temp = TMP_PREFIX + tempId.to_s + TMP_SUFFIX File.open(temp, 'wb') {|f| f.write(response.body) } convert_and_send_link(temp, tempId, request.parameters["dpi"], request.parameters["outputFormat"]) end # optionally convert PDF to image and send link to print result def convert_and_send_link(temp_pdf, temp_id, dpi, output_format) temp_suffix = ".pdf" if output_format != "pdf" && OUTPUT_FORMATS.include?(output_format) # convert PDF to image pdf = Magick::Image.read(temp_pdf) { self.density = dpi }.first temp_suffix = ".#{output_format}" temp_img = TMP_PREFIX + temp_id.to_s + temp_suffix pdf.write(temp_img) File.delete(temp_pdf) end respond_to do |format| format.json do render :json=>{ 'getURL' => url_for(:action=>'show', :id=>temp_id) + temp_suffix } end end end # forward to JasperReport def create_report(request) report = request.parameters["report"] call_params = { :j_username => JASPER_USER, :j_password => JASPER_PASSWORD } if request.parameters["pages"] page = request.parameters["pages"].first %w(scale rotation base_url user_title user_comment topics2print withlegend).each do |mfparam| call_params[mfparam.upcase] = page[mfparam] end call_params[:MAP_BBOX] = page["extent"].join(',') call_params[:MAP_CENTER] = page["center"].join(',') end request.parameters.each do |name, val| if name =~ /^REP_/ call_params[name] = val end end pdfid = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + rand.to_s[2..4] call_params['REP_PDFID'] = pdfid report_url = "#{JASPER_URL}/#{report}.pdf?#{ call_params.to_param }" begin logger.info "Forward request: #{report_url}" result = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(report_url)) result["pdfid"] = pdfid rescue => err logger.info("#{err.class}: #{err.message}") return nil end result end #Mapfish print compatible report delivery def call_report(request) result = create_report(request) if result.nil? render :nothing => true, :status => 500 return end if result.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess temp_id = SecureRandom.random_number(2**31) temp = TMP_PREFIX + temp_id.to_s + TMP_SUFFIX File.open(temp, 'wb') {|f| f.write(result.body) } render :json=>{ 'getURL' => url_for(:action=> 'show', :id=> temp_id) + ".pdf" } else logger.info "#{result.code}: #{result.body}" render :nothing => true, :status => result.code end end end