# Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ # Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Phusion Holding B.V. # # "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered # trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. ORIG_TARBALL_FILES = lambda { PhusionPassenger::Packaging.files } def recursive_copy_files(files, destination_dir, preprocess = false, variables = {}) require 'fileutils' if !defined?(FileUtils) if !STDOUT.tty? puts "Copying files..." end files.each_with_index do |filename, i| dir = File.dirname(filename) if !File.exist?("#{destination_dir}/#{dir}") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{destination_dir}/#{dir}") end if !File.directory?(filename) if preprocess && filename =~ /\.erb$/ real_filename = filename.sub(/\.erb$/, '') FileUtils.install(filename, "#{destination_dir}/#{real_filename}", :preserve => true) Preprocessor.new.start(filename, "#{destination_dir}/#{real_filename}", variables) else FileUtils.install(filename, "#{destination_dir}/#{filename}", :preserve => true) end end if STDOUT.tty? printf "\r[%5d/%5d] [%3.0f%%] Copying files...", i + 1, files.size, i * 100.0 / files.size STDOUT.flush end end if STDOUT.tty? printf "\r[%5d/%5d] [%3.0f%%] Copying files...\n", files.size, files.size, 100 end end def word_wrap(text, max = 72) while index = (lines = text.split("\n")).find_index{ |line| line.size > max } line = lines[index] pos = max while pos >= 0 && line[pos..pos] != " " pos -= 1 end if pos < 0 raise "Cannot wrap line: #{line}" else lines[index] = line[0 .. pos - 1] lines.insert(index + 1, line[pos + 1 .. -1]) text = lines.join("\n") end end return text end def is_open_source? return !is_enterprise? end def is_enterprise? return PACKAGE_NAME =~ /enterprise/ end def enterprise_git_url return "TODO" end def git_tag_prefix if is_open_source? return "release" else return "enterprise" end end def git_tag return "#{git_tag_prefix}-#{VERSION_STRING}" end def apt_repo_name if is_open_source? "passenger" else "passenger-enterprise" end end def homebrew_dir return "/tmp/homebrew" end task :clobber => 'package:clean' task 'package:set_official' do ENV['OFFICIAL_RELEASE'] = '1' # These environment variables interfere with 'brew install' # and maybe other stuff, so unset them. ENV.delete('CC') ENV.delete('CXX') ENV.delete('USE_CCACHE') end desc "Build, sign & upload gem & tarball" task 'package:release' => ['package:set_official', 'package:gem', 'package:tarball', 'package:sign'] do PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info' require 'yaml' require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' basename = "#{PhusionPassenger::PACKAGE_NAME}-#{PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING}" version = PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING is_beta = !!version.split('.')[3] if !`git status --porcelain | grep -Ev '^\\?\\? '`.empty? STDERR.puts "-------------------" abort "*** ERROR: There are uncommitted files. See 'git status'" end begin website_config = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("~/.passenger_website.yml")) rescue Errno::ENOENT STDERR.puts "-------------------" abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Phusion Passenger website admin " + "password in ~/.passenger_website.yml:\n" + "admin_password: ..." end if !PhusionPassenger::PlatformInfo.find_command("hub") STDERR.puts "-------------------" abort "*** ERROR: Please 'brew install hub' first" end if is_open_source? if boolean_option('HOMEBREW_UPDATE', true) && !is_beta puts "Updating Homebrew formula..." Rake::Task['package:update_homebrew'].invoke else puts "HOMEBREW_UPDATE set to false, not updating Homebrew formula." end end sh "git tag -s #{git_tag} -u 0A212A8C -m 'Release #{version}'" puts "Proceed with pushing tag to remote Git repo and uploading the gem and signatures? [y/n]" if STDIN.readline == "y\n" sh "git push origin #{git_tag}" if is_open_source? sh "s3cmd -P put #{PKG_DIR}/passenger-#{version}.{gem,tar.gz,gem.asc,tar.gz.asc} s3://phusion-passenger/releases/" sh "gem push #{PKG_DIR}/passenger-#{version}.gem" puts "Updating version number on website..." if is_beta uri = URI.parse("https://www.phusionpassenger.com/latest_beta_version") else uri = URI.parse("https://www.phusionpassenger.com/latest_stable_version") end http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri) request.basic_auth("admin", website_config["admin_password"]) request.set_form_data("version" => version) response = http.request(request) if response.code != 200 && response.body != "ok" abort "*** ERROR: Cannot update version number on www.phusionpassenger.com:\n" + "Status: #{response.code}\n\n" + response.body end puts "Initiating building of binaries" Rake::Task['package:initiate_binaries_building'].invoke if !is_beta puts "Initiating building of Debian packages" Rake::Task['package:initiate_debian_building'].invoke puts "Initiating building of RPM packages" Rake::Task['package:initiate_rpm_building'].invoke end puts "Building OS X binaries..." Rake::Task['package:build_osx_binaries'].invoke if !is_beta && boolean_option('HOMEBREW_UPDATE', true) if boolean_option('HOMEBREW_DRY_RUN', false) puts "HOMEBREW_DRY_RUN set, not submitting pull request. Please find the repo in /tmp/homebrew." else puts "Submitting Homebrew pull request..." sh "cd #{homebrew_dir} && hub pull-request -m 'passenger #{version}' -b Homebrew:master" end end puts "--------------" puts "All done." else dir = "/u/apps/passenger_website/shared" subdir = string_option('NAME', version) sh "scp #{PKG_DIR}/#{basename}.{gem,tar.gz,gem.asc,tar.gz.asc} app@shell.phusion.nl:#{dir}/" sh "ssh app@shell.phusion.nl 'mkdir -p \"#{dir}/assets/#{subdir}\" && mv #{dir}/#{basename}.{gem,tar.gz,gem.asc,tar.gz.asc} \"#{dir}/assets/#{subdir}/\"'" command = "curl -F file=@#{PKG_DIR}/#{basename}.gem --user admin:'#{website_config['admin_password']}' " + "--output /dev/stderr --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent " + "https://www.phusionpassenger.com/enterprise_gems/upload" puts command result = `#{command}` if result != "200" abort "Gem upload failed. HTTP status code: #{result.inspect}" else # The response body does not contain a newline, # so fix terminal output. puts end puts "Initiating building of binaries" Rake::Task['package:initiate_binaries_building'].invoke if !is_beta puts "Initiating building of Debian packages" Rake::Task['package:initiate_debian_building'].invoke puts "Initiating building of RPM packages" Rake::Task['package:initiate_rpm_building'].invoke end puts "Building OS X binaries..." Rake::Task['package:build_osx_binaries'].invoke puts "--------------" puts "All done." end else puts "Did not upload anything." end end task 'package:gem' => Packaging::PREGENERATED_FILES do require 'phusion_passenger' if ENV['OFFICIAL_RELEASE'] release_file = "#{PhusionPassenger.resources_dir}/release.txt" File.unlink(release_file) rescue nil end begin if release_file File.open(release_file, "w").close end sh("gem build #{PhusionPassenger::PACKAGE_NAME}.gemspec") ensure if release_file File.unlink(release_file) rescue nil end end sh "mkdir -p #{PKG_DIR}" sh "mv #{PhusionPassenger::PACKAGE_NAME}-#{PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING}.gem #{PKG_DIR}/" end task 'package:tarball' => Packaging::PREGENERATED_FILES do require 'phusion_passenger' require 'fileutils' basename = "#{PhusionPassenger::PACKAGE_NAME}-#{PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING}" sh "rm -rf #{PKG_DIR}/#{basename}" sh "mkdir -p #{PKG_DIR}/#{basename}" recursive_copy_files(ORIG_TARBALL_FILES.call, "#{PKG_DIR}/#{basename}") if ENV['OFFICIAL_RELEASE'] File.open("#{PKG_DIR}/#{basename}/resources/release.txt", "w").close end if PlatformInfo.os_name_simple == "macosx" sh "cd #{PKG_DIR}/#{basename} && find . -print0 | xargs -0 touch -t '201310270000'" else sh "cd #{PKG_DIR}/#{basename} && find . -print0 | xargs -0 touch -d '2013-10-27 00:00:00 UTC'" end sh "cd #{PKG_DIR} && tar -c #{basename} | gzip --no-name --best > #{basename}.tar.gz" sh "rm -rf #{PKG_DIR}/#{basename}" end task 'package:sign' do if File.exist?(File.expand_path("~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf")) || ENV['GPG_AGENT_INFO'] puts "It looks like you're using gpg-agent, so skipping automatically password caching." else begin require 'highline' rescue LoadError abort "Please run `gem install highline` first." end h = HighLine.new password = h.ask("Password for software-signing@phusion.nl GPG key: ") { |q| q.echo = false } passphrase_opt = "--passphrase-file .gpg-password" end begin if password File.open(".gpg-password", "w", 0600) do |f| f.write(password) end end version = PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING ["passenger-#{version}.gem", "passenger-#{version}.tar.gz", "passenger-enterprise-server-#{version}.gem", "passenger-enterprise-server-#{version}.tar.gz"].each do |name| if File.exist?("pkg/#{name}") sh "gpg --sign --detach-sign #{passphrase_opt} --local-user software-signing@phusion.nl --armor pkg/#{name}" end end ensure File.unlink('.gpg-password') if File.exist?('.gpg-password') end end task 'package:update_homebrew' do require 'digest/sha2' version = VERSION_STRING sha256 = File.open("#{PKG_DIR}/passenger-#{version}.tar.gz", "rb") do |f| Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(f.read) end if !File.exist?(homebrew_dir) sh "git clone git@github.com:phusion/homebrew-core.git #{homebrew_dir}" sh "cd #{homebrew_dir} && git remote add Homebrew https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core.git" end sh "cd #{homebrew_dir} && git fetch Homebrew" sh "cd #{homebrew_dir} && git reset --hard Homebrew/master" formula = File.read("/tmp/homebrew/Formula/passenger.rb") formula.gsub!(/passenger-.+?\.tar\.gz/, "passenger-#{version}.tar.gz") || abort("Unable to substitute Homebrew formula tarball filename") formula.gsub!(/^ sha256 .*/, " sha256 \"#{sha256}\"") || abort("Unable to substitute Homebrew formula SHA-256") necessary_dirs = ORIG_TARBALL_FILES.call.map{ |filename| filename.split("/").first }.uniq necessary_dirs -= Packaging::HOMEBREW_EXCLUDE necessary_dirs += ["buildout"] necessary_dirs_str = word_wrap(necessary_dirs.inspect).split("\n").join("\n ") formula.sub!(/necessary_files = .*?\]/m, "necessary_files = Dir#{necessary_dirs_str}") || abort("Unable to substitute file whitelist") File.open("/tmp/homebrew/Formula/passenger.rb", "w") do |f| f.write(formula) end sh "cd #{homebrew_dir} && git commit -a -m 'passenger #{version}'" sh "cd #{homebrew_dir} && git push -f" if boolean_option('HOMEBREW_TEST', true) sh "cp /tmp/homebrew/Formula/passenger.rb /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/passenger.rb" if `brew info passenger` !~ /^Not installed$/ sh "brew uninstall passenger" end sh "cp #{PKG_DIR}/passenger-#{version}.tar.gz `brew --cache`/" sh "brew install passenger" Rake::Task['test:integration:native_packaging'].invoke end end task 'package:initiate_binaries_building' do require 'yaml' require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' begin website_config = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("~/.passenger_website.yml")) rescue Errno::ENOENT STDERR.puts "-------------------" abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Phusion Passenger website admin " + "password in ~/.passenger_website.yml:\n" + "admin_password: ..." end if is_open_source? type = "open%20source" jenkins_token = website_config["jenkins_token"] if !jenkins_token abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Passenger open source Jenkins " + "authentication token in ~/.passenger_website.yml, under " + "the 'jenkins_token' key." end else type = "Enterprise" jenkins_token = website_config["jenkins_enterprise_token"] if !jenkins_token abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Passenger Enterprise Jenkins " + "authentication token in ~/.passenger_website.yml, under " + "the 'jenkins_enterprise_token' key." end end uri = URI.parse("https://oss-jenkins.phusion.nl/buildByToken/buildWithParameters?" + "job=Passenger%20#{type}%20binaries%20(release)&ref=#{git_tag}&testing=false") http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri) request.set_form_data("token" => jenkins_token) response = http.request(request) if response.code != 201 abort "*** ERROR: Cannot initiate building of binaries:\n" + "Status: #{response.code}\n\n" + response.body end puts "Initiated building of binaries." end task 'package:initiate_debian_building' do require 'yaml' require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' begin website_config = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("~/.passenger_website.yml")) rescue Errno::ENOENT STDERR.puts "-------------------" abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Phusion Passenger website admin " + "password in ~/.passenger_website.yml:\n" + "admin_password: ..." end if is_open_source? type = "open%20source" jenkins_token = website_config["jenkins_token"] if !jenkins_token abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Passenger open source Jenkins " + "authentication token in ~/.passenger_website.yml, under " + "the 'jenkins_token' key." end else type = "Enterprise" jenkins_token = website_config["jenkins_enterprise_token"] if !jenkins_token abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Passenger Enterprise Jenkins " + "authentication token in ~/.passenger_website.yml, under " + "the 'jenkins_enterprise_token' key." end end uri = URI.parse("https://oss-jenkins.phusion.nl/buildByToken/buildWithParameters?" + "job=Passenger%20#{type}%20Debian%20packages%20(release)&ref=#{git_tag}&repo=#{apt_repo_name}") http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri) request.set_form_data("token" => jenkins_token) response = http.request(request) if response.code != 201 abort "*** ERROR: Cannot initiate building of Debian packages:\n" + "Status: #{response.code}\n\n" + response.body end puts "Initiated building of Debian packages." end task 'package:initiate_rpm_building' do require 'yaml' require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' begin website_config = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("~/.passenger_website.yml")) rescue Errno::ENOENT STDERR.puts "-------------------" abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Phusion Passenger website admin " + "password in ~/.passenger_website.yml:\n" + "admin_password: ..." end if is_open_source? type = "open%20source" jenkins_token = website_config["jenkins_token"] if !jenkins_token abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Passenger open source Jenkins " + "authentication token in ~/.passenger_website.yml, under " + "the 'jenkins_token' key." end else type = "Enterprise" jenkins_token = website_config["jenkins_enterprise_token"] if !jenkins_token abort "*** ERROR: Please put the Passenger Enterprise Jenkins " + "authentication token in ~/.passenger_website.yml, under " + "the 'jenkins_enterprise_token' key." end end uri = URI.parse("https://oss-jenkins.phusion.nl/buildByToken/buildWithParameters?" + "job=Passenger%20#{type}%20RPM%20packages%20(release)&ref=#{git_tag}&repo=#{apt_repo_name}") http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri) request.set_form_data("token" => jenkins_token) response = http.request(request) if response.code != 201 abort "*** ERROR: Cannot initiate building of RPM packages:\n" + "Status: #{response.code}\n\n" + response.body end puts "Initiated building of RPM packages." end task 'package:build_osx_binaries' do sh "env ENTERPRISE=#{!!is_enterprise?} TESTING=false " \ "PASSENGER_ROOT=#{Shellwords.shellescape Dir.pwd} " \ "./packaging/binaries/integration/publish/macos.sh" end desc "Remove gem, tarball and signatures" task 'package:clean' do require 'phusion_passenger' basename = "#{PhusionPassenger::PACKAGE_NAME}-#{PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING}" sh "rm -f pkg/#{basename}.{gem,gem.asc,tar.gz,tar.gz.asc}" end def change_shebang(filename, value) contents = File.open(filename, "r") do |f| f.read end contents.gsub!(/\A#\!.+$/, "#!#{value}") File.open(filename, "w") do |f| f.write(contents) end end desc "Create a fakeroot, useful for building native packages" task :fakeroot => [:apache2, :nginx, 'nginx:as_dynamic_module', :doc] do require 'rbconfig' require 'fileutils' include RbConfig fs_prefix = ENV['FS_PREFIX'] || "/usr" fs_bindir = ENV['FS_BINDIR'] || "#{fs_prefix}/bin" fs_sbindir = ENV['FS_SBINDIR'] || "#{fs_prefix}/sbin" fs_datadir = ENV['FS_DATADIR'] || "#{fs_prefix}/share" fs_docdir = ENV['FS_DOCDIR'] || "#{fs_datadir}/doc" fs_libdir = ENV['FS_LIBDIR'] || "#{fs_prefix}/lib" # We don't use CONFIG['archdir'] and the like because we want # the files to be installed to /usr, and the Ruby interpreter # on the packaging machine might be in /usr/local. psg_rubylibdir = ENV['RUBYLIBDIR'] || "#{fs_libdir}/ruby/vendor_ruby" psg_nodelibdir = "#{fs_datadir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/node" psg_libdir = "#{fs_libdir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}" psg_native_support_dir = ENV["RUBYARCHDIR"] || "#{fs_libdir}/ruby/#{CONFIG['ruby_version']}/#{CONFIG['arch']}" psg_support_binaries_dir = "#{fs_libdir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/support-binaries" psg_helper_scripts_dir = "#{fs_datadir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/helper-scripts" psg_resources_dir = "#{fs_datadir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}" psg_include_dir = "#{fs_datadir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/include" psg_docdir = "#{fs_docdir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}" psg_bindir = "#{fs_bindir}" psg_sbindir = "#{fs_sbindir}" psg_apache2_module_path = ENV['APACHE2_MODULE_PATH'] || "#{fs_libdir}/apache2/modules/mod_passenger.so" psg_ruby_extension_source_dir = "#{fs_datadir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/ruby_extension_source" psg_nginx_module_source_dir = "#{fs_datadir}/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/ngx_http_passenger_module" psg_ruby = ENV['RUBY'] || "#{fs_bindir}/ruby" psg_free_ruby = ENV['FREE_RUBY'] || "/usr/bin/env ruby" fakeroot = "pkg/fakeroot" fake_rubylibdir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_rubylibdir}" fake_nodelibdir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_nodelibdir}" fake_libdir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_libdir}" fake_native_support_dir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_native_support_dir}" fake_support_binaries_dir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_support_binaries_dir}" fake_helper_scripts_dir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_helper_scripts_dir}" fake_resources_dir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_resources_dir}" fake_include_dir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_include_dir}" fake_docdir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_docdir}" fake_bindir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_bindir}" fake_sbindir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_sbindir}" fake_apache2_module_path = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_apache2_module_path}" fake_ruby_extension_source_dir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_ruby_extension_source_dir}" fake_nginx_module_source_dir = "#{fakeroot}#{psg_nginx_module_source_dir}" packaging_method = ENV['NATIVE_PACKAGING_METHOD'] || ENV['PACKAGING_METHOD'] || "deb" sh "rm -rf #{fakeroot}" sh "mkdir -p #{fakeroot}" # Ruby sources sh "mkdir -p #{fake_rubylibdir}" sh "cp #{PhusionPassenger.ruby_libdir}/phusion_passenger.rb #{fake_rubylibdir}/" sh "cp -R #{PhusionPassenger.ruby_libdir}/phusion_passenger #{fake_rubylibdir}/" # Node.js sources sh "mkdir -p #{fake_nodelibdir}" sh "cp -R #{PhusionPassenger.node_libdir}/* #{fake_nodelibdir}/" # C++ support libraries sh "mkdir -p #{fake_libdir}" sh "cp -R #{COMMON_OUTPUT_DIR} #{fake_libdir}/" sh "rm -rf #{fake_libdir}/common/libboost_oxt" sh "cp -R #{NGINX_DYNAMIC_OUTPUT_DIR} #{fake_libdir}/" sh "rm -rf #{fake_libdir}/nginx_dynamic/libboost_oxt" # Ruby extension binaries sh "mkdir -p #{fake_native_support_dir}" native_support_archdir = PlatformInfo.ruby_extension_binary_compatibility_id sh "mkdir -p #{fake_native_support_dir}" sh "cp -R buildout/ruby/#{native_support_archdir}/*.#{LIBEXT} #{fake_native_support_dir}/" # Support binaries sh "mkdir -p #{fake_support_binaries_dir}" sh "cp -R #{PhusionPassenger.support_binaries_dir}/* #{fake_support_binaries_dir}/" sh "rm -rf #{fake_support_binaries_dir}/*.dSYM" sh "rm -rf #{fake_support_binaries_dir}/*/*.dSYM" sh "rm -rf #{fake_support_binaries_dir}/*.o" # Helper scripts sh "mkdir -p #{fake_helper_scripts_dir}" sh "cp -R #{PhusionPassenger.helper_scripts_dir}/* #{fake_helper_scripts_dir}/" # Resources sh "mkdir -p #{fake_resources_dir}" sh "cp -R resources/* #{fake_resources_dir}/" # Headers necessary for building the Nginx module sh "mkdir -p #{fake_include_dir}" # Infer headers that the Nginx module needs headers = [] Dir["src/nginx_module/*.[ch]"].each do |filename| File.read(filename).split("\n").grep(%r{#include "cxx_supportlib/(.+)"}) do |match| headers << ["src/cxx_supportlib/#{$1}", "cxx_supportlib/#{$1}"] end end # Manually add headers that could not be inferred through # the above code headers.concat([ ["src/cxx_supportlib/Exceptions.h", "cxx_supportlib/Exceptions.h"], ["src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/modp_b64.h", "cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/modp_b64.h"], ["src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/modp_b64_data.h", "cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/modp_b64_data.h"] ]) headers.each do |header| target = "#{fake_include_dir}/#{header[1]}" dir = File.dirname(target) if !File.directory?(dir) sh "mkdir -p #{dir}" end sh "cp #{header[0]} #{target}" end # Nginx module sources sh "mkdir -p #{fake_nginx_module_source_dir}" sh "cp src/nginx_module/* #{fake_nginx_module_source_dir}/" # Documentation sh "mkdir -p #{fake_docdir}" sh "cp doc/*.html #{fake_docdir}/" sh "cp -R doc/images #{fake_docdir}/" # User binaries sh "mkdir -p #{fake_bindir}" Packaging::USER_EXECUTABLES.each do |exe| sh "cp bin/#{exe} #{fake_bindir}/" if Packaging::EXECUTABLES_WITH_FREE_RUBY.include?(exe) shebang = psg_free_ruby else shebang = psg_ruby end change_shebang("#{fake_bindir}/#{exe}", shebang) end # Superuser binaries sh "mkdir -p #{fake_sbindir}" Packaging::SUPER_USER_EXECUTABLES.each do |exe| sh "cp bin/#{exe} #{fake_sbindir}/" if Packaging::EXECUTABLES_WITH_FREE_RUBY.include?(exe) shebang = psg_free_ruby else shebang = psg_ruby end change_shebang("#{fake_sbindir}/#{exe}", shebang) end # Apache 2 module sh "mkdir -p #{File.dirname(fake_apache2_module_path)}" sh "cp #{APACHE2_TARGET} #{fake_apache2_module_path}" # Ruby extension sources sh "mkdir -p #{fake_ruby_extension_source_dir}" sh "cp -R #{PhusionPassenger.ruby_extension_source_dir}/* #{fake_ruby_extension_source_dir}" puts "Creating #{fake_rubylibdir}/phusion_passenger/locations.ini" File.open("#{fake_rubylibdir}/phusion_passenger/locations.ini", "w") do |f| f.puts "[locations]" f.puts "packaging_method=#{packaging_method}" f.puts "bin_dir=#{psg_bindir}" f.puts "support_binaries_dir=#{psg_support_binaries_dir}" f.puts "lib_dir=#{psg_libdir}" f.puts "helper_scripts_dir=#{psg_helper_scripts_dir}" f.puts "resources_dir=#{psg_resources_dir}" f.puts "include_dir=#{psg_include_dir}" f.puts "doc_dir=#{psg_docdir}" f.puts "ruby_libdir=#{psg_rubylibdir}" f.puts "node_libdir=#{psg_nodelibdir}" f.puts "apache2_module_path=#{psg_apache2_module_path}" f.puts "ruby_extension_source_dir=#{psg_ruby_extension_source_dir}" f.puts "nginx_module_source_dir=#{psg_nginx_module_source_dir}" end # Sanity check the locations.ini file options = PhusionPassenger.parse_ini_file("#{fake_rubylibdir}/phusion_passenger/locations.ini") PhusionPassenger::REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS.each do |field| if !options[field.to_s] raise "Bug in build/packaging.rb: the generated locations.ini is missing the '#{field}' field" end end sh "find #{fakeroot} -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f" end