module Merit extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def has_merit(options = {}) # MeritableModel#sash_id is more stable than Sash#meritable_model_id # That's why MeritableModel belongs_to Sash. Can't use # dependent: destroy as it may raise FK constraint exceptions. See: # belongs_to :sash, class_name: 'Merit::Sash', inverse_of: nil attr_accessible :sash if show_attr_accessible? send :"_merit_#{Merit.orm}_specific_config" _merit_delegate_methods_to_sash _merit_define_badge_related_entries_method _merit_sash_initializer end # Delegate methods from meritable models to their sash def _merit_delegate_methods_to_sash methods = %w(badge_ids badges points add_badge rm_badge add_points subtract_points score_points) methods.each { |method| delegate method, to: :_sash } end def _merit_active_record_specific_config end def _merit_mongoid_specific_config field :level, type: Integer, default: 0 def find_by_id(id) where(_id: id).first end end def _merit_define_badge_related_entries_method meritable_class_name = name.demodulize Merit::Badge._define_related_entries_method(meritable_class_name) end def show_attr_accessible? defined?(ProtectedAttributes) || !defined?(ActionController::StrongParameters) end # _sash initializes a sash if doesn't have one yet. # From Rails 3.2 we can override association methods to do so # transparently, but merit supports Rails ~> 3.0.0. See: # def _merit_sash_initializer define_method(:_sash) do sash || update_attributes(sash: Sash.create) sash end end end end