require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb') # Preparing the file structure def clear! # Removes old files in the test directory ['to', 'from'].each do |folder| Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/#{folder}/*")).each do |file| FileUtils.rm(file) end end {'' => 'zip_real', 'test_package.rar' => 'rar_real'}.each_pair do |taget| # Removes old files in the test directory Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/#{taget.last}/*")).each do |file| FileUtils.rm(file) if Mimer.identify(file).text? end src = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/o_files/#{taget.first}") dest = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/#{taget.last}/#{taget.first}") FileUtils.copy_file(src, dest) end # Removes old files in the test directory Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/movie_to/*")).each do |file| FileUtils.rm(file) if Mimer.identify(file).text? end {'test_package.rar' => 'to', '' => 'to'}.each_pair do |taget| src = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/o_files/#{taget.first}") dest = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/from/#{taget.first}") FileUtils.copy_file(src, dest) end end describe Unpack, "should work with the runner" do before(:each) do clear! @path = File.expand_path('spec/data/rar_real') @unpack = Unpack.runner!('spec/data/rar_real', remove: true, min_files: 0) end it "should unpack some files" do clear! files = %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).count Unpack.runner!('spec/data/rar_real', remove: true, min_files: 0) %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).count.should_not eq(files) end it "should have 1 directory" do @unpack.count.should eq(1) end it "should have 5 new files" do @unpack.first.should have(5).files end it "should only contain files that exists" do @unpack.first.files.each do |file| File.exists?(file).should be_true end end it "should only contain an existsing directory" do directory = Dir.exists?(directory).should be_true end it "should not remove old files when the remove param isn't present" do clear! Unpack.runner!('spec/data/rar_real', min_files: 0) %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.should have(6).split(/\n/) end it "should remove old files if the remove param is present" do clear! Unpack.runner!('spec/data/rar_real', min_files: 0, remove: true) %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.should have(5).split(/\n/) end it "should not find any files if the {min_files} param is very large" do Unpack.runner!('spec/data/rar_real', min_files: 100).should be_empty end it "should return an Exception (not in production) if the path to Unpack.runner! does not exist" do lambda { Unpack.runner!('some/none/existing/path') }.should raise_error(Exception) end it "should not return an exception without any arguments" do lambda { Unpack.runner! }.should_not raise_error(Exception) end it "should allways return an array" do Unpack.runner!('spec/data/rar_real', depth: 0).should be_instance_of(Array) end end describe Unpack do before(:each) do clear! @unpack = File.expand_path('spec/data/rar')) @unpack.prepare! end it "should work" do @unpack.should be_instance_of(Unpack) end it "should list all rar files in a directory" do @unpack.should have_at_least(3).files end it "should only return rar-files" do @unpack.files.each {|file| file.should match(/\.rar$/)} end it "should contain a absolut path to the file" do @unpack.files.each {|file| file.should match(/^\//)} end it "should have some files with the name 'accessible'" do @unpack.files.reject {|file| ! file.match(/\_accessible\_/) }.count.should > 0 end it "should only contain files that exists" do @unpack.files.each {|file| File.exists?(file).should be_true } end it "should not contain files that include a subtitle" do @unpack.clean! @unpack.files.each {|file| file.should_not match(/\_subtitle\_/) } @unpack.should have_at_least(2).files end it "should not find files to deep" do @unpack.clean! @unpack.files.each {|file| file.should_not match(/\_not\_/) } end it "should only contain one rar file for each directory" do @unpack.clean! @unpack.should have(3).files end it "should not contain any strange files" do @unpack.files.each {|file| file.should_not match(/\.strange$/)} end it "should have an executable unrar bin" do File.executable_real?(@unpack.options[:absolute_path_to_unrar]).should be_true end it "should be possible to set and read options" do @unpack = File.expand_path('spec/data/rar'), options: {debugger: true}) @unpack.options[:debugger].should be_true end end describe Unpack, "should work with options" do before(:each) do clear! end it "should not return any files when min is set to 0" do @unpack = File.expand_path('spec/data/rar'), options: {depth: 0}) @unpack.prepare! @unpack.should have(0).files end it "should return subtitles rar files when min files is set to o" do @unpack = File.expand_path('spec/data/rar'), options: {min_files: 0}) @unpack.prepare! @unpack.clean! @unpack.files.reject {|file| ! file.match(/\_subtitle\_/) }.count.should > 0 end it "should access some really deep files" do @unpack = File.expand_path('spec/data/rar'), options: {depth: 100}) @unpack.prepare! @unpack.clean! @unpack.files.reject {|file| ! file.match(/\_not\_/) }.count.should > 0 end end describe Unpack,"should work with zip files" do before(:all) do clear! @path = File.expand_path('spec/data/zip_real') @unpack = @path, options: {min_files: 1}) @unpack.prepare! @unpack.clean! end it "should find some zip files" do @unpack.should have_at_least(1).files @unpack.files.reject {|file| ! file.match(/\.zip$/) }.count.should > 0 end it "should be able to unpack zip files" do @unpack.unpack! %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).reject {|file| ! file.match(/\_real\_/)}.count.should > 0 end it "should return a list of new files" do @unpack.should have(1).diff end it "should contain files" do @unpack.diff.first.should have(5).files end it "should have and directory" do be_nil end it "should only contain directories that is of the sort absolute" do match(/^\//) end it "should contain valid files and directories, even if we call it 5 times" do 5.times do @unpack.diff.each do |work| work.files.each do |file| File.exists?(file).should be_true end end end end end describe Unpack, "should work on real files" do before(:each) do clear! @path = File.expand_path('spec/data/rar_real') @unpack = @path, options: {min_files: 0}) @unpack.prepare! @unpack.clean! @unpack.unpack! end it "should the unpacked file when running the unpack! command" do %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).reject {|file| ! file.match(/\_real\_/)}.count.should > 0 end it "should be able to remove archive files after unpack" do files = %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).count @unpack.wipe! %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).count.should < files end end describe Unpack, "should work with all kind of paths" do it "should raise an exception if an invalid path is being used" do lambda{ "/some/non/existing/dir") }.should raise_error(Exception) end it "should work with a relative path" do lambda{ "spec") }.should_not raise_error(Exception) end it "should not work with an incorect relative path" do lambda{ "spec/random") }.should raise_error(Exception) end end describe Unpack, "should be able to unpack" do before(:each) do clear! @path = File.expand_path('spec/data/to/') @from = File.expand_path('spec/data/from/') end it "should be able to unpack an unknown file from one dir to a nother" do ['', "test_package.rar"].each do |inner| files = %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).count!(file: File.expand_path("spec/data/from/#{inner}"), to: @path) %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).count.should_not eq(files) clear! end end it "should be able to unpack relative files" do ['', "test_package.rar"].each do |inner| files = %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).count!(file: "spec/data/from/#{inner}", to: 'spec/data/to') %x{cd #{@path} && ls}.split(/\n/).count.should_not eq(files) clear! end end it "should be able to unpack to the same folder" do ['', "test_package.rar"].each do |inner| files = %x{cd #{@from} && ls}.split(/\n/).count!(file: "spec/data/from/#{inner}") %x{cd #{@from} && ls}.split(/\n/).count.should_not eq(files) clear! end end it "should raise an error when the path does not exist" do lambda{!(file: "some/random/folder") }.should raise_error(Exception) end it "should remove the old archive files" do!(file: "spec/data/from/test_package.rar", remove: true) %x{cd #{@from} && ls | grep test_package.rar}.should be_empty end it "should have some unarchived files" do!(file: "spec/data/from/test_package.rar").should have(5).files end end