require 'optparse' module Lrama # Handle option parsing for the command line interface. class OptionParser def initialize @options = @trace = [] @report = [] end def parse(argv) parse_by_option_parser(argv) @options.trace_opts = validate_trace(@trace) @options.report_opts = validate_report(@report) @options.grammar_file = argv.shift if !@options.grammar_file abort "File should be specified\n" end if @options.grammar_file == '-' @options.grammar_file = argv.shift or abort "File name for STDIN should be specified\n" else @options.y =, 'r') end if !@report.empty? && @options.report_file.nil? && @options.grammar_file @options.report_file = File.dirname(@options.grammar_file) + "/" + File.basename(@options.grammar_file, ".*") + ".output" end if !@options.header_file && @options.header case when @options.outfile @options.header_file = File.dirname(@options.outfile) + "/" + File.basename(@options.outfile, ".*") + ".h" when @options.grammar_file @options.header_file = File.dirname(@options.grammar_file) + "/" + File.basename(@options.grammar_file, ".*") + ".h" end end @options end private def parse_by_option_parser(argv) do |o| o.banner = <<~BANNER Lrama is LALR (1) parser generator written by Ruby. Usage: lrama [options] FILE BANNER o.separator '' o.separator 'STDIN mode:' o.separator 'lrama [options] - FILE read grammar from STDIN' o.separator '' o.separator 'Tuning the Parser:' o.on('-S', '--skeleton=FILE', 'specify the skeleton to use') {|v| @options.skeleton = v } o.on('-t', 'reserved, do nothing') { } o.separator '' o.separator 'Output:' o.on('-H', '--header=[FILE]', 'also produce a header file named FILE') {|v| @options.header = true; @options.header_file = v } o.on('-d', 'also produce a header file') { @options.header = true } o.on('-r', '--report=THINGS', Array, 'also produce details on the automaton') {|v| @report = v } o.on('--report-file=FILE', 'also produce details on the automaton output to a file named FILE') {|v| @options.report_file = v } o.on('-o', '--output=FILE', 'leave output to FILE') {|v| @options.outfile = v } o.on('--trace=THINGS', Array, 'also output trace logs at runtime') {|v| @trace = v } o.on('-v', 'reserved, do nothing') { } o.separator '' o.separator 'Error Recovery:' o.on('-e', 'enable error recovery') {|v| @options.error_recovery = true } o.separator '' o.separator 'Other options:' o.on('-V', '--version', "output version information and exit") {|v| puts "lrama #{Lrama::VERSION}"; exit 0 } o.on('-h', '--help', "display this help and exit") {|v| puts o; exit 0 } o.separator '' o.parse!(argv) end end def validate_report(report) bison_list = %w[states itemsets lookaheads solved counterexamples cex all none] others = %w[verbose] list = bison_list + others not_supported = %w[cex none] h = { grammar: true } report.each do |r| if list.include?(r) && !not_supported.include?(r) h[r.to_sym] = true else raise "Invalid report option \"#{r}\"." end end if h[:all] (bison_list - not_supported).each do |r| h[r.to_sym] = true end h.delete(:all) end return h end def validate_trace(trace) list = %w[ none locations scan parse automaton bitsets closure grammar resource sets muscles tools m4-early m4 skeleton time ielr cex all ] h = {} trace.each do |t| if list.include?(t) h[t.to_sym] = true else raise "Invalid trace option \"#{t}\"." end end return h end end end