# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop # This class parses the special `rubocop:disable` comments in a source # and provides a way to check if each cop is enabled at arbitrary line. class CommentConfig # @api private REDUNDANT_DISABLE = 'Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective' # @api private COP_NAME_PATTERN = '([A-Z]\w+/)*(?:[A-Z]\w+)' # @api private COP_NAMES_PATTERN = "(?:#{COP_NAME_PATTERN} , )*#{COP_NAME_PATTERN}" # @api private COPS_PATTERN = "(all|#{COP_NAMES_PATTERN})" # @api private COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_REGEXP = Regexp.new( "# rubocop : ((?:disable|enable|todo))\\b #{COPS_PATTERN}" .gsub(' ', '\s*') ) CopAnalysis = Struct.new(:line_ranges, :start_line_number) attr_reader :processed_source def initialize(processed_source) @processed_source = processed_source end def cop_enabled_at_line?(cop, line_number) cop = cop.cop_name if cop.respond_to?(:cop_name) disabled_line_ranges = cop_disabled_line_ranges[cop] return true unless disabled_line_ranges disabled_line_ranges.none? { |range| range.include?(line_number) } end def cop_disabled_line_ranges @cop_disabled_line_ranges ||= analyze end def extra_enabled_comments extra_enabled_comments_with_names( extras: Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }, names: Hash.new(0) ) end def comment_only_line?(line_number) non_comment_token_line_numbers.none? do |non_comment_line_number| non_comment_line_number == line_number end end private def extra_enabled_comments_with_names(extras:, names:) each_directive do |comment, cop_names, disabled| next unless comment_only_line?(comment.loc.expression.line) if !disabled && enable_all?(comment) handle_enable_all(names, extras, comment) else handle_switch(cop_names, names, disabled, extras, comment) end end extras end def analyze # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize analyses = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = CopAnalysis.new([], nil) } each_mentioned_cop do |cop_name, disabled, line, single_line| analyses[cop_name] = analyze_cop(analyses[cop_name], disabled, line, single_line) end analyses.each_with_object({}) do |element, hash| cop_name, analysis = *element hash[cop_name] = cop_line_ranges(analysis) end end def analyze_cop(analysis, disabled, line, single_line) if single_line analyze_single_line(analysis, line, disabled) elsif disabled analyze_disabled(analysis, line) else analyze_rest(analysis, line) end end def analyze_single_line(analysis, line, disabled) return analysis unless disabled CopAnalysis.new(analysis.line_ranges + [(line..line)], analysis.start_line_number) end def analyze_disabled(analysis, line) if (start_line = analysis.start_line_number) # Cop already disabled on this line, so we end the current disabled # range before we start a new range. return CopAnalysis.new(analysis.line_ranges + [start_line..line], line) end CopAnalysis.new(analysis.line_ranges, line) end def analyze_rest(analysis, line) if (start_line = analysis.start_line_number) return CopAnalysis.new(analysis.line_ranges + [start_line..line], nil) end CopAnalysis.new(analysis.line_ranges, nil) end def cop_line_ranges(analysis) return analysis.line_ranges unless analysis.start_line_number analysis.line_ranges + [(analysis.start_line_number..Float::INFINITY)] end def each_mentioned_cop each_directive do |comment, cop_names, disabled| comment_line_number = comment.loc.expression.line single_line = !comment_only_line?(comment_line_number) || directive_on_comment_line?(comment) cop_names.each do |cop_name| yield qualified_cop_name(cop_name), disabled, comment_line_number, single_line end end end def directive_on_comment_line?(comment) comment.text[1..-1].match?(COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_REGEXP) end def each_directive processed_source.comments.each do |comment| directive = directive_parts(comment) next unless directive yield comment, *directive end end def directive_parts(comment) match = comment.text.match(COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_REGEXP) return unless match switch, cops_string = match.captures cop_names = cops_string == 'all' ? all_cop_names : cops_string.split(/,\s*/) disabled = %w[disable todo].include?(switch) [cop_names, disabled] end def qualified_cop_name(cop_name) Cop::Registry.qualified_cop_name(cop_name.strip, processed_source.file_path) end def all_cop_names @all_cop_names ||= Cop::Registry.global.names - [REDUNDANT_DISABLE] end def non_comment_token_line_numbers @non_comment_token_line_numbers ||= begin non_comment_tokens = processed_source.tokens.reject(&:comment?) non_comment_tokens.map(&:line).uniq end end def enable_all?(comment) _, cops = comment.text.match(COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_REGEXP).captures cops == 'all' end def handle_enable_all(names, extras, comment) enabled_cops = 0 names.each do |name, counter| next unless counter.positive? names[name] -= 1 enabled_cops += 1 end extras[comment] << 'all' if enabled_cops.zero? end # Collect cops that have been disabled or enabled by name in a directive comment # so that `Lint/RedundantCopEnableDirective` can register offenses correctly. def handle_switch(cop_names, names, disabled, extras, comment) cop_names.each do |name| if disabled names[name] += 1 elsif (names[name]).positive? names[name] -= 1 else extras[comment] << name end end end end end