module Auth::Concerns::ChiefModelConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps ## expected to be a hash with names of callbacks and boolean values. ## eg: {:before_save => true, :after_save => false..} ## used in conjunction with the provided skip_callback?(callback_name) method to determine whether to execute the callbacks or not. ## so basically before saving the document, set this attr_accessor on it, and it will allow you to control if callbacks are executed or not. ## currently used in the after_save callback where we dont want the refund being set to accepted, and thereafter to update all other refunds as failed to cascade. attr_accessor :skip_callbacks field :public, type:String, default: "no" def field_names_to_skip_while_making_form ["_id","_type.,","resource_id","resource_class","created_at","updated_at","public"] end def publicly_visible_field_names [] end ## returns a list of attributes of tis model other than those mentioned in #FIELD_NAMES_TO_SKIP_WHILE_MAKING_FORM in this concern. ## this is only used in the web api. ## @return[Array] array_of_strings : field name. def attributes_to_show self.class.attribute_names.keep_if{|c| !self.field_names_to_skip_while_making_form.include? c.to_s} end ## @return[Array] def public_attributes_to_show self.publicly_visible_field_names end def text_representation self.attributes.to_s end ## @param[Parameters] params : the params passed into the controller where this model was initialzied ## @param[Hash] permitted_params : the permitted_parameters for the controller ## @param[ActiveObject] : the model instance. ## @return[Boolean] : the result of saving the model. def create_with_conditions(params,permitted_params,model) end ## @param[Parameters] params : the params passed into the controller where this model was initialzied ## @param[Hash] permitted_params : the permitted_parameters for the model,for eg : if the model is :assembly, then the permitted params will e everything under the :assembly key in the incoming parameters. ## @param[ActiveObject] : the model instance. ## @return[Boolean] : the result of saving the model. def update_with_conditions(params,permitted_params,model) end ## overrides mongoid default clone method ## modified so that embedded objects are also cloned ## @return [Mongoid::Document] with all embedded documents assigned new ids. def clone new_doc = super self.attributes.keys.each do |attr| if new_doc.send("#{attr}").respond_to? "__metadata" new_doc.send("#{attr}=",new_doc.send("#{attr}").map{|c| c = c.clone c}) end end new_doc end ## or will have to define a get_parent function. ## which will all be very complicated. ## if a stage is made not_applicable -> then all the children become applicable, ## if it is again made applicable -> all the children go back to what? ## so you can delete a step forever only if it is not applicable. ## so to mark a parent as inapplicable, find where, ## any of them is not ## so mark applicable -> can you mark something as applicable ## you cannot mark a parent as inapplicable = if any of its children are inapplicable, first delete them. ## now suppose you mark something as ## okay so that works. ## suppose you mark somthing as applicable -> only possible if all the children are ## remember that when you mark something as applicable -> it will not make any of the children applicable. ## you cannot mark something as applicable if any of the children are inapplicable ## ## override in your model. Is called by the #index action of the authenticated_controller. ## all the search criteria should be set on the model instance passed into the index action. ## @return[Array] array of self objects. def get_many [] end end ## @param callback_name[String] : the name of the callback which you want to know if is to be skipped ## return[Boolean] : true or false. ## checks whether the attr_accessor skip_callbacks is set, and if yes, then whether the name of this callback exists in it. ## if both above are no, then returns false ## if the name exists, then return whatever is stored for the name i.e true or false. ## @used_in the after_save and before_save callback blocks, as the first line, basically only executes the block if this method returns false. def skip_callback?(callback_name) return false if (self.skip_callbacks.blank? || self.skip_callbacks[callback_name.to_sym].nil?) return self.skip_callbacks[callback_name.to_sym] == true end ## will iterate the superclasses of this class ## until it finds a class that begins with Auth:: ## or it hits Object ## and then it returns that superclass whatever it is. def walk_superclasses my_super_class = self.class.superclass while my_super_class != Object break if my_super_class.to_s =~ /^Auth::/ my_super_class = my_super_class.superclass end return my_super_class end end