require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' class Build <, :started_at, :finished_at, :status, :output, :project, :path, :git) class << self def load_file(filename) build_data = YAML::load_file(filename) new(build_data['sha'], Time.parse(build_data['started_at']), Time.parse(build_data['finished_at']), build_data['status'], build_data['output'], build_data['project'], filename, build_data['git']) end end def css_class status end def file File.basename(path) end def author git.match(/Author: (.*?) \ a.finished_at } end def find(projectname, filename) Build.load_file(File.join(build_dir, sanitize_filename(projectname), sanitize_filename(filename))) end def builds_for(projectname) Dir[File.join(build_dir, sanitize_filename(projectname), '*-*-*')].reverse[0..9].map{|build| Build.load_file(build) } end # Borrowed from the Rails security guide: # def sanitize_filename(filename) name = filename.strip # NOTE: File.basename doesn't work right with Windows paths on Unix # get only the filename, not the whole path name.gsub! /^.*(\\|\/)/, '' # Finally, replace all non alphanumeric, underscore # or periods with underscore name.gsub! /[^\w\.\-]/, '_' name end def builds Dir[File.join(build_dir, '**', '*-*-*')].map{|build| match = build.match(/.*\/(.*)-(.*)-(.*)/) { :started =>[1].to_i), :sha => match[2], :status => match[3], :integrity_status => (match[3] == 'failure' ? 'failed' : 'success') } } end def build_dir File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.buildboard') end end def initialize(params) @params = params end def project_dir File.join(self.class.build_dir, @params[:project]) end def build_file started = Time.parse(@params[:started_at]).to_i File.join(project_dir, "#{started}-#{@params[:sha][0..7]}-#{@params[:status]}") end def dump FileUtils.mkdir_p(project_dir), "w") do |file| YAML::dump(@params, file) end end end class Buildboard < Sinatra::Base helpers do include Rack::Utils alias_method :h, :escape_html end set :public, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../public' set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../views' get '/' do @builds = Builder.projects erb :index end get /\/(.*)\/(.*)/ do |projectname, sha| @build = Builder.find(projectname, sha) erb :build end get /\/(.*)/ do |projectname| @builds = Builder.builds_for(projectname) @projectname = projectname erb :project end post '/' do "Alrighty, Joe" end end