module Avro module Builder # This module provides methods for defining options that can be # set via the DSL on various objects. # # These attributes can only be set as options via the private # #attribute= methods, and not as methods in DSL block. # # When a DSL option is defined, the class also keeps track of the # option names. module DslOptions def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def dsl_option?(name) self.class.dsl_option_names.include?(name.to_sym) end module ClassMethods # A DSL option is only settable as an option, not as method in a block. def dsl_option(name, &block) add_option_name(name) define_private_writer(name) define_reader(name, &block) end def dsl_option_names @dsl_option_names ||= if superclass.respond_to?(:dsl_option_names) superclass.dsl_option_names.dup else end end private def add_option_name(name) dsl_option_names << name end def define_private_writer(name) attr_writer(name) private("#{name}=") end # Define a accessor method that raises an error if called as a writer. # If the optional block is specified then it is evaluated as the reader. def define_reader(name, &block) if block_given? define_method(name) do |value = nil| value ? unsupported_block_attribute(name, type_name) : instance_eval(&block) end else define_method(name) do |value = nil| value ? unsupported_block_attribute(name, type_name) : instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end end end end private def unsupported_block_attribute(attribute, type) raise attribute, type: type) end end end end