o:RPG::System):@variables[~0"g Item"g New Item"
intro"g Call Map Event"g Text"g New Map"g New Map X"g New Map Y"g New Map OX"g New Map OY"glen intro state"alula state"bulb reget state"prophet state"mel state"clover counter"plight elevator state"deck dialogue"demo glitch"safe code"glen intro state"
temp4"mm light 1"mm light 2"mm light 3"mm light 4"mm light 5"mm #correct"mm correct 1"mm correct 2"mm correct 3"mm correct 4"mm correct 5"mm tries left"lens slot 1"lens slot 2"lens slot 3"lens slot 4"lens puzzle state"lens ground 1"lens ground 2"lens ground 3"lens ground 4"
~GEORGE~"cafe state"g Call Map NPC"�"remote no 1"remote no 2"remote no 3"remote no 4"start PC password"password in"pw no 1"pw no 2"pw no 3"pw no 4"remote no order"NUMBER OF SAVES"corn quest"shatter walk"===RUE STATE==="number of photos"�"�"�"�"�"library book description"TV static type"	door"
robomaid"BEGIN PERMA VARS"times game cleared"times talked to Rue"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"END PERMA VARS"cdown seconds 1"cdown seconds 2"cdown minutes 1"cdown minutes 2"cdown hours 1"cdown hours 2"cdown days 1"cdown days 2"cdown days 3"cdown days 4"ending choice"mines slot1"mines slot2"mines slot3"mines slot4"mines slot5"mines slot6"unreal state"�"�"�"�"�"�"�:@cancel_seo:RPG::AudioFile:@volumeiU:
@name"menu_cancel:@pitchii:@magic_numberi��Z:@escape_seo;;	iU;
"�;ii:@battle_end_meo;;	ii;
@shop_seo;;	iU;
"�;ii:@gameover_name"�:@wordso:RPG::System::Words:	@str"�:@armor3"�:
@gold"�:@sp"�:@skill"�:	@int"�:@armor2"�:@equip"�:@hp"�:
@pdef"�:@attack"�:	@agi"�:@armor1"�:	@atk"�:
@item"�:	@dex"�:@armor4"�:@weapon"�:@guard"�:@switches[�0"
USE ITEM"remote get"alcohol get"branch get"
fire lit"key get"basement unlocked"lightbulb get"	TEXT"DEBUG [DEPRECATED]"outdoor transition"maize given light"ramquest active"ramquest finished"DBG Add Alula"pixel puzzle solved"
corn get"talked to gatekeeper"name signed"knows about god"DEMO [DEPRECATED]"
temp3"	TRUE"blue intro cg"generator on"commune door unlock"terminator"magnets get"examine the button"plight quest"mess on ground"elevator door open"plight in elevator"elevator closed"
mark3"SHOW INSTRUCTIONS"demo glitch"elevator code puzzle"film cleared"WRONG NAME"has gasmask"has gloves"force balcony"rowbot is cleaned"safe is open"door boards off"had dream 1"talked to silver"
chess"gasmask text"
glitch 1"
glitch 2"
glitch 3"elevator running"mm puzzle solved"talked to mm bot"blue box open"card quest active"met kip"kip gave card"niko knows kip/silver"librarian is pleased"george has the book"george is done translating"warm room"photo quest"tower E door unlock"tried to go past desk"knows about vendors"hungry for pancakes"robot followers"ate pancakes"robot escort 1"water pill sample given"roomba"NAME IS NIKO"NAME IS LIKE NIKO"NAME IS SWEAR"niko explored mineshaft"niko left mineshaft"silver unlocked mineshaft"niko wearing gasmask"niko needs soil"niko received soil"NAME IS MOM/DAD"NAME IS GROSS"name entry is password"�"�"�"�"�"�"LOCK CAMERA TO MAP"NO SAVING"LOCK CAMERA"FOOTSPLASH ON"SCREENSHAKE"final elevator ride over"BLACK CREDITS"!leaving george room with die"elevator is going up"saw glen intro"showed guardian kernel"rue vision"scroll comment glen"NO FOOTSTEPS"niko in minecart"�"�"ed hallway 1"ed hallway 2"ed hallway 3"ed hallway 4"ed hallway 5"ed hallway 6"time for tick"countdown is off"DISABLE FULLSCREEN"Documents are Red"�"tried to trade sun"tried to trade t-shirt"tried to trade dye"tried to trade journal"tried to trade feather"tried to trade corn"tried to trade amber"tried to trade water"reset ram puzzle once"read fauna book"read phosphor book"read prophet book"read sketch book"read clover book"read prophetbot book"read dice book"closed game once"talked to george once"niko in backhall cart"�"�"�"�"�"�"PERMAFLAGS START HERE"Beat the game once"Smashed bulb once"Saved world once"Talked to Rue first time"know Rue's name"picked memory at title"�"�"Beat Solstice"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"
DONT USE"PERMAFLAGS END HERE"knows generator"chess time with silver"start pc password accepted"input number colored"cliffs glitch"time for dream 1"heard calamus on bridge"time for dream 2"had dream 2"alula talks about eyes"time for dream 3"had dream 3"time for dream 4"had dream 4"time for dream X"Ed made bed appear"Ed turned PC off"time for dream 5"magpie trade"made pipe"closed game once"had dream 5"CHECKPOINT SAVE"silver backstory"lamplighter lens"bye prophetbot"KEY1 IN BOX1"KEY2 IN BOX2"KEY3 IN BOX3"KEY1 IN BIGBOX"KEY2 IN BIGBOX"KEY3 IN BIGBOX"made minecart appear"niko gave minecart hint"silver has seen minecart"silver is in server room"tracking map solved"got disk from proto"got backup disk"entity asks to turn around"abandoned mine quest"mines terminal turned on"proto mem restored"silver saw proto"mines glitch 1"mines glitch 2"mines glitch 3"mines glitches appeared"pushed mines terminal"niko in cart in backhall"left behind silver"left behind proto"proto glitch 1"proto glitch 2"proto glitch 3"proto waits"proto glitch 4"proto glitch 5"proto glitch 6"proto glitch 7"proto glitch 8"proto glitch 9"proto glitch 10"met birdsibs in birdhall"made boat appear"birbs saw boat"bird-boat-cgs-done"niko in boat"birbs at graveyard"GLEN ROBOTS ARE OFF"plane quest started"maize made bridges"gave cedric mbox"gave cedric battery"cedric is fixing"cfg: always sprint"cfg: colorblind mode"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"mines vision happen"magpie gave mbox"plane glitch 1"plane glitch 2"plane glitch 3"need plight for elevator"plight is following niko"plight in locked room"plight in locked elevator"tower-vator glitch 1"tower-vator glitch 2"tower-vator glitch 3"tower-vator glitch 4"tower-vator glitch 5"plight is stuck/ded"ground2 glitch 1"ground2 glitch 2"ground2 glitch 3"saw cedric run to factory"niko speech at library"rue is following niko"rue been in locked room"obs glitch 1"obs glitch 2"obs glitch 3"rue gave obsdeck talk"cedric and proto join"c&p in locked room"solved box+key puzzle"study door has appeared"talked to trio in study"enc glitch 1"enc glitch 2"enc glitch 3"enc glitch 4"enc glitch 5"enc glitch 6"enc glitch 7"enc glitch 8"enc glitch 9"enc glitch 10"encounter over"rue said goodbye"niko killed first square"niko killed second square"silver talked in credits"used pw on cd door"talked to ed post enc"
NOT DEAD"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"glen generator bot"gate is squared"silver glitches"rowbot glitch"talk to guardian"�"study doorgone"spoke to pengplush"pshot encounter done"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"sqs be gone 1"sqs be gone 2"sqs be gone 3"sqs be gone 4"sqs be gone 5"sqs be gone 6"sqs be gone 7"sqs be gone 8"sqs be gone 9"sqs be gone 10"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�"�:@decision_seo;;	iU;
"menu_decision;ii:@edit_map_idi:@battle_start_seo;;	iU;
"�;ii:@battle_bgmo;;	ii;
"�;ii:@test_troop_idi:@equip_seo;;	iU;
"�;ii:@title_name"normal:@enemy_collapse_seo;;	iU;
"�;ii:@cursor_seo;;	iU;
@load_seo;;	iU;
"�;ii:@title_bgmo;;	ii;
"MyBurdenIsLight;ii:@buzzer_seo;;	iU;
"menu_buzzer;ii:@windowskin_name"normal:@test_battlers[o:RPG::System::TestBattler:@actor_idi:@armor4_idi�:@weapon_idi�:@leveli:@armor3_idi�:@armor2_idi�:@armor1_idi�:@battleback_name"003-Forest01:@party_members[�:@actor_collapse_seo;;	iU;
"�;ii:@gameover_meo;;	ii;
@save_seo;;	iU;