/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020-2021 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "configuration.hxx" #include namespace tao::json { template<> struct traits { template class Traits> static couchbase::core::topology::configuration as(const tao::json::basic_value& v) { couchbase::core::topology::configuration result; result.id = couchbase::core::uuid::random(); result.epoch = v.template optional("revEpoch"); result.rev = v.template optional("rev"); if (auto* node_locator = v.find("nodeLocator"); node_locator != nullptr && node_locator->is_string()) { if (node_locator->get_string() == "ketama") { result.node_locator = couchbase::core::topology::configuration::node_locator_type::ketama; } else { result.node_locator = couchbase::core::topology::configuration::node_locator_type::vbucket; } } if (auto* nodes_ext = v.find("nodesExt"); nodes_ext != nullptr) { size_t index = 0; for (const auto& j : nodes_ext->get_array()) { couchbase::core::topology::configuration::node n; n.index = index++; const auto& o = j.get_object(); if (const auto& this_node = o.find("thisNode"); this_node != o.end() && this_node->second.get_boolean()) { n.this_node = true; } if (const auto& hostname = o.find("hostname"); hostname != o.end()) { n.hostname = hostname->second.get_string(); } const auto& s = o.at("services"); n.services_plain.key_value = s.template optional("kv"); n.services_plain.management = s.template optional("mgmt"); n.services_plain.search = s.template optional("fts"); n.services_plain.analytics = s.template optional("cbas"); n.services_plain.query = s.template optional("n1ql"); n.services_plain.views = s.template optional("capi"); n.services_plain.eventing = s.template optional("eventingAdminPort"); n.services_tls.key_value = s.template optional("kvSSL"); n.services_tls.management = s.template optional("mgmtSSL"); n.services_tls.search = s.template optional("ftsSSL"); n.services_tls.analytics = s.template optional("cbasSSL"); n.services_tls.query = s.template optional("n1qlSSL"); n.services_tls.views = s.template optional("capiSSL"); n.services_tls.eventing = s.template optional("eventingSSL"); { const auto& alt = o.find("alternateAddresses"); if (alt != o.end()) { for (const auto& entry : alt->second.get_object()) { couchbase::core::topology::configuration::alternate_address addr; addr.name = entry.first; addr.hostname = entry.second.at("hostname").get_string(); const auto& ports = entry.second.find("ports"); addr.services_plain.key_value = ports->template optional("kv"); addr.services_plain.management = ports->template optional("mgmt"); addr.services_plain.search = ports->template optional("fts"); addr.services_plain.analytics = ports->template optional("cbas"); addr.services_plain.query = ports->template optional("n1ql"); addr.services_plain.views = ports->template optional("capi"); addr.services_plain.eventing = ports->template optional("eventingAdminPort"); addr.services_tls.key_value = ports->template optional("kvSSL"); addr.services_tls.management = ports->template optional("mgmtSSL"); addr.services_tls.search = ports->template optional("ftsSSL"); addr.services_tls.analytics = ports->template optional("cbasSSL"); addr.services_tls.query = ports->template optional("n1qlSSL"); addr.services_tls.views = ports->template optional("capiSSL"); addr.services_tls.eventing = ports->template optional("eventingSSL"); n.alt.emplace(entry.first, addr); } } } result.nodes.emplace_back(n); } } else { if (result.node_locator == couchbase::core::topology::configuration::node_locator_type::vbucket) { const auto* m = v.find("vBucketServerMap"); const auto& nodes = v.at("nodes").get_array(); if (m != nullptr) { size_t index = 0; if (const auto* s = m->find("serverList"); s != nullptr && s->is_array()) { for (const auto& j : s->get_array()) { couchbase::core::topology::configuration::node n; n.index = index++; const auto& address = j.get_string(); n.hostname = address.substr(0, address.rfind(':')); n.services_plain.key_value = static_cast(std::stoul(address.substr(address.rfind(':') + 1))); if (n.index >= nodes.size()) { continue; } if (const auto& np = nodes[n.index]; np.is_object()) { const auto& o = np.get_object(); if (const auto& this_node = o.find("thisNode"); this_node != o.end() && this_node->second.get_boolean()) { n.this_node = true; } const auto& p = o.at("ports"); if (auto https_views = p.template optional("httpsCAPI"); https_views && https_views.value() > 0 && https_views.value() < std::numeric_limits::max()) { n.services_tls.views = static_cast(https_views.value()); } if (auto https_mgmt = p.template optional("httpsMgmt"); https_mgmt && https_mgmt.value() > 0 && https_mgmt.value() < std::numeric_limits::max()) { n.services_tls.management = static_cast(https_mgmt.value()); } const auto& h = o.at("hostname").get_string(); n.services_plain.management = static_cast(std::stoul(h.substr(h.rfind(':') + 1))); std::string capi = o.at("couchApiBase").get_string(); auto slash = capi.rfind('/'); auto colon = capi.rfind(':', slash); n.services_plain.views = static_cast(std::stoul(capi.substr(colon + 1, slash))); } result.nodes.emplace_back(n); } } } } else { size_t index = 0; for (const auto& node : v.at("nodes").get_array()) { couchbase::core::topology::configuration::node n; n.index = index++; const auto& o = node.get_object(); if (const auto& this_node = o.find("thisNode"); this_node != o.end() && this_node->second.get_boolean()) { n.this_node = true; } const auto& p = o.at("ports"); if (auto direct = p.template optional("direct"); direct && direct.value() > 0 && direct.value() < std::numeric_limits::max()) { n.services_plain.key_value = static_cast(direct.value()); } if (auto https_views = p.template optional("httpsCAPI"); https_views && https_views.value() > 0 && https_views.value() < std::numeric_limits::max()) { n.services_tls.views = static_cast(https_views.value()); } if (auto https_mgmt = p.template optional("httpsMgmt"); https_mgmt && https_mgmt.value() > 0 && https_mgmt.value() < std::numeric_limits::max()) { n.services_tls.management = static_cast(https_mgmt.value()); } const auto& h = o.at("hostname").get_string(); auto colon = h.rfind(':'); n.hostname = h.substr(0, colon); n.services_plain.management = static_cast(std::stoul(h.substr(colon + 1))); std::string capi = o.at("couchApiBase").get_string(); auto slash = capi.rfind('/'); colon = capi.rfind(':', slash); n.services_plain.views = static_cast(std::stoul(capi.substr(colon + 1, slash))); result.nodes.emplace_back(n); } } } if (const auto m = v.find("uuid"); m != nullptr) { result.uuid = m->get_string(); } if (const auto m = v.find("collectionsManifestUid"); m != nullptr) { result.collections_manifest_uid = std::stoull(m->get_string(), nullptr, 16); } if (const auto m = v.find("name"); m != nullptr) { result.bucket = m->get_string(); } if (const auto m = v.find("vBucketServerMap"); m != nullptr) { const auto& o = m->get_object(); if (const auto f = o.find("numReplicas"); f != o.end()) { result.num_replicas = f->second.template as(); } if (const auto f = o.find("vBucketMap"); f != o.end()) { const auto& vb = f->second.get_array(); couchbase::core::topology::configuration::vbucket_map vbmap; vbmap.resize(vb.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vb.size(); i++) { const auto& p = vb[i].get_array(); vbmap[i].resize(p.size()); for (size_t n = 0; n < p.size(); n++) { vbmap[i][n] = p[n].template as(); } } result.vbmap = vbmap; } } if (const auto m = v.find("bucketCapabilities"); m != nullptr && m->is_array()) { for (const auto& entry : m->get_array()) { const auto& name = entry.get_string(); if (name == "couchapi") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::couchapi); } else if (name == "collections") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::collections); } else if (name == "durableWrite") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::durable_write); } else if (name == "tombstonedUserXAttrs") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::tombstoned_user_xattrs); } else if (name == "dcp") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::dcp); } else if (name == "cbhello") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::cbhello); } else if (name == "touch") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::touch); } else if (name == "cccp") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::cccp); } else if (name == "xdcrCheckpointing") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::xdcr_checkpointing); } else if (name == "nodesExt") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::nodes_ext); } else if (name == "xattr") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::xattr); } else if (name == "rangeScan") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::range_scan); } else if (name == "subdoc.ReplicaRead") { result.bucket_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::bucket_capability::replica_read); } } } if (const auto m = v.find("clusterCapabilities"); m != nullptr && m->is_object()) { if (const auto nc = m->find("n1ql"); nc != nullptr && nc->is_array()) { for (const auto& entry : nc->get_array()) { if (const auto& name = entry.get_string(); name == "costBasedOptimizer") { result.cluster_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::cluster_capability::n1ql_cost_based_optimizer); } else if (name == "indexAdvisor") { result.cluster_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::cluster_capability::n1ql_index_advisor); } else if (name == "javaScriptFunctions") { result.cluster_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::cluster_capability::n1ql_javascript_functions); } else if (name == "inlineFunctions") { result.cluster_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::cluster_capability::n1ql_inline_functions); } else if (name == "enhancedPreparedStatements") { result.cluster_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::cluster_capability::n1ql_enhanced_prepared_statements); } else if (name == "readFromReplica") { result.cluster_capabilities.insert(couchbase::core::cluster_capability::n1ql_read_from_replica); } } } } return result; } }; } // namespace tao::json