website = config = website.config # General configuration parameters[:file, 'webgen.cache'], :doc => 'The file name (or String) from/to which the cache is read/written')'en', :doc => 'The default language used for the website'), :doc => 'Specifies whether links to the current page should be used') # All things regarding logging config.logger.mask(nil, :doc => 'Only show logging events which match the regexp mask') # All things regarding resources config.resources({}, :doc => 'A mapping from resource names to source identifiers') resources = YAML::load(, 'resources.yaml'))) resources.each do |res_path_template, res_name| Dir.glob(File.join(Webgen.data_dir, res_path_template), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).each do |res_path| substs = {|h,k| h[k] = "$" + k } substs.merge!({ 'basename' => File.basename(res_path), 'basename_no_ext' => File.basename(res_path, '.*'), 'extname' => File.extname(res_path)[1..-1], :dirnames => File.dirname(res_path).split(File::SEPARATOR), }) name = res_name.to_s.gsub(/\$\w+/) do |m| if m =~ /^\$dir(\d+)$/ substs[:dirnames][-($1.to_i)] else substs[m[1..-1]] end end config['resources'][name] = if ["Webgen::Source::FileSystem", res_path] else ["Webgen::Source::FileSystem", File.dirname(res_path), File.basename(res_path)] end end end # All things regarding sources config.sources [['/', "Webgen::Source::FileSystem", 'src']], :doc => 'One or more sources from which files are read, relative to website directory' # All things regarding source handler config.sourcehandler.patterns({ 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Copy' => ['**/*.css', '**/*.js', '**/*.html', '**/*.gif', '**/*.jpg', '**/*.png'], 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Directory' => ['**/'], 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Metainfo' => ['**/metainfo', '**/*.metainfo'], 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Template' => ['**/*.template'], 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Page' => ['**/*.page'], 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Virtual' => ['**/virtual', '**/*.virtual'], 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Feed' => ['**/*.feed'], 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Sitemap' => ['**/*.sitemap'] }, :doc => 'Source handler to path pattern map') config.sourcehandler.invoke({ 1 => ['Webgen::SourceHandler::Directory', 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Metainfo'], 5 => ['Webgen::SourceHandler::Copy', 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Template', 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Page', 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Feed', 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Sitemap'], 9 => ['Webgen::SourceHandler::Virtual'] }, :doc => 'All source handlers listed here are used by webgen and invoked according to their priority setting') config.sourcehandler.casefold(true, :doc => 'Specifies whether path are considered to be case-sensitive') config.sourcehandler.use_hidden_files(false, :doc => 'Specifies whether hidden files (those starting with a dot) are used') config.sourcehandler.ignore(['**/*~', '**/.svn/**'], :doc => 'Path patterns that should be ignored') config.sourcehandler.default_lang_in_output_path(false, :doc => 'Specifies whether output paths in the default language should have the language in the name') config.sourcehandler.default_meta_info({ :all => { 'output_path' => 'standard', 'output_path_style' => [:parent, :cnbase, ['.', :lang], :ext] }, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Copy' => { 'kind' => 'asset' }, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Directory' => { 'index_path' => 'index.html', 'kind' => 'directory' }, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Page' => { 'kind' => 'page', 'fragments_in_menu' => true, 'blocks' => {'default' => {'pipeline' => 'erb,tags,maruku,blocks,fragments'}} }, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Fragment' => { 'kind' => 'fragment' }, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Template' => { 'blocks' => {'default' => {'pipeline' => 'erb,tags,blocks'}} }, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Metainfo' => { 'blocks' => {1 => {'name' => 'paths'}, 2 => {'name' => 'alcn'}} }, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Feed' => { 'rss' => true, 'atom' => true }, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Sitemap' => { 'default_priority' => 0.5, 'default_change_freq' => 'weekly', 'common.sitemap.any_lang' => true } }, :doc => "Default meta information for all nodes and for nodes belonging to a specific source handler") config.sourcehandler.template.default_template('default.template', :doc => 'The name of the default template file of a directory') website.autoload_service(:templates_for_node, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Template') website.autoload_service(:create_fragment_nodes, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Fragment') website.autoload_service(:parse_html_headers, 'Webgen::SourceHandler::Fragment') # All things regarding output config.output ["Webgen::Output::FileSystem", 'out'], :doc => 'The class which is used to output the generated paths.', Webgen::Output.method(:instance)) # All things regarding content processors{ 'markdown' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Maruku', 'maruku' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Maruku', 'textile' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::RedCloth', 'redcloth' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::RedCloth', 'tags' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Tags', 'blocks' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Blocks', 'erb' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Erb', 'haml' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Haml', 'sass' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Sass', 'rdoc' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::RDoc', 'builder' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Builder', 'erubis' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Erubis', 'rdiscount' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::RDiscount', 'fragments' => 'Webgen::ContentProcessor::Fragments', }, :doc => 'Content processor name to class map'), Webgen::ContentProcessor.method(:list)), Webgen::ContentProcessor.method(:for_name)) # All things regarding tags config.contentprocessor.tags.prefix('', :doc => 'The prefix used for tag names to avoid name clashes when another content processor uses similar markup.'){ 'relocatable' => 'Webgen::Tag::Relocatable', 'menu' => 'Webgen::Tag::Menu', 'breadcrumb_trail' => 'Webgen::Tag::BreadcrumbTrail', 'langbar' => 'Webgen::Tag::Langbar', 'include_file' => 'Webgen::Tag::IncludeFile', 'execute_cmd' => 'Webgen::Tag::ExecuteCommand', 'coderay' => 'Webgen::Tag::Coderay', 'date' => 'Webgen::Tag::Date', 'sitemap' => 'Webgen::Tag::Sitemap', 'tikz' => 'Webgen::Tag::TikZ', :default => 'Webgen::Tag::Metainfo' }, :doc => 'Tag processor name to class map') config.contentprocessor.erubis.use_pi(false, :doc => 'Specify whether processing instructions should be used') config.contentprocessor.erubis.options({}, :doc => 'A hash of additional options') config.tag.relocatable.path(nil, :doc => 'The path which should be made relocatable', :mandatory => 'default'), :doc => 'The level at which the menu starts.'), :doc => 'The minimum number of menu levels that should always be shown.'), :doc => 'The maximum number of menu levels that should be shown.'), :doc => 'Specifies whether only the current subtree should be shown.')'all', :doc => 'Specifies the kind of nodes that should be used: all, files, or fragments'), :doc => 'Specifies whether a nested menu list should be generated.') config.tag.breadcrumbtrail.separator(' / ', :doc => 'Separates the hierachy entries from each other.') config.tag.breadcrumbtrail.omit_index_path(false, :doc => 'Omits the last path component if it is an index path.') config.tag.breadcrumbtrail.start_level(0, :doc => 'The level at which the breadcrumb trail starts.') config.tag.breadcrumbtrail.end_level(-1, :doc => 'The level at which the breadcrumb trail ends.') config.tag.langbar.separator(' | ', :doc => 'Separates the languages from each other.') config.tag.langbar.show_single_lang(true, :doc => 'Should the link be shown although the page is only available in one language?') config.tag.langbar.show_own_lang(true, :doc => 'Should the link to the currently displayed language page be shown?') config.tag.langbar.lang_names({}, :doc => 'A map from language code to language names') config.tag.includefile.filename(nil, :doc => 'The name of the file which should be included (relative to the website).', :mandatory => 'default') config.tag.includefile.process_output(true, :doc => 'The file content will be scanned for tags if true.') config.tag.includefile.escape_html(true, :doc => 'Special HTML characters in the file content will be escaped if true.') config.tag.executecommand.command(nil, :doc => 'The command which should be executed', :mandatory => 'default') config.tag.executecommand.process_output(true, :doc => 'The output of the command will be scanned for tags if true') config.tag.executecommand.escape_html(true, :doc => 'Special HTML characters in the output will be escaped if true') config.tag.coderay.lang('ruby', :doc => 'The highlighting language', :mandatory => 'default') config.tag.coderay.process_body(true, :doc => 'The tag body will be scanned for tags first if true') config.tag.coderay.wrap(:div, :doc => 'Specifies how the code should be wrapped, either :div or :span') config.tag.coderay.line_numbers(true, :doc => 'Show line numbers') config.tag.coderay.line_number_start(1, :doc => 'Line number of first line') config.tag.coderay.bold_every(10, :doc => 'The interval at which the line number appears bold') config.tag.coderay.tab_width(8, :doc => 'Number of spaces used for a tabulator')'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', :doc => 'The format of the date (same options as Ruby\'s Time#strftime)') config.tag.tikz.path(nil, :doc => 'The source path of the created image', :mandatory => 'default') config.tag.tikz.libraries(nil, :doc => 'An array of additional TikZ library names') config.tag.tikz.opts(nil, :doc => 'A string with global options for the tikzpicture environment') config.tag.tikz.resolution('72 72', :doc => 'A string specifying the render and output resolutions') config.tag.tikz.transparent(false, :doc => 'Specifies whether the generated image should be transparent (only png)') config.tag.tikz.img_attr({}, :doc => 'A hash of additional HTML attributes for the created img tag') # All things regarding common functionality website.autoload_service(:create_sitemap, 'Webgen::Common::Sitemap') config.common.sitemap.honor_in_menu(false, :doc => 'Only include pages that are also in the menu if true') config.common.sitemap.any_lang(false, :doc => 'Use nodes in any language if true') config.common.sitemap.used_kinds(['page'], :doc => 'Array of node kinds that is used for the sitemap')