require 'logjam_agent' module LogjamAgent module Rack autoload :Logger, 'logjam_agent/rack/logger' end autoload :Middleware, 'logjam_agent/middleware' class Railtie < Rails::Railtie initializer "initialize_logjam_agent_logger", :before => :initialize_logger do |app| Rails.logger ||= app.config.logger || begin paths = app.config.paths path = (Rails::VERSION::STRING < "3.1" ? paths.log.to_a : paths['log']).first.to_s logger = logger.level = ::Logger.const_get(app.config.log_level.to_s.upcase) logger.formatter = logger.auto_flushing = false if Rails.env.production? && Rails::VERSION::STRING < "3.2" logger = if Rails::VERSION::STRING >= "3.2" LogjamAgent.logger = logger logger rescue StandardError logger = logger = if Rails::VERSION::STRING >= "3.2" LogjamAgent.logger = logger logger.level = ::Logger::WARN logger.warn( "Logging Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that #{path} exists and is writable. " + "The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed." ) logger end if Rails::VERSION::STRING < "3.2" at_exit { Rails.logger.flush if Rails.logger.respond_to?(:flush) } end end initializer "logjam_agent", :after => "time_bandits" do |app| app.config.middleware.swap("TimeBandits::Rack::Logger", "LogjamAgent::Rack::Logger") app.config.middleware.insert_before("LogjamAgent::Rack::Logger", "LogjamAgent::Middleware") # patch controller testing to create a logjam request, because middlewares aren't executed if Rails.env.test? ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do require 'action_controller/test_case' module ActionController::TestCase::Behavior def process_with_logjam(*args) LogjamAgent.start_request process_without_logjam(*args) ensure LogjamAgent.finish_request end alias_method_chain :process, :logjam end end end end # make ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile.class_eval <<-"EVA" def to_hash { :original_filename => original_filename, :content_type => content_type, :headers => headers, :tempfile => { :path => tempfile.path } } end EVA end end end