STATE_DISABLED STATE_ENABLED ANALYTICS_ALERT_GRANULARITY_UNKNOWN ANALYTICS_ALERT_GRANULARITY_APPLICATION ANALYTICS_ALERT_GRANULARITY_VS ANALYTICS_ALERT_GRANULARITY_MEMBER ANALYTICS_ALERT_THRESHOLD_RELATION_UNKNOWN ANALYTICS_ALERT_THRESHOLD_RELATION_BELOW ANALYTICS_ALERT_THRESHOLD_RELATION_ABOVE ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_UNKNOWN ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_AVG_TPS ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_MAX_TPS ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_AVG_SERVER_LAT ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_AVG_CLIENT_LAT ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_MAX_SERVER_LAT ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_MAX_CLIENT_LAT ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_AVG_REQUEST_THROUGHPUT ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_AVG_RESPONSE_THROUGHPUT ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_MAX_REQUEST_THROUGHPUT ANALYTICS_ALERT_METRIC_MAX_RESPONSE_THROUGHPUT CAPTURED_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN CAPTURED_PROTOCOL_HTTP CAPTURED_PROTOCOL_HTTPS CAPTURED_PROTOCOL_ALL UNKNOWN LOCAL0 LOCAL1 LOCAL2 LOCAL3 LOCAL4 LOCAL5 LOCAL6 LOCAL7 SESSION_TIMEOUT_UNKNOWN SESSION_TIMEOUT_5_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_10_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_15_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_20_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_25_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_30_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_35_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_40_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_45_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_50_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_55_MIN SESSION_TIMEOUT_60_MIN SESSION_COOKIE_SECURITY_MODE_UNKNOWN SESSION_COOKIE_SECURITY_MODE_ALWAYS SESSION_COOKIE_SECURITY_MODE_NEVER SESSION_COOKIE_SECURITY_MODE_SSL_ONLY TRANSACTION_PART_UNKNOWN TRANSACTION_PART_NONE TRANSACTION_PART_HEADERS TRANSACTION_PART_BODY TRANSACTION_PART_REQUEST TRANSACTION_PART_URI TRANSACTION_PART_ALL Gets a list of all Analytics profiles. Creates the specified Analytics profiles. Deletes specified Analytics profiles. Deletes all Analytics profiles. Determines whether the specified analytics profiles are base profiles. A base profile sits at the base of the profile's inheritance tree, supplying the defaults for every profile derived from it. (See also is_system_profile). Determines whether the specified analytics profiles are system profiles. A system profile is a profile pre-configured on the system, ready for use. Non-system profiles are profiles created or modified by a user. Note that if a system profile is modified, it is no longer considered a system profile. (See also is_base_profile). Sets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. Gets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. Sets the internal (local machine) logging flag for collected stats. Enables or disables the internal logging of the collected statistics. Once turned on, statistics will be gathered on the local machine. This flag, combined with the different measure flags will trigger statistics gathering for different measures on the local machine. Gets the internal (local machine) logging flag for collected stats. Sets the external (remote machine) logging flag for collected statistics. Enables or disables the external logging of the collected statistics. The external logging is done using the Syslog protocol. See also: set_remote_server_ip. set_remote_server_port. set_remote_server_logging_facility. Gets the external (remote machine) logging flag for collected statistics. Sets the internal (local machine) logging flag for traffic capture. Enables or disables the internal logging of captured traffic. Once this flag is enabled traffic is captured and stored according to the added traffic capture definition. see also: add_traffic_capture. Gets the internal (local machine) logging flag for traffic capture. Sets the external (remote machine) logging flag for traffic capture. Enables or disables the external logging of captured traffic. The external logging is done using the Syslog protocol. See also: set_external_logging_publisher. Also, the following methods have been deprecated: set_remote_server_ip, set_remote_server_port, set_remote_server_logging_facility. Gets the external (remote machine) logging flag for traffic capture. This method has been deprecated. Please use set_external_logging_publisher instead. Sets the IP address of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This value only has a meaning if the external logging flag is on for either traffic or statistics capture. This method has been deprecated. Please use get_external_logging_publisher instead. Gets the IP address of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This method has been deprecated. Please use set_external_logging_publisher instead. Sets the port number of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This value only has a meaning if the external logging flag is either on for traffic or statistics capture. This method has been deprecated. Please use get_external_logging_publisher instead. Gets the port number of a remote server to which the the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This method has been deprecated. Please use set_external_logging_publisher instead. Sets the logging facility name of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This value only has a meaning if the external logging flag is either on for traffic or statistics capture. This method has been deprecated. Please use get_external_logging_publisher instead. Gets the logging facility name of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. Sets the logging publisher for the analytics profile. The logging publisher is used as a wrapper for external logging configuration. Please see the Publisher interface in the Log module for more information. Gets the logging publisher for the analytics profile. Sets the alerts notification by syslog flag. Enables or disables logging of the analytics alerts into the LTM system log which resides under /var/log/ltm. Gets the alerts notification by syslog flag. Sets the alerts notification by SNMP flag. Enables or disables sending the analytics alerts by SNMP traps. The notification_by_syslog flag must also be enabled in order to turn this flag on. Gets the alerts notification by SNMP flag. Sets the alerts notification by eMail flag. Enables or disables sending the analytics alerts by email. Gets the alerts notification by eMail flag. Gets the list of eMail addresses that will receieve an alert in case of a threshold breach (or a met condition) on a defined alert. Adds a list of eMail addresses that will receieve an alert in case of a threshold breach (or a met condition) on a defined alert. Removes a list of eMail addresses that will no longer receieve an alert in case of a threshold breach (or a met condition) on a defined alert. Removes all eMail addresses that are configured to receieve an alert in case of a threshold breach (or a met condition) on a defined alert. Resets the eMail addresses that are configured to receieve an alert to parent defaults. This method has been deprecated. Please use LocalLB::ProfileHttp::set_accept_xff_state instead. Also notice that the modified HTTP profile should be associated with the same virtual server as the analytics profile. Sets the trust XFF flag for specific profiles. If true - trust XFF is on for the matching profiles. This method has been deprecated. Please use LocalLB::ProfileHttp::get_accept_xff_state instead. Gets the trust XFF flag for specific profiles. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, server latency is always collected. Sets the collect server latency flag. If true - server latency is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, server latency is always collected. Gets the collect server latency flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect page load time flag. If true - the client browsers' page load time is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect page load time flag for specific profiles. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, HTTP throughput is always collected. Sets the collect HTTP throughput flag. If true - HTTP throughput is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, HTTP throughput is always collected. Gets the collect HTTP throughput flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect user sessions flag. If true - the number of open user sessions is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect user sessions flag for specific profiles. Sets the timeout for user sessions collection for specific profiles. Gets the timeout for the user sessions collection for specific profiles. Sets the collect URL sessions flag. If true - URL traffic is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect URL flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect countries flag for specified profiles. If true - client countries are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect countries flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect client IP addresses flag. If true - client IP addresses are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect client IP addresses flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect response codes flag. If true - HTTP server response codes are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect response codes flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect user agents flag. If true - user agents are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect user agents flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect maximum TPS and throughput flag. If enabled - maximum TPS and throughput are collected and displayed in the HTTP analytics reports. Gets the collect maximum TPS and throughput flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect HTTP methods flag. If true - HTTP methods (such as GET,POST,PUT,etc.) are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect methods flag for specific profiles. Sets the publish iRule statistics flag. If enabled - collected statistics are published to iRules. Gets the publish iRule statistics flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect subnets state for analytics. If enabled, statistics are gathered for client subnets. The default setting is disabled. Gets the collect subnets state for analytics. This method has been deprecated. Please use set_sampling_state instead. Sets the sampling ratio for analytics. Specifies that every sampling-ratio transaction is sampled. Setting this attribute mainly affects performance - A high sampling ratio can improve analytics performance, but will also lower analytics accuracy. Note: the sampling ratio attribute can currently be set only for the analytics system profile. This method has been deprecated. Please use get_sampling_state instead. Get the sampling ratio for analytics. Sets the transaction sampling state for analytics. The default setting is enabled. Note: the sampling attribute can currently be set only for the analytics system profile. Gets the transaction sampling state for analytics. Sets the session cookie security mode for analytics. Setting this mode specifies the condition in which a secure attribute is added to a session cookie. Gets the session cookie security mode for analytics. Set the SMTP configuration object used with the analytics profile. The SMTP configuration associated with the analytics profile will be used for: 1. Exporting analytics reports to eMail. 2. Sending out analtyics alerts. This attribute must be set in order to eMail items to be sent out for analytics. Note: the SMTP configuration attribute can currently be set only for the analytics system profile. Get the SMTP configuration object used with the analytics profile. Gets a list of alerts for a list of given profile names. Add a list of alert configurations to given profiles. The alert configuration is given default values which can be set by the following methods later: set_alert_threshold_relation. set_alert_granularity. set_alert_metric. set_alert_sample_period. set_alert_threshold. A best practice for adding new alerts would be doing so by starting an iControl transaction which would be closed only after an alert is fully configured. Removes specific alert configurations from the specified profiles. Removes all of the alert configurations from the specified profiles. Set the threshold relation for an alert - specifies whether the threshold value must be below or above the metric value. Get the threshold relation for an alert. Set the granularity level on which the alert is defined. There are 3 granularity levels available: Virtual Server. Pool Member. Application. Get the granularity level on which the alert is defined. Set the metric on which the alert is defined. Get the metric on which the alert is defined. Sets the sample period for the alert. The sample period specifies that the alert metric is triggered when the conditions that trigger the alert last a defined amount of time, measured in seconds. Get the sample period for the alert. Sets the threshold value for the alert which specifies the threshold that must be breached in order for the system to generate alert. Gets the threshold value for the alert which specifies the threshold that must be breached in order for the system to generate alert. Gets the list of traffic capture definitions for a list of given profile names. Add a list of traffic capture definitions to given profiles. Note: only one traffic capture definition can exist per profile. Removes specific traffic capture definitions from the specified profiles. Removes all of the traffic capture definitions from the specified profiles. Set what parts of the request data the system captures. The available parts are mentioned under the TransactionPart enumeration. Gets what parts of the request data the system captures. Set what parts of the response data the system captures. The available parts are mentioned under the TransactionPart enumeration. Gets what parts of the response data the system captures. Sets which transaction part of the request is filtered by a specific string. The available parts are mentioned under the TransactionPart enumeration. Gets which transaction part of the request is filtered by a specific string. Sets the string by which a request data is filtered. Gets the string by which a request data is filtered. Sets which transaction part of the response is filtered by a specific string. The available parts are mentioned under the TransactionPart enumeration. Gets which transaction part of the response is filtered by a specific string. Sets the string by which a response data is filtered. Gets the string by which a response data is filtered. Sets the type of protocol that is used when the system captures traffic data. Gets the type of protocol that is used when the system captures traffic data. Sets the list of client IP addresses to filter into the traffic capture logging. Gets the list of client IP addresses which are filtered into the traffic capture logging. Add IP addresses to the list of client IP addresses to filter into the traffic capture logging. Removes IP addresses from the list of client IP addresses to filter into the traffic capture logging. Removes All IP addresses from the list of client IP addresses to filter into the traffic capture logging. Sets the list of HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Gets the list of HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Add a list of HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Removes a list of HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Removes all HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Sets the list of HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Gets the list of HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Adds a list of HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Removes a list of HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Removes all HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Sets the set of URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Gets the set of URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Adds a set of URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Removes a set of URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Removes all URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Sets the set of user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Gets the set of user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Add a set of user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Removes a set of user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Removes all of the user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Gets the list of all traffic capture nodes. Add a list of traffic capture nodes. Removes traffic capture nodes. Removes all traffic capture nodes from a traffic capture description. Gets the list of all traffic capture virtual server names. Add a list of all traffic capture virtual servers. Removes traffic capture virtual servers. Removes all traffic capture virtual servers from a traffic capture description. Gets a list of predefined subnets for a list of given profile names. Add a list of predefined subnets to given profiles. Each added subnet defines a mapping between the subnet mask address and the subnet logical name. Removes specific predefined subnets from the specified profiles. Removes all predefined subnets from the specified profiles. Set the subnet address for a predefined subnet. Get the subnet address for a predefined subnet. Sets the description for a set of Analytics profiles. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for a set of Analytics profiles. Gets the version information for this interface. Gets a list of all Analytics profiles. Creates the specified Analytics profiles. Deletes specified Analytics profiles. Deletes all Analytics profiles. Determines whether the specified analytics profiles are base profiles. A base profile sits at the base of the profile's inheritance tree, supplying the defaults for every profile derived from it. (See also is_system_profile). Determines whether the specified analytics profiles are system profiles. A system profile is a profile pre-configured on the system, ready for use. Non-system profiles are profiles created or modified by a user. Note that if a system profile is modified, it is no longer considered a system profile. (See also is_base_profile). Sets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. Gets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. Sets the internal (local machine) logging flag for collected stats. Enables or disables the internal logging of the collected statistics. Once turned on, statistics will be gathered on the local machine. This flag, combined with the different measure flags will trigger statistics gathering for different measures on the local machine. Gets the internal (local machine) logging flag for collected stats. Sets the external (remote machine) logging flag for collected statistics. Enables or disables the external logging of the collected statistics. The external logging is done using the Syslog protocol. See also: set_remote_server_ip. set_remote_server_port. set_remote_server_logging_facility. Gets the external (remote machine) logging flag for collected statistics. Sets the internal (local machine) logging flag for traffic capture. Enables or disables the internal logging of captured traffic. Once this flag is enabled traffic is captured and stored according to the added traffic capture definition. see also: add_traffic_capture. Gets the internal (local machine) logging flag for traffic capture. Sets the external (remote machine) logging flag for traffic capture. Enables or disables the external logging of captured traffic. The external logging is done using the Syslog protocol. See also: set_external_logging_publisher. Also, the following methods have been deprecated: set_remote_server_ip, set_remote_server_port, set_remote_server_logging_facility. Gets the external (remote machine) logging flag for traffic capture. This method has been deprecated. Please use set_external_logging_publisher instead. Sets the IP address of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This value only has a meaning if the external logging flag is on for either traffic or statistics capture. This method has been deprecated. Please use get_external_logging_publisher instead. Gets the IP address of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This method has been deprecated. Please use set_external_logging_publisher instead. Sets the port number of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This value only has a meaning if the external logging flag is either on for traffic or statistics capture. This method has been deprecated. Please use get_external_logging_publisher instead. Gets the port number of a remote server to which the the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This method has been deprecated. Please use set_external_logging_publisher instead. Sets the logging facility name of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. This value only has a meaning if the external logging flag is either on for traffic or statistics capture. This method has been deprecated. Please use get_external_logging_publisher instead. Gets the logging facility name of a remote server to which the external logging mechanism sends messages using Syslog. Sets the logging publisher for the analytics profile. The logging publisher is used as a wrapper for external logging configuration. Please see the Publisher interface in the Log module for more information. Gets the logging publisher for the analytics profile. Sets the alerts notification by syslog flag. Enables or disables logging of the analytics alerts into the LTM system log which resides under /var/log/ltm. Gets the alerts notification by syslog flag. Sets the alerts notification by SNMP flag. Enables or disables sending the analytics alerts by SNMP traps. The notification_by_syslog flag must also be enabled in order to turn this flag on. Gets the alerts notification by SNMP flag. Sets the alerts notification by eMail flag. Enables or disables sending the analytics alerts by email. Gets the alerts notification by eMail flag. Gets the list of eMail addresses that will receieve an alert in case of a threshold breach (or a met condition) on a defined alert. Adds a list of eMail addresses that will receieve an alert in case of a threshold breach (or a met condition) on a defined alert. Removes a list of eMail addresses that will no longer receieve an alert in case of a threshold breach (or a met condition) on a defined alert. Removes all eMail addresses that are configured to receieve an alert in case of a threshold breach (or a met condition) on a defined alert. Resets the eMail addresses that are configured to receieve an alert to parent defaults. This method has been deprecated. Please use LocalLB::ProfileHttp::set_accept_xff_state instead. Also notice that the modified HTTP profile should be associated with the same virtual server as the analytics profile. Sets the trust XFF flag for specific profiles. If true - trust XFF is on for the matching profiles. This method has been deprecated. Please use LocalLB::ProfileHttp::get_accept_xff_state instead. Gets the trust XFF flag for specific profiles. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, server latency is always collected. Sets the collect server latency flag. If true - server latency is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, server latency is always collected. Gets the collect server latency flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect page load time flag. If true - the client browsers' page load time is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect page load time flag for specific profiles. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, HTTP throughput is always collected. Sets the collect HTTP throughput flag. If true - HTTP throughput is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, HTTP throughput is always collected. Gets the collect HTTP throughput flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect user sessions flag. If true - the number of open user sessions is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect user sessions flag for specific profiles. Sets the timeout for user sessions collection for specific profiles. Gets the timeout for the user sessions collection for specific profiles. Sets the collect URL sessions flag. If true - URL traffic is collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect URL flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect countries flag for specified profiles. If true - client countries are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect countries flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect client IP addresses flag. If true - client IP addresses are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect client IP addresses flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect response codes flag. If true - HTTP server response codes are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect response codes flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect user agents flag. If true - user agents are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect user agents flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect maximum TPS and throughput flag. If enabled - maximum TPS and throughput are collected and displayed in the HTTP analytics reports. Gets the collect maximum TPS and throughput flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect HTTP methods flag. If true - HTTP methods (such as GET,POST,PUT,etc.) are collected for given profiles and can be viewed later in the Analytics reports. Gets the collect methods flag for specific profiles. Sets the publish iRule statistics flag. If enabled - collected statistics are published to iRules. Gets the publish iRule statistics flag for specific profiles. Sets the collect subnets state for analytics. If enabled, statistics are gathered for client subnets. The default setting is disabled. Gets the collect subnets state for analytics. This method has been deprecated. Please use set_sampling_state instead. Sets the sampling ratio for analytics. Specifies that every sampling-ratio transaction is sampled. Setting this attribute mainly affects performance - A high sampling ratio can improve analytics performance, but will also lower analytics accuracy. Note: the sampling ratio attribute can currently be set only for the analytics system profile. This method has been deprecated. Please use get_sampling_state instead. Get the sampling ratio for analytics. Sets the transaction sampling state for analytics. The default setting is enabled. Note: the sampling attribute can currently be set only for the analytics system profile. Gets the transaction sampling state for analytics. Sets the session cookie security mode for analytics. Setting this mode specifies the condition in which a secure attribute is added to a session cookie. Gets the session cookie security mode for analytics. Set the SMTP configuration object used with the analytics profile. The SMTP configuration associated with the analytics profile will be used for: 1. Exporting analytics reports to eMail. 2. Sending out analtyics alerts. This attribute must be set in order to eMail items to be sent out for analytics. Note: the SMTP configuration attribute can currently be set only for the analytics system profile. Get the SMTP configuration object used with the analytics profile. Gets a list of alerts for a list of given profile names. Add a list of alert configurations to given profiles. The alert configuration is given default values which can be set by the following methods later: set_alert_threshold_relation. set_alert_granularity. set_alert_metric. set_alert_sample_period. set_alert_threshold. A best practice for adding new alerts would be doing so by starting an iControl transaction which would be closed only after an alert is fully configured. Removes specific alert configurations from the specified profiles. Removes all of the alert configurations from the specified profiles. Set the threshold relation for an alert - specifies whether the threshold value must be below or above the metric value. Get the threshold relation for an alert. Set the granularity level on which the alert is defined. There are 3 granularity levels available: Virtual Server. Pool Member. Application. Get the granularity level on which the alert is defined. Set the metric on which the alert is defined. Get the metric on which the alert is defined. Sets the sample period for the alert. The sample period specifies that the alert metric is triggered when the conditions that trigger the alert last a defined amount of time, measured in seconds. Get the sample period for the alert. Sets the threshold value for the alert which specifies the threshold that must be breached in order for the system to generate alert. Gets the threshold value for the alert which specifies the threshold that must be breached in order for the system to generate alert. Gets the list of traffic capture definitions for a list of given profile names. Add a list of traffic capture definitions to given profiles. Note: only one traffic capture definition can exist per profile. Removes specific traffic capture definitions from the specified profiles. Removes all of the traffic capture definitions from the specified profiles. Set what parts of the request data the system captures. The available parts are mentioned under the TransactionPart enumeration. Gets what parts of the request data the system captures. Set what parts of the response data the system captures. The available parts are mentioned under the TransactionPart enumeration. Gets what parts of the response data the system captures. Sets which transaction part of the request is filtered by a specific string. The available parts are mentioned under the TransactionPart enumeration. Gets which transaction part of the request is filtered by a specific string. Sets the string by which a request data is filtered. Gets the string by which a request data is filtered. Sets which transaction part of the response is filtered by a specific string. The available parts are mentioned under the TransactionPart enumeration. Gets which transaction part of the response is filtered by a specific string. Sets the string by which a response data is filtered. Gets the string by which a response data is filtered. Sets the type of protocol that is used when the system captures traffic data. Gets the type of protocol that is used when the system captures traffic data. Sets the list of client IP addresses to filter into the traffic capture logging. Gets the list of client IP addresses which are filtered into the traffic capture logging. Add IP addresses to the list of client IP addresses to filter into the traffic capture logging. Removes IP addresses from the list of client IP addresses to filter into the traffic capture logging. Removes All IP addresses from the list of client IP addresses to filter into the traffic capture logging. Sets the list of HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Gets the list of HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Add a list of HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Removes a list of HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Removes all HTTP methods used to send requests from which traffic is captured. Sets the list of HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Gets the list of HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Adds a list of HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Removes a list of HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Removes all HTTP response codes from which traffic is captured. Sets the set of URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Gets the set of URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Adds a set of URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Removes a set of URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Removes all URL path prefixes of which to capture traffic. Sets the set of user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Gets the set of user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Add a set of user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Removes a set of user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Removes all of the user agent substrings of which to capture traffic. Gets the list of all traffic capture nodes. Add a list of traffic capture nodes. Removes traffic capture nodes. Removes all traffic capture nodes from a traffic capture description. Gets the list of all traffic capture virtual server names. Add a list of all traffic capture virtual servers. Removes traffic capture virtual servers. Removes all traffic capture virtual servers from a traffic capture description. Gets a list of predefined subnets for a list of given profile names. Add a list of predefined subnets to given profiles. Each added subnet defines a mapping between the subnet mask address and the subnet logical name. Removes specific predefined subnets from the specified profiles. Removes all predefined subnets from the specified profiles. Set the subnet address for a predefined subnet. Get the subnet address for a predefined subnet. Sets the description for a set of Analytics profiles. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for a set of Analytics profiles. Gets the version information for this interface. The ProfileAnalytics interface enables you to manipulate a local load balancer's Analytics profile. Use the analytics profile interface to add, modify or remove an analytics profile. Modifying an analytics profile can include: - Setting flags which specify which metrics are collected. - Setting flags which specify notification targets for alerts. - Adding or removing references to profiled virtual servers. - Adding or removing configured alerts. - Adding or removing predefined subnets. - Adding or removing traffic capture.