
Path: lib/reap/bin/reap.rb
Last Update: Sat Oct 08 18:59:23 EDT 2005

Required files

facets   rbconfig   carat/shellcommand   reap/tasks  


INFO_FILES = [ 'ProjectInfo', 'Reapfile', 'projectinfo', 'reapfile' ]
HELP = <<-HERE reap v#{::Reap::Version} USAGE: reap [options...] <command> [arguments...] COMMANDS: scaffold Copies a ProjectInfo template into the current directory, if it doesn't already exist. If it does exist will build the project directory based on it. This will not destroy any structure already in place! help Displays this help information. OPTIONS: -v --version Display the current version. -V --verbose Provides extra verbose processing information. -D --debug Provides extra verbose processing information. -h --help Display this help information. HERE
