require 'thor' require 'yaml' require 'longleaf/logging' require 'longleaf/errors' require 'longleaf/commands/deregister_command' require 'longleaf/commands/validate_config_command' require 'longleaf/commands/validate_metadata_command' require 'longleaf/commands/register_command' require 'longleaf/commands/preserve_command' require 'longleaf/candidates/file_selector' module Longleaf # Main commandline interface setup for Longleaf using Thor. class CLI < Thor include Longleaf::Logging class_option(:config, :aliases => "-c", :default => ENV['LONGLEAF_CFG'], :required => true, :desc => 'Absolute path to the application configuration used for this command. By default, the value of the environment variable LONGLEAF_CFG is used.') class_option(:load_path, :aliases => "-I", :desc => 'Specify comma seperated directories to add to the $LOAD_PATH, which can be used to specify additional paths from which to load preservation services.') # Logging/output options class_option(:failure_only, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Only display failure messages to STDOUT.') class_option(:log_level, :default => 'WARN', :desc => 'Level of logging to send to STDERR, following standard ruby Logger levels. This includes: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, UNKNOWN. Default is WARN.') class_option(:log_format, :desc => 'Format to use for log information sent to STDERR. Can contain the following parameters, which must be wrapped in %{}: severity, datetime, progname, msg. Default is "%{severity} [%{datetime}]: %{msg}"') class_option(:log_datetime, :desc => 'Format to use for timestamps used in logging to STDERR, following strftime syntax.') desc "register", "Register files with Longleaf" method_option(:file, :aliases => "-f", :required => true, :desc => 'File or files to register. Paths must be absolute. If multiple files are provided, they must be comma separated.') method_option(:force, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force the registration of already registered files.') method_option(:checksums, :desc => %q{Checksums for the submitted file. Each checksum must be prefaced with an algorithm prefix. Multiple checksums must be comma separated. If multiple files were submitted, they will be provided with the same checksums. For example: '--checksums "md5:d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249,sha1:4e1243bd22c66e76c2ba9eddc1f91394e57f9f83"'}) # Register event command def register setup_logger(options) config_path = options[:config] app_config_manager = load_application_config(options[:config]) file_selector = create_file_selector(options[:file], nil, app_config_manager) if options[:checksums] checksums = options[:checksums] # validate checksum list format, must a comma delimited list of prefix:checksums if /^[^:,]+:[^:,]+(,[^:,]+:[^:,]+)*$/.match(checksums) # convert checksum list into hash with prefix as key checksums = Hash[*checksums.split(/\s*[:,]\s*/)] else logger.failure("Invalid checksums parameter format, see `longleaf help ` for more information") exit 1 end end command = exit command.execute(file_selector: file_selector, force: options[:force], checksums: checksums) end desc "deregister", "Deregister files with Longleaf" method_option(:file, :aliases => "-f", :required => true, :desc => 'File or files to deregister. Paths must be absolute. If multiple files are provided, they must be comma separated.') method_option(:force, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force the deregistration of already deregistered files.') # Deregister event command def deregister setup_logger(options) config_path = options[:config] app_config_manager = load_application_config(options[:config]) file_selector = create_file_selector(options[:file], nil, app_config_manager) command = exit command.execute(file_selector: file_selector, force: options[:force]) end desc "preserve", "Perform preservation services on files with Longleaf" method_option(:file, :aliases => "-f", :required => false, :desc => 'File or files to preserve. Paths must be absolute. If multiple files are provided, they must be comma separated.') method_option(:location, :aliases => "-s", :required => false, :desc => 'Name or comma separated names of storage locations to preserve.') method_option(:force, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force the execution of preservation services, disregarding scheduling information.') def preserve setup_logger(options) extend_load_path(options[:load_path]) app_config_manager = load_application_config(options[:config]) file_selector = create_file_selector(options[:file], options[:location], app_config_manager) command = exit command.execute(file_selector: file_selector, force: options[:force]) end desc "validate_config", "Validate an application configuration file, provided using --config." # Application configuration validation command def validate_config setup_logger(options) exit[:config]).execute end desc "validate_metadata", "Validate metadata files." method_option(:file, :aliases => "-f", :required => false, :desc => 'File or files of which to validate the metadata. Paths must be absolute. If multiple files are provided, they must be comma separated.') method_option(:location, :aliases => "-s", :required => false, :desc => 'Name or comma separated names of storage locations to validate.') # File metadata validation command def validate_metadata setup_logger(options) app_config_manager = load_application_config(options[:config]) file_selector = create_file_selector(options[:file], options[:location], app_config_manager) exit file_selector) end no_commands do def setup_logger(options) initialize_logger(options[:failure_only], options[:log_level], options[:log_format], options[:log_datetime]) end def load_application_config(config_path) begin app_manager = ApplicationConfigDeserializer.deserialize(config_path) rescue ConfigurationError => err logger.failure("Failed to load application configuration due to the following issue:\n#{err.message}") exit 1 end end def create_file_selector(file_paths, storage_locations, app_config_manager) file_paths = file_paths&.split(/\s*,\s*/) storage_locations = storage_locations&.split(/\s*,\s*/) begin file_paths, storage_locations: storage_locations, app_config: app_config_manager) rescue ArgumentError => e logger.failure(e.message) exit 1 end end def extend_load_path(load_paths) load_paths = load_paths&.split(/\s*,\s*/) if !load_paths.nil? load_paths.each { |path| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(path) } end end end end end