require 'spec_helper' describe_options = {type: :feature} if ENV['JS'] describe_options[:js] = true end describe 'end to end behavior', FeatureSupport.options(describe_options) do let(:sign_in_count) { 0 } let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create( :user, agreed_to_terms_of_service: agreed_to_terms_of_service, sign_in_count: sign_in_count ) } let(:another_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user, agreed_to_terms_of_service: true) } let(:prefix) {"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%L") } let(:initial_title) { "#{prefix} Something Special" } let(:initial_file_path) { __FILE__ } let(:updated_title) { "#{prefix} Another Not Quite" } let(:updated_file_path) { Rails.root.join('app/controllers/application_controller.rb').to_s } def fill_out_form_multi_value_for(method_name, options={}) field_name = "generic_work[#{method_name}][]" within(".control-group.generic_work_#{method_name}.multi_value") do elements = [options[:with]].flatten.compact if with_javascript? elements.each_with_index do |element, i| container = all('.input-append').last within(container) do fill_in(field_name, with: element) click_on('Add') end end else fill_in(field_name, with: elements.first) end end end describe 'terms of service' do let(:agreed_to_terms_of_service) { false } it "only requires me to agree once" do login_as(user) visit('/') agree_to_terms_of_service logout visit('/') login_as(user) page.assert_selector('#terms_of_service', count: 0) end end describe 'with user who has already agreed to the terms of service' do let(:agreed_to_terms_of_service) { true } it "displays the start uploading" do login_as(user) visit '/' click_link("add-content") page.should have_content("What are you uploading?") end it "allows me to directly create a generic work" do login_as(user) visit new_curation_concern_generic_work_path page.assert_selector('.main-header h2', "Describe Your Work") end it 'remembers generic_work inputs when data was invalid' do login_as(user) visit new_curation_concern_generic_work_path create_generic_work( 'Visibility' => 'visibility_restricted', 'I Agree' => true, 'Title' => '' ) expect(page).to have_checked_field('visibility_restricted') expect(page).to_not have_checked_field('visibility_open') end it "a public item with future embargo is not visible today but is in the future" do embargo_release_date = 2.days.from_now # Because the JS will transform an unexpected input entry to the real # today (browser's date), and I want timecop to help embargo_release_date_formatted = embargo_release_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") login_as(user) visit new_curation_concern_generic_work_path create_generic_work( 'Embargo Release Date' => embargo_release_date_formatted, 'Visibility' => 'visibility_embargo', 'Contributors' => 'Dante', 'I Agree' => true ) page.assert_selector( ".embargo_release_date.attribute", text: embargo_release_date_formatted ) page.assert_selector( ".permission.attribute", text: "Open Access" ) noid = page.current_path.split("/").last logout visit("/show/#{noid}") page.assert_selector('.contributor.attribute', text: 'Dante', count: 0) page.assert_selector('h1', text: "Object Not Available") # Seconds are weeks begin Timecop.scale(60*60*24*7) sleep(1) ensure Timecop.scale(1) end visit("/show/#{noid}") expect( > embargo_release_date).to be_true # With the embargo release date passed an anonymous user should be able # to see it. page.assert_selector('h1', text: "Object Not Available", count: 0) end end describe 'help request' do let(:agreed_to_terms_of_service) { true } let(:sign_in_count) { 2 } it "with JS is available for users who are authenticated and agreed to ToS", js: true do login_as(user) visit('/') click_link "Help!" within("#new_help_request") do fill_in('How can we help you', with: "I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory!") click_on("Let Us Know") end page.assert_selector('.notice', text: HelpRequestsController::SUCCESS_NOTICE) end it "without JS is available for users who are authenticated and agreed to ToS", js: false do login_as(user) visit('/') click_link "Help!" within("#new_help_request") do fill_in('How can we help you', with: "I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory!") click_on("Let Us Know") end page.assert_selector('.notice', text: HelpRequestsController::SUCCESS_NOTICE) end end describe '+Add javascript behavior', js: true do let(:contributors) { ["D'artagnan", "Porthos", "Athos", 'Aramas'] } let(:agreed_to_terms_of_service) { true } let(:title) {"Somebody Special's Generic Work" } xit 'handles contributor', js: true do login_as(user) visit new_curation_concern_generic_work_path create_generic_work( "Title" => title, "Upload a file" => initial_file_path, "Contributors" => contributors, "I Agree" => true, :js => true ) page.should have_content(title) contributors.each do |contributor| page.assert_selector( '.generic_work.attributes .contributor.attribute', text: contributor ) end end end describe 'with a user who has not agreed to terms of service' do let(:agreed_to_terms_of_service) { false } let(:sign_in_count) { 20 } it "displays the terms of service page after authentication" do login_as(user) visit('/') agree_to_terms_of_service classify_what_you_are_uploading('Generic Work') create_generic_work('I Agree' => true, 'Visibility' => 'visibility_open') path_to_view_work = view_your_new_work path_to_edit_work = edit_your_work view_your_updated_work view_your_dashboard logout login_as(another_user) other_persons_work_is_not_in_my_dashboard i_can_see_another_users_open_resource(path_to_view_work) i_cannot_edit_to_another_users_resource(path_to_edit_work) end end protected def agree_to_terms_of_service within('#terms_of_service') do click_on("I Agree") end end def create_generic_work(options = {}) options['Title'] ||= initial_title options['Upload a file'] ||= initial_file_path options['Visibility'] ||= 'visibility_restricted' options["Button to click"] ||= "Create Generic work" options["Contributors"] ||= "Dante" options["DOI Strategy"] ||= CurationConcern::RemotelyIdentifiedByDoi::NOT_NOW options["Content License"] ||= Sufia.config.cc_licenses.keys.first.dup # Without accepting agreement within('#new_generic_work') do fill_in("Title", with: options['Title']) attach_file("Upload a file", options['Upload a file']) choose(options['Visibility']) if options['Embargo Release Date'] fill_in("generic_work_embargo_release_date", with: options["Embargo Release Date"]) end select(options['Content License'], from: I18n.translate('sufia.field_label.rights')) fill_in("generic_work_contributors_attributes_0_name", with: options['Contributors']) if options['DOI Strategy'] choose("generic_work_doi_assignment_strategy_#{options['DOI Strategy']}") end if options['I Agree'] check("I have read and accept the contributor license agreement") end click_on(options["Button to click"]) end unless options["I Agree"] within('.alert.error') do page.should have_content('You must accept the contributor agreement') end end end def add_a_related_file(options = {}) options['Title'] ||= initial_title options['Upload a file'] ||= initial_file_path options['Visibility'] ||= 'visibility_restricted' within("form.new_generic_file") do fill_in("Title", with: options['Title']) attach_file("Upload a file", options['Upload a file']) choose(options['Visibility']) click_on("Attach to Generic Work") end end def view_your_new_work path_to_view_work = page.current_path page.should have_content("Files") page.should have_content(initial_title) within(".generic_file.attributes") do page.should have_content(File.basename(initial_file_path)) end return path_to_view_work end def edit_your_work click_on("Edit This Generic Work") edit_page_path = page.current_path within('.edit_generic_work') do fill_in("Title", with: updated_title) fill_in("Abstract", with: "Lorem Ipsum") click_on("Update Generic work") end return edit_page_path end def view_your_updated_work page.should have_content("Files") page.should have_content(updated_title) click_on("home-link") end def view_your_dashboard search_term = "\"#{updated_title}\"" within(".search-form") do fill_in("q", with: search_term) click_on("keyword-search-submit") end within('#documents') do page.should have_content(updated_title) end within('.alert.alert-info') do page.should have_content("Limited to: #{search_term}") end within('#facets') do # I call CSS/Dom shenannigans; I can't access 'Creator' link # directly and instead must find by CSS selector, validate it all('a.accordion-toggle').each do |elem| if elem.text =~ /^Type/ break end end click_on('Generic Work') end within('.alert.alert-info') do page.should have_content("Limited to: #{search_term}") end within('.alert.alert-warning') do page.should have_content('Generic Work') end end def other_persons_work_is_not_in_my_dashboard visit "/catalog" choose 'works_mine' click_on 'aux-search-submit-header' # this is hidden if javascript is enabled search_term = "\"#{updated_title}\"" within(".search-form") do fill_in("q", with: search_term) click_on("keyword-search-submit") end within('#documents') do page.should_not have_content(updated_title) end end def i_can_see_another_users_open_resource(path_to_other_persons_resource) visit path_to_other_persons_resource page.should have_content(updated_title) end def i_cannot_edit_to_another_users_resource(path_to_other_persons_resource) visit path_to_other_persons_resource page.should_not have_content(updated_title) end end