# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "c2dm" s.version = "0.3.0" s.authors = ["Amro Mousa"] s.email = ["amromousa@gmail.com"] s.homepage = "http://github.com/amro/c2dm" s.summary = %q{sends push notifications to Android devices} s.description = %q{c2dm sends push notifications to Android devices via Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)} s.license = "MIT" s.post_install_message = "Warning: C2DM versions 0.3.0 and newer include breaking changes like raising exceptions by default\n" + "and a slightly different API! Please read more at http://github.com/amro/c2dm before upgrading from 0.2.x!" s.rubyforge_project = "c2dm" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.executables = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) } s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency('httparty') s.add_dependency('json') end