module SlimLint module Filters # Alternative implementation of Slim::Interpolation that operates without # destroying the Sexp position data. # # @api private class Interpolation < Filter # Handle interpolate expression `[:slim, :interpolate, string]` # # @param [String] string Static interpolate # @return [Array] Compiled temple expression def on_slim_interpolate(string) # Interpolate variables in text (#{variable}). # Split the text into multiple dynamic and static parts. block =, start: @self.start, finish: @self.finish) line, column = string.start string = string.to_s loop do case string when /\A\\#\{/ # Escaped interpolation block <<, '#{', start: [line, column], finish: [line, (column += 2)]) string = $' when /\A#\{((?>[^{}]|(\{(?>[^{}]|\g<1>)*\}))*)\}/ # Interpolation _, string, code = $&, $', $1 escape = code !~ /\A\{.*\}\Z/ column += 2 unless escape code = code[1..-2] column += 1 end start = [line, column] finish = [line, column + code.size] block << :slim, :output, escape, :multi,, code, start: start, finish: finish), start: start, finish: finish ),, start: start, finish: finish), start: start, finish: finish ) column += code.size + 1 column += 1 unless escape when /\A([#\\]?[^#\\]*([#\\][^\\{#][^#\\]*)*)/ # Static text text, string = $&, $' text_lines = text.count("\n") block <<, text, start: [line, column], finish: [(line + text_lines), (text_lines == 0 ? column + text.size : 1)]) line += text_lines column = (text_lines == 0 ? column + text.size : 1) end break if string.empty? end block end end end end