## [Unreleased] ## [0.7.0] - 2024-06-27 * Add RBS/Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/22 * Add RBS/Lint/UselessAccessModifier by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/23 ## [0.6.0] - 2024-06-18 * Fixed problems interfering with other Cop by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/20 ## [0.5.0] - 2024-06-17 * Fix destructive change by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/17 * Introduce cache by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/18 * Fix bug for EmptyArgument by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/19 ## [0.4.0] - 2024-06-14 * Split RuboCop task by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/6 * Ignore when return untyped by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/7 * Split task for steep by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/8 * Add Style/EmptyArgument by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/9 * Allow return variable only to use by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/10 * Remove Style/MergeUntyped by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/11 * Remove Lint/TypeParamsArity by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/12 * Regenerate docs by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/13 * Add RBS/Layout/SpaceAroundOperators by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/14 * Add RBS/Style/RedundantParentheses by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/15 * Add RBS/Lint/LiteralIntersection by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/16 ## [0.3.0] - 2024-06-11 * Implement RedundantOverloadTypeParams instead of UselessOverloadTypeParams by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/1 * Introduce RBS/Lint/DuplicateOverload by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/2 * Fix typo by @ydah in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/3 * Remove unnecessary Exclude settings in .rubocop.yml by @ydah in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/4 * Generate docs for cop by @ksss in https://github.com/ksss/rubocop-on-rbs/pull/5 ## [0.1.0] - 2024-05-15 - Initial release