# REST api steps Given /^there are no doubles$/ do RestAssured::Models::Double.destroy_all end When /^I create a double with "([^""]*)" as fullpath, "([^""]*)" as response content, "([^""]*)" as request verb and status as "([^""]*)"$/ do |fullpath, content, verb, status| post '/doubles.json', { :fullpath => fullpath, :content => content, :verb => verb, :status => status } last_response.should be_ok end When /^I create a double$/ do post '/doubles.json', { :fullpath => '/api/something' } @create_a_double_response = last_response.body end Then /^I should be able to get json representation of that double from response$/ do d = RestAssured::Models::Double.last JSON.load( @create_a_double_response ).should == MultiJson.load( d.to_json ) end Then /^I should get (#{CAPTURE_A_NUMBER}) in response status$/ do |status| last_response.status.should == status end Then /^there should be (#{CAPTURE_A_NUMBER}) double with "([^""]*)" as fullpath, "([^""]*)" as response content, "([^""]*)" as request verb and status as "(#{CAPTURE_A_NUMBER})"$/ do |n, fullpath, content, verb, status| RestAssured::Models::Double.where(:fullpath => fullpath, :content => content, :verb => verb, :status => status).count.should == n end Given /^there is double with "([^"]*)" as fullpath and "([^"]*)" as response content$/ do |fullpath, content| RestAssured::Models::Double.create(:fullpath => fullpath, :content => content) end Given /^there is double with "([^"]*)" as fullpath, "([^"]*)" as response content, "([^"]*)" as request verb and "([^"]*)" as status$/ do |fullpath, content, verb, status| RestAssured::Models::Double.create(:fullpath => fullpath, :content => content, :verb => verb, :status => status) end When /^I request "([^"]*)"$/ do |fullpath| get fullpath end When /sleep (\d+)/ do |n| sleep n end When /^I "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)"$/ do |verb, fullpath| send(verb.downcase, fullpath) end Then /^I should get (?:"(#{CAPTURE_A_NUMBER})" as response status and )?"([^"]*)" in response content$/ do |status, content| last_response.status.should == status if status.present? last_response.body.should == content end Given /^there are some doubles$/ do [['fullpath1', 'content1'], ['fullpath2', 'content2'], ['fullpath3', 'content3']].each do |double| RestAssured::Models::Double.create(:fullpath => double[0], :content => double[1]) end end When /^I delete all doubles$/ do delete '/doubles/all' last_response.should be_ok end Then /^there should be no doubles$/ do RestAssured::Models::Double.count.should == 0 end # UI steps Given /^the following doubles exist:$/ do |doubles| doubles.hashes.each do |row| RestAssured::Models::Double.create( :fullpath => row['fullpath'], :description => row['description'], :content => row['content'], :verb => row['verb'], :status => row['status'] ) end end Then /^I should see existing doubles:$/ do |doubles| doubles.hashes.each do |row| page.should have_content(row[:fullpath]) page.should have_content(row[:description]) page.should have_content(row[:verb]) page.should have_content(row[:status]) end end Given /^I am on "([^"]*)" page$/ do |page| step "I visit \"#{page}\" page" end When /^I choose to create a double$/ do find(:xpath, '//a[text()="New double"]').click end When /^I enter double details:$/ do |details| double = details.hashes.first fill_in 'Request fullpath', :with => double['fullpath'] fill_in 'Content', :with => double['content'] select double['verb'], :from => 'Verb' fill_in 'Description', :with => double['description'] select double['status'], :from => 'Status' end When /^I save it$/ do find('input[type="submit"]').click end Then /^I should (not)? ?see "([^"]*)"$/ do |see, text| if see == 'not' page.should_not have_content(text) else page.should have_content(text) end end Given /^there are two doubles for the same fullpath$/ do @first = RestAssured::Models::Double.create :fullpath => '/api/something', :content => 'some content' @second = RestAssured::Models::Double.create :fullpath => '/api/something', :content => 'other content' end When /^I make (first|second) double active$/ do |ord| within "#double_row_#{instance_variable_get('@' + ord).id}" do find('input[type="radio"]').click end end Then /^(first|second) double should be served$/ do |ord| f = instance_variable_get('@' + ord) sleeping(0.1).seconds.between_tries.failing_after(20).tries do get f.fullpath last_response.body.should == f.content end end Given /^I choose to edit (?:double|redirect)$/ do all('.edit-link a').first.click end When /^I change "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/ do |obj, prop, value| fill_in "#{obj}_#{prop}", :with => value end Given /^I choose to delete double with fullpath "([^"]*)"$/ do |fullpath| find(:xpath, "//tr[td[a[text()='#{fullpath}']]]//a[text()='Delete']").click end Then /^I should be asked to confirm delete$/ do page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.accept end Given /^there are the following doubles:$/ do |table| table.hashes.each do |row| RestAssured::Models::Double.create :fullpath => row['fullpath'] end end