require 'logger' require 'csv' require 'get_process_mem' class PLogger attr_accessor :initial_memory, :initial_time, :current_memory, :last_memory, :current_time, :last_time, :delta_memory, :second_delta_memory, :delta_time, :second_delta_time, :sleep_amount, :sleep_adjuster, :logger attr_reader :options def initialize(options = {}) system('mkdir -p log/schwad_performance_logger') filename = "./log/schwad_performance_logger/performance-#{"%e-%m_%l:%M%p")}.log" File.write(filename, "") initialize_csv @logger = @options = options @sleep_amount = options[:pause].to_i @initial_memory = @current_memory = @initial_memory @delta_memory = 0 @delta_time = 0 @initial_time = @current_time = @initial_time @last_time = @initial_time @last_memory = @initial_memory @sleep_adjuster = -@sleep_amount # This is to remove the sleeps for performance checking. log_performance('initialization') end def log_performance(memo = nil, minimal: false) if block_given? update_checks yield update_checks puts_performance("After: #{memo}", gblock: true, minimal: minimal) unless @options[:puts] == false logger_performance("After: #{memo}") unless @options[:log] == false csv_performance("After: #{memo}") unless @options[:csv] == false else update_checks puts_performance(memo, minimal: minimal) unless @options[:puts] == false logger_performance(memo) unless @options[:log] == false csv_performance(memo) unless @options[:csv] == false end sleep @sleep_amount end alias :log :log_performance alias :lp :log_performance private def puts_performance(memo, gblock: false, minimal: false) separator = '*' * 80 puts "\e[34m#{separator}\e[0m" puts "\e[32m#{memo}\e[0m" if minimal puts format_output_minimal elsif gblock puts format_output_block else puts format_output end puts "\e[34m#{separator}\e[0m" end def logger_performance(memo)"#{options[:full_memo]}\n----------------------\n\n#{memo}:\n\n#{format_output}\n--------------------\n\n") end def initialize_csv"schwad_performance_logger_measurements.csv", "wb") do |csv| csv << ["Full Memo", "Memo", "Current Memory (Mb)", "Memory Since Start (Mb)", "Memory Since Last Log (Mb)", "Time Passed (s)", "Time Since Last Run (s)"] end end def csv_performance(memo)"schwad_performance_logger_measurements.csv", "ab") do |csv| csv << [@options[:full_memo], memo, @current_memory, @delta_memory, @second_delta_memory, @delta_time, @second_delta_time] end end def update_checks @sleep_adjuster += @sleep_amount @last_memory = @current_memory @current_memory = @second_delta_memory = @current_memory - @last_memory @delta_memory = @current_memory - @initial_memory @last_time = @current_time @current_time = @second_delta_time = @current_time - @last_time @delta_time = (@current_time - @initial_time) - @sleep_adjuster end def format_output_block <<~OUTPUT \e[33mCurrent memory:\e[0m #{@current_memory} Mb \e[33mDifference since start:\e[0m #{@delta_memory} Mb \e[33mMemory used within block:\e[0m #{@second_delta_memory} Mb \e[33mTime passed:\e[0m #{@delta_time * 1000} milliseconds \e[33mTime executing block:\e[0m #{@second_delta_time * 1000} milliseconds OUTPUT end def format_output <<~OUTPUT \e[33mCurrent memory:\e[0m #{@current_memory} Mb \e[33mDifference since start:\e[0m #{@delta_memory} Mb \e[33mDifference since last log:\e[0m #{@second_delta_memory} Mb \e[33mTime passed:\e[0m #{@delta_time * 1000} milliseconds \e[33mTime since last run:\e[0m #{@second_delta_time * 1000} milliseconds OUTPUT end def format_output_minimal <<~OUTPUT #{@second_delta_time * 1000}ms OUTPUT end end