module Plezi # Websocket client objects are members of this class. # # This is a VERY simple Websocket client. It doesn't support cookies, HTTP authentication or... well... anything, really. # It's just a simple client used for the Plezi framework's testing. It's usful for simple WebSocket connections, but no more. class WebsocketClient attr_accessor :response, :request class RequestEmulator < Hash def service self[:connection] end end def initialize request @response = request @options = request[:options] @on_message = @options[:on_message] raise "Websocket client must have an #on_message Proc." unless @on_message && @on_message.is_a?(Proc) @on_connect = @options[:on_connect] @on_disconnect = @options[:on_disconnect] end def on_message(data = false, &block) unless data @on_message = block if block return @on_message end instance_exec( data, &@on_message) end def on_connect(&block) if block @on_connect = block return @on_connect end instance_exec(&@on_connect) if @on_connect end def on_disconnect(&block) if block @on_disconnect = block return @on_disconnect end instance_exec(&@on_disconnect) if @on_disconnect end #disconnects the Websocket. def disconnect @response.close if @response end alias :close :disconnect # sends data through the socket. a shortcut for ws_client.response << def << data @response << data end # Create a simple Websocket Client(!) # # This method accepts two parameters: # url:: a String representing the URL of the websocket. i.e.: 'ws://' # options:: a Hash with options to be used. The options will be used to define # &block:: an optional block that accepts one parameter (data) and will be used as the `#on_message(data)` # # The method will either return a WebsocketClient instance object or it will raise an exception. # # An on_message Proc must be defined, or the method will fail. # # The on_message Proc can be defined using the optional block: # # WebsocketClient.connect_to("ws://localhost:3000/") {|data| response << data} #echo example # # OR, the on_message Proc can be defined using the options Hash: # # WebsocketClient.connect_to("ws://localhost:3000/", on_connect: -> {}, on_message: -> {|data| response << data}) # # The #on_message(data), #on_connect and #on_disconnect methods will be executed within the context of the WebsocketClient # object, and will have natice acess to the Websocket response object. # # After the WebsocketClient had been created, it's possible to update the #on_message and #on_disconnect methods: # # # updates #on_message # wsclient.on_message do |data| # response << "I'll disconnect on the next message!" # # updates #on_message again. # on_message {|data| disconnect } # end # # # !!please be aware that the Websockt Client will not attempt to verify SSL certificates, # so that even SSL connections are subject to a possible man in the middle attack. def self.connect_to url, options={}, &block options[:on_message] ||= block options[:handler] = WebsocketClient options[:protocol] = EventMachine::Protocol url = URI.parse(url) unless url.is_a?(URI) connection_type = EventMachine::Connection socket = false #implement the connection, ssl vs. no ssl if url.scheme == "https" || url.scheme == "wss" connection_type = EventMachine::SSLConnection options[:ssl_client] = true url.port ||= 443 end url.port ||= 80 socket =, url.port) connection = socket, options psedo_request = psedo_request[:connection] = connection psedo_request[:client_ip] = 'WS Client' psedo_request[:url] = url psedo_request[:options] = options WSProtocol.client_handshake psedo_request connection.handler rescue => e socket.close if socket raise e end end class WSProtocol < EventMachine::Protocol def self.client_handshake psedo_request, timeout = 5 connection = psedo_request[:connection] url = psedo_request[:url] # send protocol upgrade request websocket_key = [( {rand 255} .pack 'c*' )].pack('m0*') connection.send "GET #{url.path}#{url.query.to_s.empty? ? '' : ('?' + url.query)} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: #{}#{url.port ? (':'+url.port.to_s) : ''}\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key: #{websocket_key}\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n" # wait for answer - make sure we don't over-read # (a websocket message might be sent immidiately after connection is established) reply = '' reply.force_encoding('binary') start_time = stop_reply = "\r\n\r\n" until reply[-4..-1] == stop_reply (reply << rescue (sleep 0.1) raise Timeout::Error, "Websocket client handshake timed out (HTTP reply not recieved)\n\n Got Only: #{reply.dump}" if >= (start_time + 5) end # review reply raise 'Connection Refused.' unless reply.lines[0].match(/^HTTP\/[\d\.]+ 101/i) raise 'Websocket Key Authentication failed.' unless reply.match(/^Sec-WebSocket-Accept:[\s]*([^\s]*)/i) && reply.match(/^Sec-WebSocket-Accept:[\s]*([^\s]*)/i)[1] == Digest::SHA1.base64digest(websocket_key + '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11') # set-up handler response object. connection.handler = psedo_request # raise "not yet implemented" # set the connetion's protocol to a new WSProtocol instance connection.protocol = psedo_request[:connection], psedo_request[:options] # add the socket to the EventMachine IO reactor EventMachine.add_io connection.socket, connection true end end end ###### ## example requests # GET /nickname HTTP/1.1 # Upgrade: websocket # Connection: Upgrade # Host: localhost:3000 # Origin: # Cookie: test=my%20cookies; user_token=2INa32_vDgx8Aa1qe43oILELpSdIe9xwmT8GTWjkS-w # Pragma: no-cache # Cache-Control: no-cache # Sec-WebSocket-Key: 1W9B64oYSpyRL/yuc4k+Ww== # Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 # Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame # User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10) AppleWebKit/600.1.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Safari/600.1.25