module CompassRails class Railtie < Rails::Railtie initializer "compass.initialize_rails", :group => :all do |app| require 'compass' require 'compass-rails/patches/3_1' Compass.discover_extensions! CompassRails.configure_rails!(app) end config.compass = begin @compass ||= begin data = if (config_file = Compass.detect_configuration_file) && (config_data = Compass.configuration_for(config_file)) config_data else"rails_config") end data.project_type = :rails # Forcing this makes sure all the rails defaults will be loaded. Compass.add_configuration(:rails) Compass.add_configuration(data) Compass.configuration.on_sprite_saved do |filename| if Rails.application.config.assets.digest && # if digesting is enabled caller.grep(/static_compiler/).any? && #OMG HAX - check if we're being precompiled Compass.configuration.generated_images_path[Compass.configuration.images_path] # if the generated images path is not in the assets images directory, we don't have to do these backflips # Clear entries in Hike::Index for this sprite's directory. # This makes sure the asset can be found by find_assets Rails.application.assets.send(:trail).instance_variable_get(:@entries).delete(File.dirname(filename)) pathname = logical_path = pathname.relative_path_from( asset = Rails.application.assets.find_asset(logical_path) target = File.join(Rails.public_path, Rails.application.config.assets.prefix, asset.digest_path) # Adds the asset to the manifest file. Sprockets::StaticCompiler.generated_sprites[logical_path.to_s] = asset.digest_path # Adds the fingerprinted asset to the public directory FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(target) asset.write_to target end end data end end end end