module Katello # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class Api::V2::HostsBulkActionsController < Api::V2::ApiController include Concerns::Api::V2::BulkHostsExtensions include Katello::Concerns::Api::V2::ContentOverridesController before_action :find_host_collections, :only => [:bulk_add_host_collections, :bulk_remove_host_collections] before_action :find_environment, :only => [:environment_content_view] before_action :find_content_view, :only => [:environment_content_view] before_action :find_editable_hosts, :except => [:destroy_hosts, :resolve_traces] before_action :find_deletable_hosts, :only => [:destroy_hosts] before_action :find_readable_hosts, :only => [:applicable_errata, :installable_errata, :available_incremental_updates] before_action :find_errata, :only => [:available_incremental_updates] before_action :find_organization, :only => [:add_subscriptions] before_action :find_traces, :only => [:resolve_traces] before_action :deprecate_katello_agent, :only => [:install_content, :update_content, :remove_content] before_action :validate_content_action, :only => [:install_content, :update_content, :remove_content] before_action :validate_organization, :only => [:add_subscriptions] # disable *_count fields on erratum rabl, since they perform N+1 queries before_action :disable_erratum_hosts_count resource_description do api_version 'v2' api_base_url "/api" end PARAM_ACTIONS = { :install_content => { :package => ::Actions::Katello::Host::Package::Install, :package_group => ::Actions::Katello::Host::PackageGroup::Install, :errata => :install_errata }, :update_content => { :package => ::Actions::Katello::Host::Package::Update, :package_group => ::Actions::Katello::Host::PackageGroup::Install }, :remove_content => { :package => ::Actions::Katello::Host::Package::Remove, :package_group => ::Actions::Katello::Host::PackageGroup::Remove } }.with_indifferent_access def_param_group :bulk_params do param :organization_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of the organization") param :included, Hash, :required => true, :action_aware => true do param :search, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Search string for hosts to perform an action on") param :ids, Array, :required => false, :desc => N_("List of host ids to perform an action on") end param :excluded, Hash, :required => true, :action_aware => true do param :ids, Array, :required => false, :desc => N_("List of host ids to exclude and not run an action on") end end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/add_host_collections", N_("Add one or more host collections to one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :host_collection_ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of host collection ids"), :required => true def bulk_add_host_collections unless params[:host_collection_ids].blank? display_messages = [] @host_collections.each do |host_collection| pre_host_collection_count = host_collection.host_ids.count host_collection.host_ids = (host_collection.host_ids +! final_count = host_collection.host_ids.count - pre_host_collection_count display_messages << _("Successfully added %{count} content host(s) to host collection %{host_collection}.") % {:count => final_count, :host_collection => } end end respond_for_show :template => 'bulk_action', :resource_name => 'common', :resource => { 'displayMessages' => display_messages } end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/remove_host_collections", N_("Remove one or more host collections from one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :host_collection_ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of host collection ids"), :required => true def bulk_remove_host_collections display_messages = [] unless params[:host_collection_ids].blank? @host_collections.each do |host_collection| pre_host_collection_count = host_collection.host_ids.count host_collection.host_ids = (host_collection.host_ids -! final_count = pre_host_collection_count - host_collection.host_ids.count display_messages << _("Successfully removed %{count} content host(s) from host collection %{host_collection}.") % {:count => final_count, :host_collection => } end end respond_for_show :template => 'bulk_action', :resource_name => 'common', :resource => { 'displayMessages' => display_messages } end api :POST, "/hosts/bulk/applicable_errata", N_("Fetch applicable errata for one or more hosts.") param_group :bulk_params def applicable_errata respond_for_index(:collection => scoped_search(Katello::Erratum.applicable_to_hosts(@hosts), 'updated', 'desc', :resource_class => Erratum)) end api :POST, "/hosts/bulk/installable_errata", N_("Fetch installable errata for one or more hosts.") param_group :bulk_params def installable_errata respond_for_index(:collection => scoped_search(Katello::Erratum.installable_for_hosts(@hosts), 'updated', 'desc', :resource_class => Erratum)) end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/install_content", N_("Install content on one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :content_type, String, :desc => N_("The type of content. The following types are supported: 'package', 'package_group' and 'errata'."), :required => true param :content, Array, :desc => N_("List of content (e.g. package names, package group names or errata ids)") def install_content content_action end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/update_content", N_("Update content on one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :content_type, String, :desc => N_("The type of content. The following types are supported: 'package' and 'package_group."), :required => true param :content, Array, :desc => N_("List of content (e.g. package or package group names)"), :required => true param :update_all, :bool, :desc => N_("Updates all packages on the host(s)") def update_content content_action end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/remove_content", N_("Remove content on one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :content_type, String, :desc => N_("The type of content. The following types are supported: 'package' and 'package_group."), :required => true param :content, Array, :desc => N_("List of content (e.g. package or package group names)"), :required => true def remove_content content_action end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/destroy", N_("Destroy one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params def destroy_hosts task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::Destroy, @hosts) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/remove_subscriptions", N_("Remove subscriptions from one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :subscriptions, Array, :desc => N_("Array of subscriptions to remove") do param :id, String, :desc => N_("Subscription Pool id"), :required => true param :quantity, Integer, :desc => N_("Quantity of specified subscription to remove"), :required => false end def remove_subscriptions #combine the quantities for duplicate pools into PoolWithQuantities objects pool_id_quantities = params.require(:subscriptions).inject({}) do |new_hash, subscription| new_hash[subscription['id']] ||=['id'])) new_hash[subscription['id']].quantities << subscription['quantity'] new_hash end task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::RemoveSubscriptions, @hosts, pool_id_quantities.values) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/add_subscriptions", N_("Add subscriptions to one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :subscriptions, Array, :desc => N_("Array of subscriptions to add"), :required => true do param :id, String, :desc => N_("Subscription Pool id"), :required => true param :quantity, :number, :desc => N_("Quantity of this subscriptions to add"), :required => true end def add_subscriptions if @organization.simple_content_access? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("The specified organization is in Simple Content Access mode. Attaching subscriptions is disabled") end pools_with_quantities = params.require(:subscriptions).map do |sub_params|['id']), sub_params['quantity']) end task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::AttachSubscriptions, @hosts, pools_with_quantities) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/auto_attach", N_("Trigger an auto-attach of subscriptions on one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params def auto_attach task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::AutoAttachSubscriptions, @hosts) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/content_overrides", N_("Set content overrides to one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :content_overrides, Array, :desc => N_("Array of Content override parameters") do param :content_label, String, :desc => N_("Label of the content"), :required => true param :value, String, :desc => N_("Override value. Provide a boolean value if name is 'enabled'"), :required => false param :name, String, :desc => N_("Override key or name. Note if name is not provided the default name will be 'enabled'"), :required => false param :remove, :bool, :desc => N_("Set true to remove an override and reset it to 'default'"), :required => false end def content_overrides content_overrides = params[:content_overrides] || [] content_override_values = do |content_override_params| validate_content_overrides_enabled(content_override_params) end task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::UpdateContentOverrides, @hosts, content_override_values, false) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/environment_content_view", N_("Assign the environment and content view to one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :environment_id, Integer param :content_view_id, Integer def environment_content_view task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::UpdateContentView, @hosts,, respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/release_version", N_("Assign the release version to one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :release_version, String, :desc => N_("content release version") def release_version task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::UpdateReleaseVersion, @hosts, params["release_version"]) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :POST, "/hosts/bulk/traces", N_("Fetch traces for one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params def traces collection = scoped_search(Katello::HostTracer.where(host_id: @hosts.pluck(:id)), 'application', 'desc', resource_class: Katello::HostTracer) respond_for_index(:collection => collection, :template => '../../../api/v2/host_tracer/index') end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/resolve_traces", N_("Resolve traces for one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :trace_ids, Array, :required => true, :desc => N_("Array of Trace IDs") def resolve_traces result = Katello::HostTraceManager.resolve_traces(@traces) render json: result end api :PUT, "/hosts/bulk/system_purpose", N_("Assign system purpose attributes on one or more hosts") param_group :bulk_params param :service_level, String, :desc => N_("Service level of host") param :purpose_role, String, :desc => N_("Role of host") param :purpose_usage, String, :desc => N_("Usage of host") param :purpose_addons, Array, :desc => N_("Sets the system add-ons") def system_purpose task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::UpdateSystemPurpose, @hosts, params[:service_level], params[:purpose_role], params[:purpose_usage], params[:purpose_addons]) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :POST, "/hosts/bulk/available_incremental_updates", N_("Given a set of hosts and errata, lists the content view versions" \ " and environments that need updating.") param_group :bulk_params param :errata_ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of Errata ids"), :required => true def available_incremental_updates fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("errata_ids is a required parameter") if params[:errata_ids].empty? version_environments = {} content_facets = Katello::Host::ContentFacet.with_non_installable_errata(@errata, @hosts) ContentViewEnvironment.for_content_facets(content_facets).each do |cve| version = cve.content_view_version version_environment = version_environments[version] || {:content_view_version => version, :environments => []} version_environment[:environments] << cve.environment unless version_environment[:environments].include?(cve.environment) version_environment[:next_version] ||= version.next_incremental_version version_environment[:content_host_count] ||= 0 version_environment[:content_host_count] += content_facets.where(:content_view_id => cve.content_view).where(:lifecycle_environment_id => cve.environment).count if version.content_view.composite? version_environment[:components] = version.components_needing_errata(@errata) else version_environment[:components] = nil end version_environments[version] = version_environment end response = { |version| } respond_for_index :collection => response, :template => :available_incremental_updates end api :POST, "/hosts/bulk/module_streams", N_("Fetch available module streams for hosts.") param_group :bulk_params def module_streams options = {} options[:group] = [:name, :stream] options[:resource_class] = Katello::ModuleStream host_module_streams = Katello::ModuleStream.available_for_hosts(@hosts) respond_for_index(collection: scoped_search(host_module_streams, :name, :asc, options), template: '../../../api/v2/module_streams/name_streams') end private def find_errata params[:errata_ids] ||= [] @errata = Katello::Erratum.where(:errata_id => params[:errata_ids]) not_found = params[:errata_ids] - @errata.pluck(:errata_id) fail _("Could not find all specified errata ids: %s") % not_found.join(', ') unless not_found.empty? end def find_host_collections throw_resources_not_found(name: 'host collection', expected_ids: params[:host_collection_ids]) do @host_collections = HostCollection.editable.where(id: params[:host_collection_ids]) end end def find_readable_hosts find_bulk_hosts(:view_hosts, params) end def find_editable_hosts find_bulk_hosts(:edit_hosts, params) end def find_deletable_hosts find_bulk_hosts(:destroy_hosts, params) end def validate_organization fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Organization ID is required") if @organization.blank? end def validate_host_collection_membership_limit max_hosts_exceeded = [] host_ids = @host_collections.each do |host_collection| computed_count = (host_collection.host_ids + host_ids).uniq.length if !host_collection.unlimited_hosts && computed_count > host_collection.max_hosts max_hosts_exceeded.push( end end unless max_hosts_exceeded.empty? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Maximum number of content hosts exceeded for host collection(s): %s") % max_hosts_exceeded.join(', ') end end def content_action if params[:content_type] == 'errata' options = {} options[:update_all] = true if ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:install_all]) options[:errata_ids] = params[:content] task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Host::Erratum::ApplicableErrataInstall, @hosts, options) respond_for_async :resource => task else content = params[:content] if params[:action] == :update_content && params[:update_all] content = [] end task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, PARAM_ACTIONS[params[:action]][params[:content_type]], @hosts, content) respond_for_async :resource => task end end def validate_content_action fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("A content_type must be provided.") if params[:content_type].blank? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("No content has been provided.") if params[:content].blank? && !params[:update_all] if PARAM_ACTIONS[params[:action]][params[:content_type]].nil? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Invalid content type %s") % params[:content_type] end end def find_environment @environment = KTEnvironment.editable.find(params[:environment_id]) throw_resource_not_found(name: 'lifecycle environment', id: params[:environment_id]) unless @environment @environment end def find_content_view @view = ContentView.editable.find(params[:content_view_id]) throw_resource_not_found(name: 'content view', id: params[:content_view_id]) unless @view @view end def find_traces throw_resources_not_found(name: 'host trace', expected_ids: params[:trace_ids]) do @traces = Katello::HostTracer.resolvable.where(id: params[:trace_ids]) end end def disable_erratum_hosts_count @disable_counts = true end end end