require 'toaster/util/util' require 'toaster/chef/chef_util' require 'toaster/markup/markup_util' require 'toaster/model/automation' require 'toaster/model/automation_run' require 'json' require 'chef/application/solo' require 'chef/log' require 'chef/runner' require "toaster/util/timestamp" include Toaster include Aquarium::Aspects module Toaster # # Performs AOP-based instrumentation of the Chef runtime and # registers listeners for lifecycle events during Chef automations. # # Author: Waldemar Hummer ( # class ChefListener # Informs about an automation task that is about to be executed. # # * *Args* : # - +task+ -> A Toaster::Task representing the currently executing task # - +execution_uuid+ -> String that identifies the automation run this task is part of # def before_run_action(task, execution_uuid) # should be overridden by subclasses end # Informs about an automation task that has just been executed. # # * *Args* : # - +task+ -> A Toaster::Task representing the executed task # - +execution_uuid+ -> String that identifies the automation run this task is part of # - +error+ -> Contains details (usually an Exception object) in case an error has occurred # - +script_output+ -> Contains output (stdout+stderr) of the script that executed the task # def after_run_action(task, execution_uuid, error = nil, script_output = nil) # should be overridden by subclasses end def self.add_listener(listener) register_aop_hook() self.active_listeners.push(listener) end # maps string -> task @tasks_by_uuid = {} # maps task -> joinpoint parameters @task_parameters = {} # maps resource -> task @tasks_by_resource = {} @active_listeners = [] @repeated_tasks_running = false @task_exec_uuid_to_task = {} @task_exec_error = nil @current_task_exec_uuid = nil @initialized = false @toaster_chef_imported = false @chef_log_level = :info @task_execution_timeout = 60*20 # 20 minutes timeout per task @task_exec_timeout_repeated = 60*7 # timeout for tasks with retries @max_task_exec_retries = 2 @repeat_resource_classes = [::Chef::Resource::RemoteFile, ::Chef::Resource::Package, ::Chef::Resource::GemPackage, ::Chef::Resource::YumPackage, ::Chef::Resource::AptPackage] class << self attr_accessor :active_listeners, :tasks_by_uuid, :task_parameters, :repeated_tasks_running, :initialized, :toaster_chef_imported, :chef_log_level, :task_execution_timeout, :task_exec_timeout_repeated, :max_task_exec_retries, :repeat_resource_classes, :tasks_by_resource, :current_task_exec_uuid, :task_exec_uuid_to_task, :task_exec_error end def self.get_task_from_sourcecode_line(resource, action, start_source_line) sourcecode = nil sourcefile = nil sourceline = nil if start_source_line # parse static resource definition source code sourcecode = ChefUtil.read_sourcecode(start_source_line) sourcefile = ChefUtil.get_sourcefile(start_source_line) begin sourcefile = sourcefile[(sourcefile.index("/")+1)..-1] end while sourcefile.scan("/").size > 2 sourceline = ChefUtil.get_sourceline(start_source_line) end # get or create task task = Task.load_from_chef_source(resource, action, sourcecode, sourcefile, sourceline) return task end def self.get_task_list(chef_resource_list) list = [] chef_resource_list.each do |r| resource = r.to_s action = r.action action = action[0] if action.kind_of?(Array) action = action.to_s if action.kind_of?(Symbol) start_source_line = r.source_line if !start_source_line puts "WARN: Could not read source_line from resource #{r}" end task = get_task_from_sourcecode_line(resource,action,start_source_line) list << task end return list end # this method is called ONCE, in the context of executing # the first task of the automation under test def self.update_current_automation_info(run, ctx) node_name = nil # get run_list run_list = [] ctx.node.run_list.each do |n| run_list << n.to_s end run_list = ChefUtil.get_reduced_run_list(run_list) # try to determine node name (cookbook name) chef_cfg = Chef::Config if chef_cfg[:json_attribs] json_file = chef_cfg[:json_attribs] if json_file.match(/.*\/[^\/]+_node\.json/).to_s == json_file node_name = json_file.gsub(/.*\/([^\/]+)_node\.json/, '\1') node_name = ChefUtil.wrap_node_name(node_name) end else puts "WARN: Chef::Config[:json_attribs] is not available: '#{chef_cfg[:json_attribs]}'" node_name = chef_cfg[:node_name] end if !node_name node_name = ChefUtil.guess_cookbook_from_runlist(run_list) end node_name = ctx.node.to_s if !node_name node_name = node_name.gsub(/.*node\[(.+)\]/, '\1') if node_name.include?("node[") # try to retrieve automation from DB, if it exists.. if File.exist?(json_file) attribs = JSON.parse( if attribs["automation_uuid"] autos = Toaster::Automation.find( :uuid => attribs["automation_uuid"]).to_a if !autos.empty? run.automation = autos[0] return end end end if !run.automation run.automation = Automation.find_by_cookbook_and_runlist(node_name, run_list)[0] end puts "TRACE: automation run #{run.uuid}, automation #{run.automation ? run.automation.uuid : 'nil'}" # create new automation if we cannot find existing one... if !run.automation config_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..") config_json = ::Toaster::Config.values() dirs = [] config_json["chef"]["cookbook_dirs"].each do |dir| dir = File.expand_path(File.join(config_dir, dir)) if dir[0] != "/" dirs << dir end # important: due to possible name conflicts, all Chef related # files apparently need to be loaded before chef_node_inspector, # hence we put this require statement here. if !self.toaster_chef_imported require 'toaster/chef/chef_node_inspector' self.toaster_chef_imported = true end node_values = config_json["chef"]["node_values"] insp =, { |level, msg| puts "WARN: #{msg}" }) { |level, msg| puts "WARN: #{msg}"} recipe = ChefUtil.guess_recipe_from_runlist(run_list) params = {} begin params = insp.get_defaults(node_name, recipe) puts "params: #{params}" # make sure we make the hash MongoDB-compatible # (i.e., remove special characters in keys): MarkupUtil.rectify_keys(params) rescue Object => exc puts "WARN: Unable to get default parameters for recipe '#{node_name}'-'#{recipe}': #{exc} - #{exc.backtrace}" end task_list = ChefListener.get_task_list(ctx.resource_collection.all_resources) run.automation = Automation.load_for_chef(node_name, task_list, params, run_list) #puts "TRACE: automation 1: #{node_name}, #{task_list}, #{params}, #{run_list}" #puts "TRACE: automation run 1: #{run.uuid}, automation #{run.automation ? run.automation.uuid : 'nil'}" end # determine active parameter values for the current automation run Automation.get_attribute_array_names(params, "").each do |param_array_path| val = nil if "#{param_array_path}" != "" eval("val = ctx.node#{param_array_path}") eval("params#{param_array_path} = val") end end run.run_attributes = RunAttribute.from_hash(params) end def self.save_current_run_details() run = AutomationRun.get_current() if run run.end_time = # check if all executed tasks are also included # in the associated automation entity auto = run.automation if auto changed = false run.get_executed_tasks.each do |t| if !auto.get_task_ids.include?(t.uuid) auto.tasks << t changed = true end end if changed end end end def self.proceed_joinpoint_method(jp, task) # 16-characters short random ID should be enough for our purposes.. execution_uuid = Util.generate_short_uid run = AutomationRun.get_current() # prepare task execution do_continue = prepare_task_exec(task, execution_uuid) if !do_continue puts "Skipping execution of task #{task.uuid} in automation run #{run.uuid}" else error = nil # we have to set the class-wide error variable as well, # because we need it later on to get the error of a # chef resource notification run (TODO: revise) ChefListener.task_exec_error = nil # TODO begin ChefUtil.set_chef_log_level(self.chef_log_level) ################################ # EXECUTE RESOURCE, WITH RETRIES ################################ resource_to_exec = jp.context.parameters[0] resource_class = resource_to_exec.class exec_timeout = ChefListener.task_execution_timeout num_retries = 0 if ChefListener.repeat_resource_classes.include?(resource_class) # set task execution timeout and retries exec_timeout = ChefListener.task_exec_timeout_repeated num_retries = ChefListener.max_task_exec_retries end (0..num_retries).each do |iter| begin Util.exec_timeout(exec_timeout, ::Chef::Exceptions::CommandTimeout) do begin self.current_task_exec_uuid = execution_uuid self.task_exec_uuid_to_task[execution_uuid] = task jp.proceed rescue Object => exc1 puts "WARN: Exception in resource execution: #{exc1} - backtrace (last 10 lines): #{exc1.backtrace[0..10]}" raise exc1 ensure self.current_task_exec_uuid = nil end end break rescue ::Chef::Exceptions::CommandTimeout => exc # timeout occurred, start next try remaining = num_retries-iter if remaining > 0 puts "WARN: Chef resource #{resource_to_exec} timed out, remaining retries: #{remaining}" sleep 5 # sleep a bit before the next retry end end end rescue Object => ex error = ex puts "INFO: Error in Chef automation method. Adding details to testing log." run = AutomationRun.get_current() run.success = false run.end_time = run.error_details = "#{error}\n#{error.backtrace}" end # post-process task execution close_task_exec(task, execution_uuid, error, run) raise error if error end end def self.prepare_task_exec(task, execution_uuid) #puts "TRACE: Prepare task execution, task '#{}', #{task.uuid}, execution #{execution_uuid}" # notify listeners do_continue = false self.active_listeners.each do |l| begin do_continue ||= l.before_run_action(task, execution_uuid) rescue Exception => ex puts "Error in listener method 'before_run_action': #{ex}" puts ex.backtrace end end return false if !do_continue # TODO: turn globals into class variables! $chef_log_level = ChefUtil.get_chef_log_level # redirect/capture STDOUT and STDERR! $output_io ='','w') $previous_stderr = $stderr $previous_stdout = $stdout $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true $stderr = $output_io $stdout = $output_io script_output = nil return true end def self.close_task_exec(task, execution_uuid, error=nil, run=nil) run = AutomationRun.get_current() if !run # get output string script_output = $output_io.string # reset STDOUT and STDERR $stderr = $previous_stderr $stdout = $previous_stdout # print output puts script_output ChefUtil.set_chef_log_level($chef_log_level) # notify listeners self.active_listeners.each do |l| begin l.after_run_action(task, execution_uuid, error, script_output) rescue Exception => ex puts "Error in listener method 'after_run_action': #{ex}" puts ex.backtrace end end end def self.register_aop_hook1() :around, :calls_to => /^converge/, # :method_options => :exclude_ancestor_methods, :for_types => [Chef::Runner] do |jp, obj, *args| begin #puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!! AOP Chef::Runner::converge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # TODO FIXME uncomment as soon as this pointcut is fixed #ChefListener.save_current_run_details() end end end def self.register_aop_hook() return if self.initialized self.initialized = true register_aop_hook1() :around, :calls_to => /^run_action/, :for_types => [Chef::Runner], :method_options => :exclude_ancestor_methods do |jp, obj, *args| begin if jp.method_name.to_s == "run_action" # check to see if we need to update the 'current automation' object run = AutomationRun.get_current() if run && !run.automation ctx = obj.run_context ChefListener.update_current_automation_info(run, ctx) end # TODO: remove as soon as AOP pointcut for Chef::Runner.converge is working.. ChefListener.save_current_run_details() resource = args[0] action = args[1] task = nil if ChefListener.tasks_by_resource[resource] task = ChefListener.tasks_by_resource[resource] else source_line_spec = "" args.each do |c| if c.respond_to?("source_line") #puts "DEBUG: AOP args in run_action: #{args}" source_line_spec = c.source_line # this break here is vital!, because multiple source_line_spec's # are read in this loop sometimes (in a Chef notifications context) # and the FIRST element on the "args" array is the right resource # we are looking for! For instance, we have seen arrays like the # following: [, :run, :immediate, ] # TODO: check again, not sure if the statement above is true :/ break end end task = get_task_from_sourcecode_line(resource, action, source_line_spec) puts "get task #{resource} #{action} #{source_line_spec}: #{task}" end # check if we execute within an "immediate notification" if ChefListener.current_task_exec_uuid old_task = ChefListener.task_exec_uuid_to_task[ChefListener.current_task_exec_uuid] puts "INFO: Apparently we are running within a notification context; " + "closing task execution (to re-open a new execution). " + "Old task: name '#{}', uuid '#{old_task.uuid}'. " + "New task: name '#{}', uuid '#{task.uuid}'." # close old/current task execution - a new one will be opened later in the process... close_task_exec(old_task, ChefListener.current_task_exec_uuid) end ChefListener.tasks_by_uuid[task.uuid] = task ChefListener.tasks_by_resource[resource] = task ChefListener.task_parameters[task] = jp.context.parameters num_executions = 1 if !self.active_listeners.empty? num_executions = self.active_listeners[0].num_requested_task_executions(task) end # execute task, possibly multiple times... (1..num_executions).each do # run the actual Chef method that was intercepted by AOP.. proceed_joinpoint_method(jp, task) end if !self.repeated_tasks_running # repeat sequences of tasks, as specified in repeat_tasks=[..] Chef configuration tasks_to_repeat = self.active_listeners[0].tasks_to_repeat_now(task) if tasks_to_repeat puts "INFO: List of tasks to repeat: #{tasks_to_repeat}" # temporarily disable interception (otherwise we end up in an infinite loop!) self.repeated_tasks_running = true tasks_to_repeat.each do |t_uuid| task_to_run = self.tasks_by_uuid[t_uuid] puts "INFO: Proceeding old joinpoint of task with uuid #{t_uuid}" chef_runner = jp.context.advised_object params = self.task_parameters[task_to_run] # invoke method begin # this call will again be intercepted by AOP and we will # eventually end up in self.proceed_joinpoint_method(...) # Hence, no exec_timeout block is required for this call. chef_runner.run_action(params[0], params[1]) rescue Object => exc puts "Error when repeating Chef resource: #{exc} - #{exc.backtrace}" end end # re-activate interception self.repeated_tasks_running = false end end else begin jp.proceed rescue Object => ex puts "Error in Chef automation: #{ex}" end end rescue Object => ex1 puts "Error occurred: #{ex1}" puts ex1.backtrace.join("\n") + "\n..." end end end end end