require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/reverse_merge' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys' require 'cli_miami' require 'listen' require 'pp' require 'semantic' require 'thor' require 'yaml' CliMiami.set_preset :error, :color => :red CliMiami.set_preset :fine_print, :color => :cyan CliMiami.set_preset :header, :color => :green CliMiami.set_preset :highlight_key, :indent => 2, :newline => false, :padding => 30, :justify => :rjust CliMiami.set_preset :highlight_value, :color => :blue, :style => :bright, :indent => 1 CliMiami.set_preset :instruction, :color => :yellow, :indent => 2 CliMiami.set_preset :list_item, :indent => 2 CliMiami.set_preset :prompt, :color => :yellow, :style => :bold # create a horizontal line HR = -> {S.ay('-' * 32 , :header)} class New::Cli < Thor desc 'init', 'Create a Newfile for your project' option :name, :type => :string, :aliases => ['-n'], :default => '', :desc => 'Your project name' option :version, :type => :string, :aliases => ['-v'], :default => '', :desc => 'Your project\'s current version' option :tasks, :type => :array, :aliases => ['-t'], :default => [], :desc => 'Tasks to run when releasing your project' def init New.load_newfiles New::Source.load_sources # initialize empty newfile object newfile_object = { :tasks => {} } # get valid name name = @options['name'] until !name.empty? name = 'Project Name:', :prompt end newfile_object[:name] = name # get valid version version =['version']) rescue nil until !version.to_s.empty? begin response = 'Current Project Version:', :prompt version = response rescue S.ay "`#{response}` is not a valid semantic version (e.g. 1.2.3)", :error end end newfile_object[:version] = version.to_s # get tasks tasks_list = [] @options['tasks'].each do |task| tasks_list << New::Source.find_task(task) end # remove any empty tasks in case the user specified an invalid task tasks_list.compact! # if no tasks are specified, show all available tasks if tasks_list.empty? S.ay self.tasks :show_source => true, :load_newfiles => false, :load_sources => false S.ay 'Add multiple tasks by pressing ENTER after each one', :instruction S.ay 'Enter tasks in the order you want them to run', :instruction S.ay 'Enter both the source and the task (e.g. source#task)', :instruction S.ay 'Enter an empty value to finish', :instruction added_task = nil until added_task == '' && !tasks_list.empty? S.ay added_task = 'Add a task:', :prompt # if a task is entered, verify it exists unless added_task.empty? # find task task = New::Source.find_task added_task # add task to array if task tasks_list << task end end end S.ay end # output the summary so far (no task options entered yet) padding = 10 S.ay 'Name:', :preset => :highlight_key, :padding => padding S.ay name, :preset => :highlight_value S.ay 'Version:', :preset => :highlight_key, :padding => padding S.ay version.to_s, :preset => :highlight_value S.ay 'Tasks:', :preset => :highlight_key, :padding => padding # output first task without a padding so it looks nicer tasks_dup = tasks_list.dup first_task = tasks_dup.shift S.ay "#{}##{}", :highlight_value tasks_dup.each do |task| S.ay "#{}##{}", :preset => :highlight_value, :indent => padding + 3 end S.ay tasks_list.each do |task| S.ay 'OK, now lets set options for', :highlight_key S.ay, :highlight_value S.ay newfile_object[:tasks][] = {} task.class_options.each do |option_name, option_settings| S.ay option_name.to_s, :preset => :highlight_key, :padding => 0 S.ay option_settings[:description], :highlight_value # show default default = option_settings[:default] if default && !option_settings[:required] default = case default when Array then default.join(', ') when Hash then default.keys.join(', ') else default.to_s end S.ay "default: #{default}", :preset => :fine_print, :indent => option_name.length + 3 end # GET USER INPUT FOR ARRAY TYPE # option_type = option_settings[:type] case # collect array option type values when option_type == Array # cast type onto all user input values (default is String) klass = option_settings[:validation] || String # collect array elements from the user option_value = nil until option_value begin option_value = get_array_from_user(klass) option_value = New::Task.validate_option(option_name, option_settings, option_value) rescue option_value = nil end end # collect hash option type values when option_type == Hash # loop through the expected keys from the validation and get users input option_value = nil until option_value begin option_value = get_hash_from_user(option_settings[:validation]) option_value = New::Task.validate_option(option_name, option_settings, option_value) rescue option_value = nil end end # collect non array/hash option type value else option_value = nil until option_value '', :newline => false, :preset => :prompt do |response| option_value = New::Task.validate_option(option_name, option_settings, response) rescue nil end end end newfile_object[:tasks][][option_name] = option_value S.ay end end # write project Newfile project_newfile = File.join New::PROJECT_DIRECTORY, New::NEWFILE_NAME project_newfile, 'w+' do |f| f.write newfile_object.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml end # Success Message S.ay "A `#{'Newfile'.green}` was successfully created for your project `#{}`" S.ay 'Open the file to verify the values are correct, and make any neccessary modifications.' S.ay "You are now ready to run `#{'new release'.green}` to release your software into the wild!" S.ay end desc 'tasks', 'List all available tasks' option :sources, :type => :boolean, :aliases => ['-s'], :default => false, :desc => 'Show/Hide task sources' def tasks args = {} # merge into default options options = { :show_source => (@options['sources'] || false), :load_newfiles => true, :load_sources => true }.merge(args) New.load_newfiles if options[:load_newfiles] if options[:load_sources] S.ay S.ay 'Fetching sources...', :header S.ay "Use the #{'green'.green} value for defining task sources in your Newfile", :indent => 2 if options[:show_source] S.ay New::Source.load_sources end New::Source.sources.each do |source_name, source| # determine the widest task & add some padding longest_task_length = S.ay source_name.to_s, :indent => 2, :newline => false, :style => :underline S.ay source.path, :highlight_value source.tasks.each do |task_name, task| if options[:show_source] padding = longest_task_length + source_name.to_s.length + 2 S.ay "#{source_name}##{task_name}", :preset => :header, :newline => false, :indent => 2, :padding => padding, :justify => :ljust else padding = longest_task_length + 2 S.ay task_name.to_s, :preset => :header, :newline => false, :indent => 2, :padding => padding, :justify => :ljust end S.ay task.description, :indent => 2 end S.ay end end desc 'release', 'Release a new version of your project' option :verbose, :type => :boolean, :aliases => ['-v'], :default => false, :desc => 'Verbose mode' option :skip, :type => :array, :aliases => ['-s'], :default => [], :desc => 'Tasks to skip for this release' def release New.set_verbose if @options['verbose'] New.set_cli New.load_newfiles # request the version to bump S.ay S.ay 'Releasing a new version of: ', :highlight_key S.ay New.new_object[:name], :highlight_value S.ay 'What do you want to bump: ', :highlight_key S.ay "[#{'Mmp'.green}] (#{'M'.green}ajor / #{'m'.green}inor / #{'p'.green}atch)", :preset => :highlight_value, :color => :white version = New.new_object[:version] version_bump_part = nil until version_bump_part S.ay 'Current Version:', :highlight_key version.to_s, :highlight_value do |response| version_bump_part = case response when 'M' version.major += 1 version.minor = 0 version.patch = 0 when 'm' version.minor += 1 version.patch = 0 when 'p' version.patch += 1 else S.ay 'You must choose from [Mmp]', :error nil end end end S.ay 'New Version: ', :highlight_key S.ay version.to_s, :highlight_value S.ay # collect a list of changes in this version changelog = get_changelog_from_user S.ay # show tasks S.ay "#{'Running Tasks:'.green} (in order)" skip_tasks = @options['skip'].map(&:to_sym) New.new_object[:tasks].keys.each do |task| if skip_tasks.include?(task) S.ay "#{task.to_s} (skipped)", :preset => :fine_print, :indent => 4 else S.ay task.to_s, :indent => 2 end end S.ay version.to_s, changelog, @options['skip'] end desc 'version', 'Show the current version' def version New.load_newfiles S.ay New.new_object[:name], :highlight_key S.ay New.new_object[:version], :highlight_value end desc 'test', 'Run task tests from sources' option :watch, :type => :boolean, :aliases => ['-w'], :desc => 'Watch local tasks for changes and run tests' option :source, :type => :string, :aliases => ['-s'], :desc => 'Source name' option :task, :type => :string, :aliases => ['-t'], :desc => 'Task name' def test spec_paths = [] watch_dirs = [] New.load_newfiles New::Source.load_sources # create a hash with a single source if one is passed sources = if @options['source'] source_name = @options['source'].to_sym source_hash = {} source_hash[source_name] = New::Source.sources[source_name] source_hash else New::Source.sources end # collect specs to run/watch sources.each do |source_name, source| next unless source # create a hash with a single task if one is passed tasks = @options['task'] ? [source.tasks[options['task'].to_sym]] : source.tasks tasks = if @options['task'] task_name = @options['task'].to_sym task_hash = {} task_hash[task_name] = source.tasks[task_name] task_hash else source.tasks end tasks.each do |task_name, task| next unless task.path spec_path = File.join(File.dirname(task.path), "#{task_name}_task_spec.rb") # if the source/task has a spec file, and the source is local, watch the task directory for changes and run the spec whenever anything changes if File.file?(spec_path) && # find task directory in original path, not the sourcerer tmp directory original_task_dir_path = File.dirname(Dir[File.join(source.path, '**', File.basename(task.path))][0]) watch_dirs << original_task_dir_path spec_paths << spec_path end end end # run tests if !spec_paths.empty? # S.ay "Running tests for `#{task_name}` task in `#{source_name}` source...", :warn Kernel::system "bundle exec rspec #{spec_paths.join(' ')}" end # watch tests # if watch files are found, start a listener to run the spec if @options['watch'] && !watch_dirs.empty? listener = *watch_dirs do |modified, added, removed| all = modified + added + removed # find sibling spec file from modified file spec_path = all.collect{ |file| Dir[File.join(File.dirname(file), '*_spec.rb')] }.flatten.first Kernel::system "bundle exec rspec #{spec_path}" end listener.start Kernel::sleep end end no_commands do def get_changelog_from_user S.ay 'Lets add some items to the changelog', :header S.ay 'Add multiple entries by pressing ENTER after each one', :instruction S.ay 'Enter an empty value to finish', :instruction user_changelog = [] user_response = nil # add entries to the changelog until an empty string is entered until user_response == '' && !user_changelog.empty? user_changelog.compact.join("\n"), :prompt do |response| if response.empty? user_response = '' next end user_changelog << user_response = response end end user_changelog end def get_array_from_user validation = String # start to build the array of user values user_array = [] # convert array to hash of Strings if validation.is_a? Array validation_hash = {} validation.each do |v| validation_hash[v.to_sym] = String end validation = validation_hash end if validation.is_a? Hash S.ay 'We need to collect a list of complex objects', :header user_response = nil until user_response == 'n' S.ay "#{user_array.length} objects created: ", :indent => 2, :newline => false S.ay user_array.join(', '), :highlight_value 'Press ENTER to create another object. Enter `n` to stop.', :prompt do |response| if response == 'n' user_response = 'n' next end user_response = get_hash_from_user(validation, false) user_array << user_response end end else S.ay "We need to collect a list of #{validation}s", :header S.ay 'Add multiple values by pressing ENTER after each one', :instruction S.ay 'Enter an empty value to finish', :instruction # add to the array until an empty string is entered user_response = nil until user_response == '' user_array.compact.join(', '), :prompt do |response| # if the option is valid, pass through the empty string to end entering values if response.empty? user_response = '' next end user_response = New::Task.validate_class(response, validation) rescue nil user_array << user_response end end end return user_array.compact end def get_hash_from_user validation = {}, allow_custom_keys = true # start to build the hash of user values user_hash = {} # convert array to hash of Strings if validation.is_a? Array validation_hash = {} validation.each do |v| validation_hash[v.to_sym] = String end validation = validation_hash end # get user values for required validation keys validation.each do |key, klass| S.ay 'We need to collect some required values', :header user_response = nil until user_response # do not allow nested arrays/hashes # these should be declared as their own option if klass == Array || klass == Hash S.ay 'Hash options cannot have nested Arrays or Hashes. They should be declared as their own option.', :error exit end "Enter a VALUE for `#{key}`", :prompt do |response| # make sure validation keys have a value if response == '' user_response = nil next end begin user_response = New::Task.validate_class(response, klass) user_hash[key] = user_response S.ay user_hash rescue user_response = nil end end end end if allow_custom_keys # Allow users to enter custom keys AND values S.ay 'You can add custom keys & values if you want', :header S.ay 'Add multiple key/value pairs by pressing ENTER after each one', :instruction S.ay 'Enter an empty key to finish', :instruction user_key_response = nil until user_key_response == '' 'Enter a KEY name', :prompt do |key_response| # exit loop if user is done entering info if key_response == '' user_key_response = '' next end user_value_response = nil until user_value_response "Enter a VALUE for `#{key_response}`", :prompt do |value_response| # make sure value exists for user created key if value_response == '' user_value_response = nil next end # create key/value pair user_hash[key_response.to_sym] = user_value_response = value_response S.ay user_hash end end end end end return user_hash end end default_task :release end