= content_for :sidebar do %ul %li.sidebar_title Control Panel %li Upload a file to this page. = render :partial=>'attachments/form' %li Set an existing page as a child of current one = form_for form_object, :url=>form_url, :remote=>true do |f| = select_tag :child_id, options_for_select(to_html_options(Page.orphans)) = f.submit "Add Child" %li Set permissions >> = link_to 'Edit Access', access_control_entries_path(:resource_class=>"Page", :resource_id=>@page.id), | :confirm => "Are you sure? Any unsaved changes on this page should be saved before leaving." %li= link_to 'New Page as child', new_page_child_path(@page), | :confirm => "Are you sure? Any unsaved changes on this page should be saved before leaving."