!!! %html %head %meta{:content => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'http-equiv' => "Content-Type"} %body %p %strong An error occurred while synchronizing QuickBooks: - if @error.present? %p= @error - if @order.present? %p %strong= "Order ##{@order.to_param}" %br = @order.created_at %br = @order.billing_name %br - @order.order_items.each do |oi| = "#{oi.title} (#{oi.try(:qb_item_name)})" %br %p %strong Resolution steps: %ol - if @error.include?('invalid reference to QuickBooks Item') %li Confirm the QuickBooks Item Names for this Order within QuickBooks %li Visit the website administration %li Visit the Orders screen, find the order, and click the 'QB Item Names' %li Update each order item with a correct Item Name %li Update the Product (Event, Membership Type, Product, etc.) with the correct Item Name %li Re-run the QuickBooks Sync - elsif @error.include?('the list element is already in use') %li This customer could not be created because they share a name with an existing Item Name. This could be as a Vendor, Product, or Service. %li Search QuickBooks for the non-customer item name and rename it. Ex: rename "John Doe" to "John Doe (Vendor)" %li Re-run the QuickBooks Sync - elsif @error.include?('cannot use the same tax item') %li QuickBooks has been configured to automatically add GST for this item, but the order already contains a GST line item %li Edit the item in QuickBooks and uncheck the inclusion of GST %li Re-run the QuickBooks Sync - else %li This is an error without a predefined resolution. Please wait for AgileStyle to follow up with you. -# Common error messages for reference: -# An unexpected error occurred: Order 31 could not be synchronized with QuickBooks: There is an "qbitemname" in the SalesReceipt line. QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument. The specified record does not exist in the list. -# An unexpected error occurred: Order 190 could not be synchronized with QuickBooks: There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Item "GST (1) On Sales" in the SalesReceipt line. QuickBooks error message: You cannot use the same tax item in both the line items and the txn tax. -# An unexpected error occurred: Customer Peter Jenkins could not be created in QuickBooks: The name "Peter Jenkins" of the list element is already in use.