/** This is a collection of javascript functions and whatnot under the spree namespace that do stuff we find helpful. Hopefully, this will evolve into a propper class. **/ var spree; if (!spree) spree = {}; jQuery.noConflict() ; jQuery(document).ajaxStart(function(){ jQuery("#progress").slideDown(); }); jQuery(document).ajaxStop(function(){ jQuery("#progress").slideUp(); }); jQuery.fn.visible = function(cond) { this[cond ? 'show' : 'hide' ]() }; // Apply to individual radio button that makes another element visible when checked jQuery.fn.radioControlsVisibilityOfElement = function(dependentElementSelector){ if(!this.get(0)){ return } showValue = this.get(0).value; radioGroup = $("input[name='" + this.get(0).name + "']"); radioGroup.each(function(){ jQuery(this).click(function(){ jQuery(dependentElementSelector).visible(this.checked && this.value == showValue) }); if(this.checked){ this.click() } }); } var request = function(options) { jQuery.ajax(jQuery.extend({ dataType: 'script', url: options.url, type: 'get' }, options)); return false; }; // remote links handler jQuery('a[data-remote=true]').live('click', function() { if(confirm_msg = jQuery(this).attr("data-confirm")){ if (!confirm(confirm_msg)) return false; } if(method = jQuery(this).attr("data-method")){ return request({ url: this.href, type: 'POST', data: {'_method': method} }); } else { update_target = jQuery(this).attr("data-update"); link_container = jQuery(this).parent(); if (update_target) { if ($("#"+update_target).length == 0) { if ($("#"+update_target.replace('_', '-')).length > 0) { update_target = update_target.replace('_', '-') } else { alert("
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" + product['name'] + "

"; html += "Sku: " + product['master']['sku'] + ""; html += "On Hand: " + product['count_on_hand'] + "
"; }else{ // variant var variant = data['variant']; var name = product['name']; if(variant['images'].length!=0){ html = image_html(variant); }else{ if(product['images'].length!=0){ html = image_html(product); } } name += " - " + $.map(variant['option_values'], function(option_value){ return option_value["option_type"]["presentation"] + ": " + option_value['name']; }).join(", ") html += "

" + name + "

"; html += "Sku: " + variant['sku'] + ""; html += "On Hand: " + variant['count_on_hand'] + "
"; } return html } prep_autocomplete_data = function(data){ return $.map(eval(data), function(row) { var product = row['product']; if(product['variants'].length>0 && expand_variants){ //variants return $.map(product['variants'], function(variant){ var name = product['name']; name += " - " + $.map(variant['option_values'], function(option_value){ return option_value["option_type"]["presentation"] + ": " + option_value['name']; }).join(", "); return { data: {product: product, variant: variant}, value: name, result: name } }); }else{ return { data: {product: product}, value: product['name'], result: product['name'] } } }); } jQuery.fn.product_autocomplete = function(){ $(this).autocomplete("/admin/products.json?authenticity_token=" + $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr("content"), { parse: prep_autocomplete_data, formatItem: function(item) { return format_autocomplete(item); } }).result(function(event, data, formatted) { if (data){ if(data['variant']==undefined){ // product $('#add_variant_id').val(data['product']['master']['id']); }else{ // variant $('#add_variant_id').val(data['variant']['id']); } } }); } jQuery.fn.objectPicker = function(url){ jQuery(this).tokenInput(url + "&authenticity_token=" + AUTH_TOKEN, { searchDelay : 600, hintText : strings.type_to_search, noResultsText : strings.no_results, searchingText : strings.searching, prePopulateFromInput : true }); }; jQuery.fn.productPicker = function(){ jQuery(this).objectPicker(ajax_urls.product_search_basic_json); } jQuery.fn.userPicker = function(){ jQuery(this).objectPicker(ajax_urls.user_search_basic_json); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('.tokeninput.products').productPicker(); jQuery('.tokeninput.users').userPicker(); }); function add_fields(target, association, content) { var new_id = new Date().getTime(); var regexp = new RegExp("new_" + association, "g"); $(target).append(content.replace(regexp, new_id)); } jQuery('a.remove_fields').live('click', function() { $(this).prev("input[type=hidden]").val("1"); $(this).closest(".fields").hide(); return false; }); jQuery(".observe_field").live('change', function() { target = $(this).attr("data-update"); ajax_indicator = $(this).attr("data-ajax-indicator") || '#busy_indicator'; $(target).hide(); $(ajax_indicator).show(); $.get($(this).attr("data-base-url")+encodeURIComponent($(this).val()), function(data) { $(target).html(data); $(ajax_indicator).hide(); $(target).show(); } ); }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { $('div.alert a.dismiss').click(function() { $(this).parent().fadeOut(); }); });