require "devise-otp2/version" # cherry pick active-support extensions #require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_definitions' require 'active_support/core_ext/integer' require 'active_support/core_ext/string' require 'active_support/ordered_hash' require 'active_support/concern' require 'devise' module Devise # # # mattr_accessor :otp_mandatory @@otp_mandatory = false # # # mattr_accessor :otp_authentication_timeout @@otp_authentication_timeout = 3.minutes # # # mattr_accessor :otp_recovery_tokens @@otp_recovery_tokens = 10 ## false to disable # # If the user is given the chance to set his browser as trusted, how long will it stay trusted. # set to nil/false to disable the ability to set a device as trusted # mattr_accessor :otp_trust_persistence @@otp_trust_persistence = 30.days # # # mattr_accessor :otp_drift_window @@otp_drift_window = 3 # in minutes # # if the user wants to change Otp settings, # ask the password (and the token) again if this time has passed since the last # time the user has provided valid credentials # mattr_accessor :otp_credentials_refresh @@otp_credentials_refresh = 15.minutes # or like 15.minutes, false to disable # # the name of the token issuer # mattr_accessor :otp_issuer @@otp_issuer = Rails.application.class.parent_name module Otp end end module DeviseOtpAuthenticatable autoload :Hooks, 'devise_otp_authenticatable/hooks' autoload :Mapping, 'devise_otp_authenticatable/mapping' module Controllers autoload :Helpers, 'devise_otp_authenticatable/controllers/helpers' autoload :UrlHelpers, 'devise_otp_authenticatable/controllers/url_helpers' end end require 'devise_otp_authenticatable/routes' require 'devise_otp_authenticatable/engine' Devise.add_module :otp_authenticatable, :controller => :otp_tokens, :model => 'devise_otp_authenticatable/models/otp_authenticatable', :route => :otp