require "firetail/version" require "rack" require 'objspace' require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'case_sensitive_headers' # a hack because firetail API headers is case-sensitive require "async" require 'digest/sha1' require 'jwt' require 'logger' require 'background_tasks' require 'committee' # If the library detects rails, it will load rail's methods if defined?(Rails) require 'action_dispatch' require 'action_pack' require 'railtie' end module Firetail class Error < StandardError; end class Run MAX_BULK_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 1 * 1024 * 1024 # 1 MB def initialize app @app = app @reqres ||= [] # request data in stored in array memory @init_time ||= # initialize time end def call(env) # This block initialises the configuration and checks # sets the values for certain necessary configuration # If it is Rails if defined?(Rails) begin default_location = File.join(Rails.root, "config/firetail.yml") config = YAML.load_file(default_location) rescue Errno::ENOENT # error message if firetail is not installed puts "" puts "Please run 'rails generate firetail:install' first" puts "" end else # other frameworks config = YAML.load_file("firetail.yml") end raise "Please run 'rails generate firetail:install' first" if config.nil? raise "API Key is missing from firetail.yml configuration" if config['api_key'].nil? @api_key = config['api_key'] @url = config['url'] ? config['url'] : "" # default goes to dev @log_drains_timeout = config['log_drains_timeout'] ? config['log_drains_timeout'] : 5 @network_timeout = config['network_timeout'] ? config['network_timeout'] : 10 @number_of_retries = config['number_of_retries'] ? config['number_of_retries'] : 4 @retry_timeout = config['retry_timeout'] ? config['retry_timeout'] : 2 # End of configuration initialization # Gets the rack middleware requests @request = started_on = begin status, client_headers, body = response = log(env, status, body, started_on, rescue Exception => exception log(env, status, body, started_on,, exception) raise exception end response end def log(env, status, body, started_on, ended_on, exception = nil) # request values time_spent = ended_on - started_on request_ip = defined?(Rails) ? env['action_dispatch.remote_ip'].calculate_ip : env['REMOTE_ADDR'] request_method = env['REQUEST_METHOD'] request_path = env['REQUEST_PATH'] request_http_version = env['HTTP_VERSION'] # get the resource parameters if it is rails if defined?(Rails) resource = Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(request_path) #Firetail.logger.debug "res: #{resource}" # sample hash of the above resource: # example url: /posts/1/comments/2/options/3 # hash = {:controller=>"options", :action=>"show", :comment_id => 3, :post_id=>"1", :id=>"1"} # take the resource hash above, get keys, conver to string, split "_" to get name at first index, together # with the key, to string and camelcase route id name and keys that only include "id", compact (remove nil) and add "s" to the key rmap = {|k,v| [k.to_s.split("_")[0], "{#{k.to_s.camelize(:lower)}}"] if k.to_s.include? "id" } {|k,v| [k.to_s + "s", v] if k != "id" } if resource.key? :id # It will appear like: [["comments", "commentId"], ["posts", "postId"], ["id", "id"]], # but we want post to be first in order, so we reverse sort, and drop "id", which will be first in array # after being sorted reverse_resource = rmap.reverse.drop(1) resource_path = "/" + reverse_resource * "/" + "/" + resource[:controller] + "/" + "{id}" # rebuild the resource path # reverse_resource * "/" will loop the array and add "/" #resource_path = "/" + reverse_resource * "/" + "/" + resource[:controller] + "/" + "{id}" # end result is /posts/{postId}/comments/{commentId}/options/{id} else if rmap.empty? # if resoruce is empty, means we are at the first level of the url path, so no need extra paths resource_path = "/" + rmap * "/" + resource[:controller] else # resource path from rmap above without the [:id] key (which is the last parameter in URL) # only used for index, create which does not have id resource_path = "/" + rmap * "/" + "/" + resource[:controller] end end else resource_path = nil end #Firetail.logger.debug("resource path: #{resource_path}") # select those with "HTTP_" prefix, these are request headers request_headers = {|key,val| key.start_with? 'HTTP_' } # find HTTP_ prefixes, these are requests only .collect {|key, val| { "#{key.sub(/^HTTP_/, '')}": [val] }} # remove HTTP_ prefix .reduce({}, :merge) # reduce from [{key:val},{key2: val2}] to {key: val, key2: val2} # do the inverse of the above and get rack specific keys response_headers = {|key,val| !key.start_with? 'HTTP_' } # only keys with no HTTP_ prefix .select {|key, val| key =~ /^[A-Z._]*$/} # select keys with uppercase and underline .map {|key, val| { "#{key}": [val] }} # map to firetail api format .reduce({}, :merge) # reduce from [{key:val},{key2: val2}] to {key: val, key2: val2} # get the jwt "sub" information if request_headers[:AUTHORIZATION] subject = self.jwt_decoder(request_headers[:AUTHORIZATION]) else subject = nil end # default time spent in ruby is in seconds, so multiple by 1000 to ms time_spent_in_ms = time_spent * 1000 #Firetail.logger.debug "request params: #{@request.params.inspect}" # add the request and response data # to array of data for batching up @request.body.rewind if body.is_a? Array body = body[0] else body = body.body end @reqres.push({ version: "1.0.0-alpha", dateCreated:, executionTime: time_spent_in_ms, request: { httpProtocol: request_http_version, headers: request_headers, # headers must be in: headers: {"key": ["value"]}, array in object method: request_method, body:, ip: request_ip, resource: resource_path, uri: @request.url }, response: { statusCode: status, body: body, headers: response_headers, }, oauth: { subject: subject ? sha1_hash(subject) : nil, } }) @request.body.rewind #Firetail.logger.debug "Request: #{body}" # the time we calculate if request that is # buffered max is 120 seconds current_time = # duration in millseconds duration = (current_time - @init_time) #Firetail.logger.debug "size in bytes #{ObjectSpace.memsize_of(@request_data.to_s)}" #request data size in bytes request_data_size = ObjectSpace.memsize_of(@request_data) # It is difficult to calculate the object size in bytes, # seems to not return the accurate values # This will send the data we need in batches of 5 requests or when it is more than 120 seconds # if there are more than 5 requests or is more than # 2 minutes, then send to backend - this is for testing if @reqres.length >= 5 || duration > 120 #Firetail.logger.debug "request data #{@reqres}" # we parse the data hash into json-nl (json-newlines) payload = { |data| JSON.generate(data) }.join("\n") # send the data to backend API # This is an async task BackgroundTasks.http_task(@url, @network_timeout, @api_key, @number_of_tries, payload) # reset back to the initial conditions payload = nil @reqres = [] @init_time = end rescue Exception => exception Firetail.logger.error(exception.message) end def sha1_hash(value) encode_utf8 = value.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(encode_utf8) sha1 = "sha1: #{hash}" end def jwt_decoder(value) bearer_string = value # if authorization exists, get the value at index # split the values which has a space (example: "Bearer 123") and # get the value at index 1 token = bearer_string.split(" ")[1] # decode the token jwt_value = JWT.decode token, nil, false # get the subject value subject = jwt_value[0]["sub"] #Firetail.logger.debug("subject value: #{subject}") end end def self.logger @@logger ||= defined?(Rails) ? Rails.logger : end def self.logger=(logger) @@logger = logger end # custom error message # # class Committee::ValidationError def error_body { errors: [ { type: "#{request.env['rack.url_scheme']}://#{request.env['HTTP_HOST']}#{request.env['REQUEST_URI']}", title: id, detail: message, status: status } ] } end def render [ status, { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, [JSON.generate(error_body)] ] end end end