require 'spec_helper' require 'marty_rspec' feature 'rule view', js: true do before(:all) do marty_whodunnit @save_file = "/tmp/save_#{}.psql" save_clean_db(@save_file) Marty::Script.load_scripts dt = DateTime.parse('2017-1-1') p = File.expand_path('../../fixtures/csv/rule', __FILE__) [Marty::DataGrid, Gemini::XyzRule, Gemini::MyRule].each do |klass| f = '%s/%s.csv' % [p, klass.to_s.sub(/(Gemini|Marty)::/, '')] Marty::DataImporter.do_import(klass,, dt, nil, nil, ',') end end after(:all) do restore_clean_db(@save_file) end def go_to_my_rules press('Pricing Config.') press('My Rules') expect(page).to have_content 'My Rules' end def go_to_xyz_rules press('Pricing Config.') press('Xyz Rules') expect(page).to have_content 'Xyz Rules' end def col_id(v, col) run_js <<-JS #{ext_var(v.grid, 'grid')} return #{ext_find(ext_arg('gridcolumn', text: col), 'grid')}.id JS end # click_checkbox in marty_rspec not working here for some reason def click_checkbox(name) q = %Q(checkbox[fieldLabel="#{name}"]) page.execute_script <<-JS var checkbox = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#{q}')[0]; checkbox.setValue(!checkbox.value); JS end # click_col in marty_rspec is not reliable def click_column(rv, name) cid = col_id(rv, name) c = find('#' + cid) c.select_option # .click does not work reliably c.send_keys(' ') # wait_for_ajax and wait_for_ready do not work here, # or in the next two methods sleep 1.0 end def column_filter(rv, name, value) cid = col_id(rv, name) c = find('#' + cid) c.send_keys([:down, :down, :down, :down, :right, value, :return]) sleep 1.0 end def column_filter_toggle(rv, name) cid = col_id(rv, name) c = find('#' + cid) c.send_keys([:down, :down, :down, :down, ' ', :escape]) sleep 1.0 end # idx 0 is the start dt, 1 is the end dt def date_fill_in(idx, value) dt = all(:xpath, "//input[contains(@name, 'datefield')]")[idx] dt.native.clear() dt.native.send_keys(value) end def time_fill_in(idx, value) tm = all(:xpath, "//input[contains(@name, 'timefield')]")[idx] tm.native.clear() tm.native.send_keys(value) end it 'rule workflow' do log_in_as('marty') go_to_my_rules mrv = netzke_find('my_rule_view') # test required field press('Add') wait_for_ajax fill_in('name', with: 'abc') press('OK') wait_for_ajax expect(page).to have_content("Rule type can't be blank") expect(page).to have_content("Start dt can't be blank") # create and verify rule fill_in('rule_type', with: 'SimpleRule') date_fill_in(0, '2013-01-01') time_fill_in(0, '11:03:01') date_fill_in(1, '2030-01-01') time_fill_in(1, '08:03:01') press('OK') wait_for_ajax expect(mrv.row_count()).to eq(9) expect(mrv.get_row_vals(1)).to include('name' => 'abc', 'rule_type' => 'SimpleRule', 'start_dt' => '2013-01-01T11:03:01', 'end_dt' => '2030-01-01T08:03:01', 'other_flag' => false, 'g_array' => '', 'g_single' => '', 'g_string' => '', 'g_bool' => nil, 'g_nullbool' => '', 'g_bool_def' => nil, 'g_nbool_def' => 'False', 'g_range' => nil, 'g_integer' => nil, 'g_has_default' => 'string default', 'computed_guards' => '', 'grids' => '', 'results' => '', ) r = Gemini::MyRule.find_by(obsoleted_dt: 'infinity', name: 'abc') expect(r.attributes).to include('user_id' => 1, 'o_user_id' => nil, 'name' => 'abc', 'engine' => 'Gemini::MyRuleScriptSet', 'rule_type' => 'SimpleRule', 'simple_guards' => { 'g_bool' => false, 'g_bool_def' => false, 'g_nbool_def' => false, 'g_has_default' => 'string default' }, 'computed_guards' => {}, 'grids' => {}, 'results' => {}, ) # type validation (string with values list) mrv.select_row(1) press('Edit') # type validation (range) netzke_find('String list Guard', 'combobox').select_values('Hi Mom') click_checkbox('Bool Guard') click_checkbox('Other') netzke_find('NullBool Guard', 'combobox').select_values('False') netzke_find('Array Guard', 'combobox').select_values('G1V1,G1V3') netzke_find('Single Guard', 'combobox').select_values('G2V2') fill_in(:g_integer, with: 123) fill_in(:g_range, with: 'asfd') press('OK') wait_for_ajax expect(page).to have_content("Wrong type for 'g_range'") # validate rule fill_in(:g_range, with: '<=100') netzke_find('Grid1', 'combobox').select_values('DataGrid1') netzke_find('Grid2', 'combobox').select_values('DataGrid2') fill_in('Defaulted String', with: '12345') press('OK') wait_for_ajax exp = { 'name' => 'abc', 'rule_type' => 'SimpleRule', 'start_dt' => '2013-01-01T11:03:01', 'end_dt' => '2030-01-01T08:03:01', 'other_flag' => true, 'g_array' => 'G1V1,G1V3', 'g_single' => 'G2V2', 'g_string' => 'Hi Mom', 'g_bool' => true, 'g_nullbool' => 'False', 'g_range' => '<=100', 'g_integer' => 123, 'g_has_default' => '12345', 'computed_guards' => '', 'grids' => '{"grid1":"DataGrid1","grid2":"DataGrid2"}', 'results' => '', } r = Gemini::MyRule.lookup('infinity', 'abc') expect(r['simple_guards']['g_nullbool']).to eq(false) expect(mrv.get_row_vals(1)).to include(exp) # grid edits press('Edit') netzke_find('Grid2', 'combobox').select_values('---') press('OK') wait_for_ajax expect(mrv.get_row_vals(1)).to include(exp + { 'grids' => '{"grid1":"DataGrid1"}' }) press('Edit') netzke_find('NullBool Guard', 'combobox').select_values('---') press('OK') wait_for_ajax expect(mrv.get_row_vals(1)).to include(exp + { 'g_nullbool' => '', 'grids' => '{"grid1":"DataGrid1"}' }) r = Gemini::MyRule.lookup('infinity', 'abc') expect(r['simple_guards']).not_to include('g_nullbool') # computed fields press('Edit') # bad form - BaseRuleView#simple_to_hash will raise fill_in(:computed_guards, with: 'sadf asdf ljsf') press('OK') wait_for_ajax exp = "Computed - Error in rule 'abc' field 'computed_guards': Syntax error on line 1" expect(page).to have_content(exp) sleep 2 # sleep needed for message to clear, otherwise failing tests could # pass due to prior messages # lhs is not identifier - BaseRuleView#simple_to_has will raise fill_in(:computed_guards, with: '0sadf = 123j') press('OK') wait_for_ajax exp = "Computed - Error in rule 'abc' field 'computed_guards': Syntax error on line 1" expect(page).to have_content(exp) sleep 2 # bad rhs - delorean compile will raise fill_in(:computed_guards, with: 'var = 123j') press('OK') wait_for_ajax exp = "Computed - Error in rule 'abc' field 'computed_guards': Syntax error" expect(page).to have_content(exp) sleep 2 fill_in(:computed_guards, with: %Q(var1 = "good"\nvar2 = 123\nvar3 = 123j)) press('OK') wait_for_ajax exp = "Computed - Error in rule 'abc' field 'computed_guards': Syntax error" expect(page).to have_content(exp) sleep 2 fill_in(:computed_guards, with: '') fill_in(:results, with: %Q(var1 = "good"\nvar2 = 123\nvar3 = 123j)) press('OK') wait_for_ajax exp = "Computed - Error in rule 'abc' field 'results': Syntax error" expect(page).to have_content(exp) sleep 2 fill_in(:results, with: %Q(abc = "def"\ndef = 5\nxyz=def+10\nsadf asdf lsf)) press('OK') wait_for_ajax exp = "Computed - Error in rule 'abc' field 'results': Syntax error" expect(page).to have_content(exp) sleep 2 fill_in(:results, with: %Q(abc = "def"\ndef = "abc"\nklm = "3"\nabc = "xyz")) exp = "Computed - Error in rule 'abc' field 'results': Keyword 'abc' specified more"\ ' than once (line 4)' press('OK') wait_for_ajax expect(page).to have_content(exp) sleep 2 multi_line = <<-EOL abc = "def" def = "abc" klm = 3 + 4 + if true then 5 else 0 EOL multi_line_fixed = <<-EOL abc = "def" def = "abc" klm = 3 + 4 + if true then 5 else 0 EOL fill_in(:results, with: multi_line) press('OK') wait_for_ajax # re-edit twice to make sure re-indentation and stripping are correct press('Edit') wait_for_ajax expect(find_field(:results).value).to eq(multi_line_fixed.chomp) press('OK') wait_for_ajax press('Edit') wait_for_ajax expect(find_field(:results).value).to eq(multi_line_fixed.chomp) press('OK') wait_for_ajax # when stored in rule, all lines of a multi line value s/b stripped r = Gemini::MyRule.where(name: 'abc', obsoleted_dt: 'infinity').first expect(r.results['klm']).to eq("3 +\n4 +\nif true then 5 else 0") # make sure change of key/value order is recognized as a change press('Edit') wait_for_ajax val = find_field(:results).value.lines val[-1] += "\n" newval = (val[1..-1] + val[0..0]).join fill_in(:results, with: newval) press('OK') wait_for_ajax press('Edit') wait_for_ajax val = find_field(:results).value + "\n" expect(val).to eq(newval) press('OK') wait_for_ajax exp = < 150, 'g_range2' => 35) expect(r.to_a.count).to eq(1) exp = { 'user_id' => 1, 'o_user_id' => nil, 'name' => 'ZRule1', 'engine' => 'Gemini::XyzRuleScriptSet', 'rule_type' => 'ZRule', 'start_dt' => DateTime.parse('2017-1-1 08:01:00'), 'simple_guards' => { 'g_bool' => false, 'g_date' => '2017-1-1', 'g_range1' => '[100,200)', 'g_range2' => '[30,40)', 'g_string' => 'aaa', 'g_integer' => '5', 'g_datetime' => '2017-1-1 12:00:01' }, 'computed_guards' => {}, 'grids' => { 'grid1' => 'DataGrid1' }, 'results' => { 'bvlen' => 'base_value.length', 'bv' => 'base_value' } } expect(r.first.as_json).to include(exp) expect(xrv.get_col_vals(:g_string, 8, 0)).to eq(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd', 'eee', 'eee', 'eee', 'eee']) click_column(xrv, 'String list Guard') expect(xrv.get_col_vals(:g_string, 8, 0)).to eq(['eee', 'eee', 'eee', 'eee', 'ddd', 'ccc', 'bbb', 'aaa']) column_filter(xrv, 'String list Guard', 'eee') rc = xrv.row_count expect(xrv.get_col_vals(:g_string, rc, 0)).to eq(['eee', 'eee', 'eee', 'eee']) column_filter_toggle(xrv, 'String list Guard') rc = xrv.row_count expect(xrv.get_col_vals(:g_string, rc, 0)).to eq(['eee', 'eee', 'eee', 'eee', 'ddd', 'ccc', 'bbb', 'aaa']) column_filter(xrv, 'Grids', 'Grid1') rc = xrv.row_count # netzke reports jsonb as string expect(xrv.get_col_vals(:grids, rc, 0)).to eq([%Q({"grid1":"DataGrid1"}), %Q({"grid1":"DataGrid1"})]) column_filter_toggle(xrv, 'Grids') rc = xrv.row_count expect(xrv.get_col_vals(:grids, rc, 0)).to eq([%Q({"grid1":"DataGrid3"}), %Q({"grid1":"DataGrid3"}), %Q({"grid1":"DataGrid3"}), %Q({"grid1":"DataGrid3"}), %Q({"grid1":"DataGrid3"}), %Q({"grid1":"DataGrid2"}), %Q({"grid1":"DataGrid1"}), %Q({"grid1":"DataGrid1"})]) press('Applications') press('Data Grids') dgv = netzke_find('data_grid_view') cvs = dgv.get_col_vals(:name, 4, 0) ind1 = cvs.index('DataGrid1') + 1 ind4 = cvs.index('DataGrid4') + 1 dgv.select_row(ind1) press('Edit') fill_in('Name', with: 'DataGrid1 new') press('OK') wait_for_ajax dgv.select_row(ind4) press('Edit') fill_in('Name', with: 'DataGrid4 new') press('OK') wait_for_ajax go_to_xyz_rules wait_for_ajax names = xrv.get_col_vals(:name, 5, 0) gvs = xrv.get_col_vals(:grids, 5, 0) g1h = { 'grid1' => 'DataGrid1 new' } expect(JSON.parse(gvs[names.index('ZRule1')])).to eq(g1h) expect(JSON.parse(gvs[names.index('ZRule2')])).to eq(g1h) go_to_my_rules wait_for_ajax names = mrv.get_col_vals(:name, 9, 0) gvs = mrv.get_col_vals(:grids, 9, 0) rvs = mrv.get_col_vals(:results, 9, 0) expect(JSON.parse(gvs[names.index('abc')])).to eq(g1h) expect(JSON.parse(gvs[names.index('Rule2b')])).to eq(g1h + { 'grid2' => 'DataGrid2' }) expect(JSON.parse(rvs[names.index('Rule5')])['other_grid']).to eq( '"DataGrid4 new"') end end